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Pratt's Spec-ops BCMD Application


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Steam Name: [SR] Pratt [A]

RP Name: TRO SO XO Pratt

Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_1:1:73100431

Battalion or squad you are applying for: Commander Blackout / Jet


I have been a member of SO since the day I joined Synergy back in November of 2017. Initially under the command of Ryx, I worked my way up to Major. During that time I learned dozens of new skills to work with people, train them, speak to them, and promote their own growth as a person. I was the HVYL and PLTL for a time until their removal, then I was changed to JTL. I always left myself open for communication with anyone about anything, I leave my Discord open at all hours and respond to people with the best of my ability.

More recently, after my extended absence from the server I have been working to improve SO from its current position. Training new SGT’s and making everything orderly has been one of my main goals for the battalion which I would hope to further by becoming BCMD. Documentation and the Discord of SO still need work but is also something that I have been and will be working on. I do try and make things fun for everyone as well, If someone gets “injured” I take advantage of the time to get a wheelchair to lighten the mood and give something for people to roleplay.

For the server I have become a Trainer Officer and Admin to assist the server, keeping the unruly inline, bringing in new trainers and recruits, and I am also learning how to be a Game helper so make events interesting and fun.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I have been with Special Operations from the beginning of my time, each day I come on to experience the friendships of synergy, teach people, mess around, and lead them into battle. If chosen as the Commander I will take full charge of the battalion and lead it upwards towards to be revered and respected as it should be. The entity of Special Operations will become a force to be reckoned with. I have led troopers before and I will continue to do it. I will organize them, I will train them, I will die on the battlefield with them. I am for Special Operations completely and will see to it that it will grow beautifully and continue to prosper even after I perish. I have the mental tools and people willing to see Special Operations become glorious, nothing will stop me from achieving this.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

I understand the battles and lore surrounding the Special Operations Troopers from Clone wars episodes on Cartoon Network. (the special operations troopers kit is more like the shadow troopers, who actually had special armor that could not appear on scans which are interpreted as cloaks, but its CWRP)

Availability: Mornings on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Afternoons on Wednesday and Friday.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Approximately 4-500 hours over 6 months

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I hope to fill my battalion with people who are serious roleplayers that understand the rules of the server, can easily participate in our battalions niche of roleplay, and generally show off that SO are “Special” in the right way. We will become a truly elite battalion that will be able to stand strong when it is needed for the Galactic Army of the Republic.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: I understand that I will be removed if I am to become inactive.

TLDR: Pratt has done his time, knows what to do, has the people to do it with, and is incredibly motivated to move Special Operations forward.

edit : I shared this with jem to help me edit it a bit and he put "lol rekt" in my app without me realizing it, i just removed it, im tired of your shit jem <3 im gonna go to sleep ill see what has happened in the morning

Edited by Pratt
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+1 Great XO, and great roleplayer. Always good rper in the server, and always good at what he does. 

Former SO 1stLT Violet                    Former: DU 1stLT FedEx                      Former: Jedi Master Jemmy

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Ok so +1 I’m hoping you get this due to someone not apply for it and well I know you work hard active maybe a little less cough mingy passive rp umm yea that’s about it don’t go inactive and well make the tryouts hard plz a 3 year old can pass SO tryouts 

Edited by meowthemeower
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1 minute ago, meowthemeower said:

Umm ok so I know you can do this but iv seen some mingy stuff from you like dragging a wheelchair into DB and well i don’t think your ready there’s someone els I wish to become SO bcmd you were rushed to XO and well I prefer someone with more experienced. And 400 hours in 6 months or 400 hours in 4380hours isn’t much 


Pushing a wheelchair into DB isn't minging. It's something called passive rp. Also when you are -1ing someone it doesn't look good with multiple spelling errors.

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Former SO 1stLT Violet                    Former: DU 1stLT FedEx                      Former: Jedi Master Jemmy

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Just now, Jem said:

Pushing a wheelchair into DB isn't minging. It's something called passive rp. Also when you are -1ing someone it doesn't look good with multiple spelling errors.

Yea passive rp...... and really I don’t care about spelling. Errors it’s a app supposed to make a opinion if you got a argument I’m in your discord bring it there 

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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I was Ryx’s right hand man, and as many of you know ran the battalion when Ryx took an extended leave of absence... Let me tell you something about Pratt that I want you all to read...


Pratt has to be one of the hardest working individual that has graced this server, at times his service to the community dipped while going through some issues however still had his input through discord and is highly respected for that.

In my time training the higher ups of SO I never once had to focus on Pratt, I left him to his own device, he always went with his gut and is right almost all of time a very rare trait in a leader. We all make mistakes its how we pick ourselves back up that defines us. Pratt does exactly that. SO is forever in my heart and I always want to see it in capable hands... 


This is your man -1..... joking Pratt it’s the biggest +1 I’ve ever given 

The Moose.

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+1, in the short time i've been working with you and discussions we've had i've seen good work from you, as well as pretty good activity, one of the most active CMD+'s from spec ops. I'd like to see what you bring to the interview and potentially continue working with you closer.


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im tired of running for bcmd. imma take a breather. you have my flower of approval +1


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Former: Liaison


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Congratulations your application has been accepted for interview

you have until June 15th to speak with a director on teamspeak for your interview 

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Congratulations you have been accepted for the position of SO Battalion Commander

Your term ends 9/8/18

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