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My 1 year? Fuck it.

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Wait....it's been a year....shit. 

Well ladies and gentlemen, we've hit our 1 year mark. I'll be honest, I didn't expect it let alone to still be here. So lets take it back, way back, way way back to the first day, the first moment.

Day 1: DUN DUN: Not of the server opening but of the server construction. I got a lovely little message from @Joahasking me to come into (the old TS), and to "talk". So I hopped in ready to talk about god knows what and he came to me with an....opportunity. Leave IceFuse(IFN) and come here. He wanted both @Rush Catand Myself to be the first Directors. Rush was quicker to say yes but I hesitated to say yes. I waited a few hours and pretty much said Fuck it.

Day 6: DUN DUN: Server opening, all I can say is OH MY LORD THE LAG WAS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL. It hurt, but I remember Joah and I want to say both Indox and Modz working endlessly at the server to see how to make the right changes to prevent every little fucking known bug the day the server opened. Listening to that gave me a feeling of workmanship here. They spent tireless hours arguing back and forth over the server fixes and changes. Not yelling like I do, but.....debates? Sure, debates/

Day 90(?): DUN DUN: I have no fucking idea what day this was but with my removal. I mean my stepping down from Director for pretty much a fucking nazi(Billiam), i took a step away. Stayed in the channel i'm in right now typing this with the same gremlin( @Tristan) playing PUBG and not giving a shit.

Day: 110(?): DUN DUN: I got messaged by I think Llama about coming back to help fix this fucking Jedi Order. So that brought me back into the server.

Today: DUN DUN: (I'm skipping the rest because nothing major happened): Now here I am, sitting, thinking about how to say a simple thank you to everyone. I really don't know how to say it but i'll put some specific people up for a multitude of reasons:

1. @Joah: I don't know what's worst, you being straight or you being a Mercy main. REGARDLESS, I want to say thank you to you first for literally more than hundreds but i'll keep it short.
1a. Thanks for keeping this server and community consistently updated on what is happening in our 4 channels up here. Communication was a big flaw at IceFuse and you've literally put it under a boot and said fuck that, imma tell them what's on my mind.
2a. Thank you for letting me run this damn TeamSpeak. To give you some insight on why this is more than 1 sentance, remember the TS crash this morning? Found another backdoor. 
3a. Lastly, Thank you, for being a friend.

2. @Zim: Y'all want to hear a funny story. The VERY FIRST, conversation I had with Zim was a literal argument. At first you got under my skin BUT, we've gotten to know each other. Thanks for making me a Dev.

3. @Jackson: TEACH ME FUCKING STELLARIS ALREADY YOU CUNT. Anywho, Thanks for being the person to make sure these "staff" members are actually doing their fucking shit. 

4. @Rush Cat: BROTHER. Hi son, we worked for fucking 6 months together, 6 months of your 16? 14? year old ass and there was NEVER a dull moment. Only thing y'all should know about Rush is that he's a tit man. "Hippity hoppity woman are property"

5. @Tristan: GET A BETTER FUCKING COMPUTER AND INTERNET, ALSO GET A DAMN JOB YOU CUNT. Nah but real real talk my dude, you're by far the closest friend i've had from IceFuse to here. Thanks for dealing with my shit.

6.  Sparks: I miss you. Q.Q

7. Jek: I've hated you since before you left. Stop being a fucking little 12 year old girl. Fuck you.

8. The Odinsons: You're asking yourself why am I putting them here? Well they were my friends, real close friends from when I came back to when they all left. I miss their antics but I don't think they want me over there. 

9. Last but CERTAINLY NOT LEAST, us, the community: Thank you for playing our server. Yes ours. Why? "Your voice will be heard." No ones voice will be snuffed out here(unless your Jouii, go fuck yourself). We wish to hear every single one of y'all speak and rise up here. Every single one of you come back day after day to have fun, play the game and hang out with friends. You'll never know what will happen if you're here. Some people have gotten jobs from here, some found love, some found their true calling. We couldn't have done it without every single PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE PLAYER. 

To end this, I'm going to quote someone that is dear to me:

" These walls you see, are just temporary. The actions to take today will echo throughout time, even if it's a temporary time. Make the best of what you have in front of you and take every opportunity you take. Never say no, always accept what's given to you."
My dad. RIP 1969-2018. I wanna die. I miss him.


Yours truly,
-Medic, Technical Operations Manager

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wheres my shoutout

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day -5: I was given HA along with other 91st to give out tags, felt cool in TS, but yeah cool time.

day 1: after some testing on some maps, they went with rishi moon, map was laggy, but surprisingly myself and 2 others were the best trainers for the first week, felt proud I guess as an early staff member, didn't get VIP yet though

day soemthing: stuff

day other somethings: stuff

today: hi, im alive after 2 years


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Saluta il mio ragazzo where is my shoutout though dad FeelsBadMan

Current: CG MED SFC Spoof | Navy MEDM PO2 Spoof | Hunter Kravchenko | Jedi Master CG TGL Spoof
Prior: (2017) 104th MED CPL Spoof | CG MEDL LT Spoof | 501st CSM Spoof | 187th JT 2ndLT Spoof | 21st MED 2ndLT Spoof | (2019) 91st MEDL Lightning squad LTC Spoof | DU MED SGT Spoof | 104th MED SGT Spoof

$ Didn't ask $


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  • Retired Founder
3 minutes ago, Bbstine said:

me next


Glad you're around Medic. Keep doing your thing. 🙂
To the furture, and the hopes you will be apart of it.

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10 hours ago, Medic said:

Only thing y'all should know about Rush is that he's a tit man. "Hippity hoppity woman are property"

Damn straight my boy. I will argue tits over ass all fucking day. lmao oh lord our fucking tangents we went on in that CMD interview doc belongs in a museum.

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3 hours ago, Korm said:

@MedicI don't remember our first interaction. Maybe it was when I was Kom'rk and you were Jocasta and you gave me the Dark Saber hilt but kept the crystal. Good times. Almost a year ago when that happened.



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