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Acorn/Rex’s ATK REG Application


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RP Name
 Battalion Commander Rex

Steam ID (SteamID Finder):

Regiment you are applying for
Attack Regiment 

I’ve been in the community as a high ranking officer sense IFN days when I joined almost a year and a half ago. The first high rank I achieved was SMB of the 501st during which the battalion was dead and I worked to revive the 501st to which I did with success. Some time after this I became MAJ of the 501st, during this time I worked with the battalion to maintain numbers and continue growing our skills and abilities. I took an LOA (and also an officer purge to which I was the only one kept as an officer at 2LT) and when I came back I found that the battalion again was dead. Again I worked doing recruitment myself and had others do it. After some time we were beginning to recover and eventually I had worked my way up through the ranks to become XO under OG Mereel and then CXO under OG Mereel. Mereel and I worked to maintain what we had done for the 501st and after time things were good. My hard drive crashed and when I came back Synergy had been born into existence and I joined there only to leave as school had started and I needed to focus on that. When I came back I worked my way up to WO of the 501st where I created the SNCO system for the 501st, gave new life to SGT training (which I had actually started over a year ago) and built up discipline in the ranks of the 501st. After some time Jackson became ATK REG and Forseen promoted me to CPT, waved the 2 week waiting period and allowed me to apply for Rex to which I became Rex. I’ve been Rex for about 2 ½ months now and the 501st has good numbers, good leadership, and is extremely effective in combat. I rebuilt the Chain Of Command and have many of the regiments within the 501st looking good. I also neglected to mention back when I was CXO on IFN of 501st I was also TCL. The Torrent Company I created was the first one to actually work in our entire history of 501st. I created many institutions for TC and built it’s groundwork and eventually it sprouted and grew becoming by my measurement the most effective sub unit of a battalion on the server at the time.  

Why should you become a Regimental Commander?
I should become Regimental Commander because I have the time to dedicate to the Regiment and also I know my limits as a Regimental Commander which I believe isn’t to directly oversee the battalions and help them grow in some areas. I know that as a Regimental I should take a more hands off approach and let the BCMD of each battalion run the show only stepping in if asked to directly or if the situation deteriorates to that point. I also plan to be involved with each battalion under my command, I’ll try my best to be present at all of the battalion meetings for the different battalions. I plan to take part in events for each battalion but will never take over directly unless the Game master tells me to.  

Do you understand the lore of your regiment?

3-4 hours weekdays 6-8 hours weekends 

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server
 501st SMB
501st JO (Junior Officer 2LT-CPT)
501st SO (Senior Officer MAJ-COL)
501st JO (Junior Officer)
501st SO (Senior Officer)
501st XO (Executive Officer what we call commander)
501st CXO (Chief executive officer what we call XO)
501st TCL (Torrent Company Leader)
501st WO 
501st BCMD Rex
Jedi Padawan 

Do you have a microphone?

Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?

I want the Attack Regiment to be respected and a Regiment feared on the battlefield. I want all three battalions to have steady numbers and be extremely efficient. When I’m done I’ll make the ATK Regiment the best Regiment on the server.

How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?

 I’ll attend all of the battalion meetings for each battalion and ensure that the battalion commanders have a weekly meeting with me so that if they have any issues they can bring it to me then.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?
Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?


Note: At the end of today I must go on a week LOA. I’m going on vacation to visit my baby nephew (I haven’t seen him in person once sense he’s been born) so if that changed your opinion on this there it is. 

Edited by Mr.Acorn
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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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-1 Chagning my vote after how many hours you have had on gmod the past 2 weeks

Edited by woeny23
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Time for me to have a word:

Acorn is:

  • Experienced
  • Active
  • Helpfull
  • Friendly
  • Promoting Roleplay guy.

During his term he proofed me something. that i most like in Acorn. When my 1st Mentor ever Jagger was doing my last lesson, he said me couple of words. Acorn showed us that he promote trainings in 501st. He made a doc with planned for every day training we will do for our troops. This words are:

"A leader is only as strong, as people around him."

Acorn showed ALL of us that he wants his man to be trianed as good as he trained his officers. for now he made this battalion active.

Our top score was 46 people during battalion meeting that is at Friday 5:30PM EST.

He promoted Roleplay in battalion, he wanted us to go once or more per week for a checkup. For now if he step up he left battalion:

  • Active
  • Respectfull
  • Trained
  • And with very active and good officers.
  • With recruitment at high level. we get like 10 people per day.
  • With Active WO that is doing job

Overall: Acorn is amazing person and he is ready to step up. 


~501st Lieutenant Coronel Redeye / Black.


