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Brem's Staff App


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RP Name:

TR 212th ENGO ARC SGM Brem

Steam ID:








Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

I'll be 100% honest, the entire reason I want staff is to work my way up the ladder and eventually become a Game master. I believe I have a lot of quality ideas for engaging the playerbase on the server, ranging from RP-heavy events to a balance of RP/shoot em up. I enjoy playing on the server, and I enjoy the people on the server so I want to see the server succeed. I believe that I'm a very well mannered individual who can provide a fair and balanced view on any disputes that may come up during my time as admin, and I can say I will do my best to uphold server rules and reputation tot he best of my ability. 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Hello I'm a 24 year old nerd who loves star wars and anything star wars related. I enjoy long walks on the beach, horrible outdated memes and not knowing what to say on applications when people ask you to talk about yourself. I am an inspiring artist who enjoys working on my paining skills, below is an example of some of my work. Constructive criticism is always welcome and I hope to hear back from you all soon.



Do you have any previous staff experience?On gmod no, on other games yes. I've been an administrator on many PC communities ranging from back in my Battlefield 2 days all the way up to CSS servers.

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Congratulations Brem! Your application has been ACCEPTED for the interview process

You have until 4/13/18 to contact me or an OVS+ for your interview

Failure to do so will result in automatic DENIAL of your application

Same as Thexan, its been a day and you have 15 +1's and no negative feedback, awesome!


//Moved to Staff Applications - Pending

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  • Founder

Interview Passed!

Congratulations and welcome to the staff team!

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