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Tofu/Blitz's Resignation


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Battalion: RANCOR

RP Name: Battalion Commander Blitz

Date: 4/4/18

Reason: Getting voted out after my week LOA


@Miller My most loyal guy. With me through thick and thin. It's been good Miller. Thanks for the ride.

@Shakes You're a good, hardworking man. Thank you for sticking along for the ride. Sorry I couldn't see you shine as Havoc.

@Rider Sorry I couldn't get those Alphas for you.

@Unkindled Thanks for all the laughs, you spinach looking bastard

@Xaze Thanks for being the best regimental RANCOR could've asked for.

@Woods Go make ARF the best it can be, you beautiful man.

@woeny23 no u

I've done what I can for this battalion. I've been here for 2 years, and it's been fun. I didn't want to leave, but I'm getting forced out, there's no fighting it, so all I can really say is, thanks for the smiles, thanks for the laughs, thanks for the good times and bad. I'll catch you on the flip side. This is ARC-1703, Battalion Commander Blitz, signing off for the last time.



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@Tofu Ima miss you man Was always great to meme with you and no no u cause traps are gay <3

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Shiiiiit man this is upsetting its been a pleasure to work alongside you in the ARC program, Another oldie bites the dust


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Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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Oh Tofu no, no why no you didn't deserve this. You were a good Commander and real life just got in the way. They did you dirty and forced you to resign and make it look like it was on your own terms, that's just shit. Good luck in the future Tofu you were one of one my best friends on the server. o7.

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I don't know what's worse: 

The fact that you convinced these poor people that traps aren't gay and me and you can no longer have scream fests over it.

Or that you let Narvisus steal your kill

But otherwise, it was fun man. It sucks and all but I'm not gonna fight it. Just gonna say I've met a wider variety in IR with the new citizen models so I got some good jerky for 'ya if you ever hop on.

~1 month as edgy Kom'rk; 3 months and running as big gei Ordo

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I apologize for what transpired the first few days I was back @Tofu I wish we could've started off on a better note and could've worked together more.

It was nice to kick ATK REG ass in that one sims on bluehills and I hope you find a nice thing to do.


-SO BCMD Starrk ARC-3290

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8 minutes ago, TayTay said:

Traps are in fact gay

o7 Ill see you on Kamino sir

You, sir, don't know what you're talking about ;)



Honestly Tofu every time I met you in-game or in Teamspeak you were a great guy.

I hope to see you on the server again sometime.


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son of a bitch i literally cant do a fucking thing because of my computer being out of action. Sorry I couldn't be there to try to help things tofu. You were one hell of a friend and commander. Even still you sounded like Kain with your discipline and call outs. It was a honor.

traps are gay

Edited by LixCoffee
traps are gay
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