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First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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Ok so hear me out, From what i've seen in the 501st It has had its ups and down from being not there to being there an here's a few reasons

  • Acorn you have done a ok job with the 501st its been alright but i have a few concerns with you stepping up into the attack regimental position
    • It seems to me you haven't really been there for the 501st, What I mean by this is that most of your term as Rex you have just been there not doing anything an just kinda holding the position while your commanders do all the work.
    • Secondly, I feel that stepping up into the this position of the ATK Regimental has way more responsibility then just being Rex Because you will be in charge of All the Attack battalions.
    • Thirdly, If you are going to step into this position you need to step up your activity You have 16.0 hours in the last 2 weeks on garrys mod and heres the proof of it.  here you go

BTUf3Iw - Imgur.png


Lastly,  I do not feel that you are the right person for this position at this time if you want to improve you should start playing on the server.


-Grand Master Of The Order Yoda

Edited by Tyzen
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31 minutes ago, Tyzen said:

Ok so hear me out, From what i've seen in the 501st It has had its ups and down from being not there to being there an here's a few reasons

  • Acorn you have done a ok job with the 501st its been alright but i have a few concerns with you stepping up into the attack regimental position
    • It seems to me you haven't really been there for the 501st, What I mean by this is that most of your term as Rex you have just been there not doing anything an just kinda holding the position while your commanders do all the work.
    • Secondly, I feel that stepping up into the this position of the ATK Regimental has way more responsibility then just being Rex Because you will be in charge of All the Attack battalions.
    • Thirdly, If you are going to step into this position you need to step up your activity You have 16.0 hours in the last 2 weeks on garrys mod and heres the proof of it.  here you go

BTUf3Iw - Imgur.png


Lastly,  I do not feel that you are the right person for this position at this time if you want to improve you should start playing on the server.


-Grand Master Of The Order Yoda

In regards to me not being on the server much I will say I’ve had to focus on school at the end of the grading period and while I still have to try to be active throughout that fair enough point I could be on more. In regards to me not doing much for my battalion I’d like to get more of what you mean by that because no one once has said anything like that to me and I think I’ve done quite a lot for the battalion. To conclude the fact that 3 battalions is a bigger responsibility than just 501st I am aware of that and will be able to manage that - Acorn/Rex

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53 minutes ago, Tyzen said:

Ok so hear me out, From what i've seen in the 501st It has had its ups and down from being not there to being there an here's a few reasons

  • Acorn you have done a ok job with the 501st its been alright but i have a few concerns with you stepping up into the attack regimental position
    • It seems to me you haven't really been there for the 501st, What I mean by this is that most of your term as Rex you have just been there not doing anything an just kinda holding the position while your commanders do all the work.
    • Secondly, I feel that stepping up into the this position of the ATK Regimental has way more responsibility then just being Rex Because you will be in charge of All the Attack battalions.
    • Thirdly, If you are going to step into this position you need to step up your activity You have 16.0 hours in the last 2 weeks on garrys mod and heres the proof of it.  here you go

BTUf3Iw - Imgur.png


Lastly,  I do not feel that you are the right person for this position at this time if you want to improve you should start playing on the server.


-Grand Master Of The Order Yoda




RP Name: Battalion Commander Rex

Battalion: 501st

Who is in command until you return?: CMDs and Senior Officers

Length of Absence: 1 week and a day 3/14/18 - 3/22/18

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:119464642



RP Name: Battalion Commander Rex

Battalion: 501st

Who is in command until you return?: Riddler/Tup and other CMDs

Length of Absence: 3 weeks

Reason: I have to focus on my school work for some time so as to not fail some classes. This is an ROA not an LOA I will still be on a good amount throughout these three weeks activity will just go down a bit.

1. By all means have an opinion but if you are going to back up your facts by one screenshot, and try and blast activity maybe do some reserach? It was as simple as checking the LOAs and I found all of these.
2. Ive never seen you in 501st Teamspeak, but within battalion meetings I always see acorn in there taking suggestions and listening. He has IRL activities like us all but I see him working hard. And when he is on he is always interacting with his troopers.
3. This man is a Attack BCMD. He isnt going to take this lightly, with Jackson helping him out being his Senior, to him leading this man in extraordinary. He will only get better with time.
Edited by The Moose
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I'm sorry Acorn, but I have to agree with Tyzen. If you know that you have to focus on real life and can't spend as much time as you need than don't go for a bigger position.


@The Moose that LOA was from like 2 days ago. You can't justify the 16 hours. Even if you added 14 hours to make up for the last 2 days that would only come to 33 hours, which is unacceptable for a Regimental Commander to have and would get them removed. I'm not saying he would necessarily be a bad Attack Regimental Commander. He just needs to step up his hours and than go for it.

Edited by Dargon
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1 minute ago, The Moose said:

RP Name: Battalion Commander Rex

Battalion: 501st

Who is in command until you return?: CMDs and Senior Officers

Length of Absence: 1 week and a day 3/14/18 - 3/22/18

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:119464642

RP Name: Battalion Commander Rex

Battalion: 501st

Who is in command until you return?: Riddler/Tup and other CMDs

Length of Absence: 3 weeks

Reason: I have to focus on my school work for some time so as to not fail some classes. This is an ROA not an LOA I will still be on a good amount throughout these three weeks activity will just go down a bit.

1. By all means have an opinion but if you are going to back up your facts by one screenshot, and try and blast activity maybe do some reserach? It was as simple as checking the LOAs and I found all of these.
2. Ive never seen you in 501st Teamspeak, but within battalion meetings I always see acorn in there taking suggestions and listening. He has IRL activities like us all but I see him working hard.
3. This man is a Attack BCMD. He isnt going to take this lightly, with Jackson helping him out being his Senior, to him leading this man in extraordinary. He will only get better with time.

Moose First of all the activity is  for the last 2 weeks he took that loa 3 days ago now i'm not good at math but if you want to do that math go ahead bud,

Secondly I'm in the 501st discord all the time talk to them, Also i have A JEDI ORDER to run instead of helping a battalion that I am no longer apart of. Which i offered to help but they didn't want it.

Thirdly there are people on this server that have school also that still can manage atleast 50 to 70 hrs a week which is active on the server.  

also you can't post dates on your loa that have already passed so technially he has only been on loa for a day.

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1 minute ago, Dargon said:


I'm sorry Acorn, but I have to agree with Tyzen. If you know that you have to focus on real life and can't spend as much time as you need than don't go for a bigger position.


@The Moose that LOA was from like 2 days ago. You can't justify the 16 hours. Even if you added 14 hours for the last 2 days that would only come to 33 hours, which is unacceptable for a Regimental Commander to have.

As I’ve been saying in my channel the ROA was to address school that is done and completed. I have my time very free as soon as a get back from vacation. The things stopping me from being active are no longer an issue - Acorn/Rex

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5 minutes ago, Tyzen said:

Moose First of all the activity is  for the last 2 weeks he took that loa 3 days ago now i'm not good at math but if you want to do that math go ahead bud,

Secondly I'm in the 501st discord all the time talk to them, Also i have A JEDI ORDER to run instead of helping a battalion that I am no longer apart of. Which i offered to help but they didn't want it.

Thirdly there are people on this server that have school also that still can manage atleast 50 to 70 hrs a week which is active on the server.  

also you can't post dates on your loa that have already passed so technially he has only been on loa for a day.

1. I will do the math 'Bud' On the ROA which was posted 3 weeks ago that ended this week, which just so happens to go over the last two weeks...... The LOA was posted yesterday. If you can read 'Bud'

Dont patronise me.

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Just now, Tyzen said:

@Black i'm not making it a war with acorn i was just posting my opinion then gave more of my opinion after someone quoted me saying hes on loa 

I Understand that u are leaving your opinion and i respect it. i left mine too. i just want to make it feedback only. "War" was a bad war. sorry for that.

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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@The Moose it was posted yesterday and he hasn't had one since march 9 

In those 2 weeks after his loa/roa was done he could gotten on  and played which he did not and the battalion was suffering cause of it and the commanders had to pick of the slack of him not being there at all. It doesn't matter if he has a loa or roa im just stating my opinion to why he shouldn't be it and then you came like a bat out of hell because you were like "gotta be a keyboard warrior Because obviously hes wrong and i'm right" Actually like focus on yourself stop going after people that have there own opinion even if they had a 3 week ROA up which i don't even believe that is even aloud in the first place.

An also you don't always need to have high command in the position every time i see someone go for high command you need to realize that just because they are going for it doesn't mean they should just auto get it.

An also I'm gonna end this here because You are being petty about this

SO acorn if you make it to intreview good luck

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I’d like to mention for th inactive thing I’ve been active on Rex for my entire term minus the single ROA ive had to take and if I’m going to be judged on the past two weeks alone to which I was still in discord and teamspeak that’s quite dumb. I’m not going to say anything else or respond to comments because I want to keep this civil - Acorn/Rex 

Edited by Mr.Acorn
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-1 yeahh sorry I have to agree. Great guy and you did well for 501st. But personally I don't believe you are the right person for the job

I can't say anything about activity because I literally can't even get on. 

Also im pretty sure if your on a LOA you cant apply for any position (negative ghost rider I was wrong)

Edited by LixCoffee
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