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Moose's Senate Commando Captain Taggart

The Moose

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Steam Name: [SR] Moose [NA}


RP Name: SO Commander Moose


Steam ID (SteamID Finder):  STEAM_0:52282291


Battalion or squad you are applying for: Senate Commando Captain Taggart



My experience within the server has been very through and through. I have my hands in many pies thanks to my outreach:

Shadow Company:

When I first joined this server, I was lured into the secret black and red battalion known as shadow company. This was a time that Ryx had just become BCMD and I was a lowly PVT. However with this I logged on daily and did my bit for the battalion rising to the rank of SSG quite quickly making a name for myself along the way (A bit over excited at times).


I joined Rancor very briefly but it changed my whole perspective on roleplaying in general. We were the elite battalion that had to set an example in the battlefield and everyone wanted to be ARC. I was very lucky to be given my oppertunity by Tofu in he trained me for ARC right then and I recieved it. This was when I started to know that I had to start being more serious within synergy if I wanted to progress anywhere.


I joined 501st for around 3 days. I wanted to get to know battalions, feel what it was like and how other battalions ticked. I was only in for 3 days but you could get the feel that the 501st loved to be in the action, they yearned for more then just a little fight, they wanted the formations perfect to counter any opposition and everything was a competetion.

Special Operations :

I returned to special operations as a new SGM and knew this was where I wanted to stay and I knew I had to make an impression fast. I took it upon myself to lead my troopers into battle, and listen to my troopers when they thought they had a better idea. I took it upon myself to start making training documents, training times and revamping the sharpshooter tryout documents. During my time in SO I skipped WO and reached the rank of 2ndLT for my actions and continued to implelemet 'fun' training while people were still learning, they wanted to be in my trainings and kept asking for it.


I went to Null tryouts a few times to gain experience to lead my men and never actually though I could pass A'den Skirata tryouts but it happened. My time again was brief and I had IRL problems in which I wasnt in the right mindset for Null. Feeling I was letting the side down. Ordo at the time now Kal, tried to convince me to stay but I felt that the right move was to leave to progess and for Null. I left on my own accord because I didnt want to fail.

Special Operations:

And here we are the final step in my experience. I joined back in to SO as a captain, on the asking of Ryx. I took everything back in my stride as I dealt with my IRL problems and SO. I brought an influx of new recruits in as I strived for recruitment and I am the top recruiter for SO and have been since december time. I lead my men to many victories in events and obtained many shoutouts on the behalf of SO. I created documents on behalf and revamped tryouts on behalf of SO. Ive made trainings more fun that people wanted to attend. And with in that time I reached Ryx's right hand man as a Commander of the Special Operations.

In which leads me to the biggest experience for the role I am applying for. Ryx has been on a few LOAs at the same time that other commaders with in the battalion have been on LOAs in which means that I have had to pick up a lot of work and move forward. I feel that my time stepping in for Ryx (no fault of his own) has greatly improved not only me as a person but understanding the way that a battalion ticks. The way it breaths and the way people lean on each other for support. But also knowing that there are two sides to every story, not every discipline is good discipline. Every officer wants a say in everything that goes down, and having an officer team that trusts you certainly helps runs a battalion and keeps it on its feet.

New Admin: Very recently, I have applied and succeded in getting the rank for New Admin. This allows me to help the server with RP, Whitelisting and making sure that every battalion is having fun. During my spell so far, I havent missed a single training, and I have tried to answer as many tickets as I possiblly can.



Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: The past few weeks have been the most valuable for me. I have been running SO. I feel I should become Battalion commander because of the ideas I would bring to the table E.G. Trainings, Document works, discipline (We would be elite guards). I also have my hands in many pockets, being friends with the commaders of 501st, SO, CG as well as my experience as a Null, and I know the CMD of Null extremely well. The people we would be protecting would be able to lean on us for support and would trust me to protect them as I would talk to them, keep them in the loop as well as sit down and ask what they want.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes - The Senate Commandos were an eltie division of the senate guard. They were the force that protected the galactic senate and the Chancellor. They were the highest regarded and the most elite members of the guard and went on secret missions.


Availability: I work 4 days a week and no weekends. So thats three days, As soon as I finish work at Half 5 pm I will be then on the server Until the early morning to be with my battalion. If I am not on the server or teamspeak I will always be available through Discord. The only time I am not available will be when I am asleep. In which my own battalion can back up that fact.


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I have played every day since Novemeber. I have never played Gary's Mod until I played Star Wars RP so the time on my steam will be the time spent of Garys mod. That time currently stands at - 760 hours.


Do you have a microphone?: Yes I do.


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: By the end of my term I want the battalion to be known as the Elite. Being that no one is in it, by the end of my term, I want everyone to be trying to get in it.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: That I do. Being that I have never been inactive you wont have that issue with me. Youll always get 110%


SO Commander Moose


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I love you moose, trust me. You are an excellent person. But I do think dragon would do better and he finally deserved the chance to get commander of something.

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Well Moose :) I feel like both of you are ready to take this position. You are a good leader and you motivate your troopers alot on Discord. Your leadership is perfect! Our commanders went on LOA and you can and will keep the battalion up! Overall I have to give you a big mother fucking +1 and yes I will join if you get it!

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+1, you essentially run SO at the moment with Ryx, you've been a clear leader in my eyes, with revamping docs, tryouts for SS, you know pretty much every single member by name, by voice, their issues and their hopes. When an event happens you're always there to lead, or you hand off the reigns so that somebody else can learn the ropes and have their moment to shine


I have ZERO doubt that you'll take this position lightly, hell even with all the traveling you did you still brought your laptop so you could hop on teamspeak and chat with us, 115 hours even with those? You're the man for the job, do us proud.


-TRO Hood

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+1, lemme talk about moose for a second here. This guy became our Null outreach and for the first time we had an outreach that was involved with the battalion and actually seemed to care about us. I made Moose equivalent to colonel within the battalion and immediately he became a member of my inner circle of advisers which at that point was pretty much CMDs, and my two named jedi. This guy deserved it and I think he would do great things with senate commandos - Acorn/Rex

Edited by Mr.Acorn
Spelling Mistakes
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As a long running commander on several servers and a guy who knows how shit should be done, Moose is an ideal candidate. He has the skill and knowledge to lead but he has the ability to listen to others as well, everything important decision wise is done right and he consults others to get an idea on what should be done. he knows when to lead but he also knows when to read... With that in mind I say that Moose deserves the chance to demonstrate his full capability and I think that if this is given to him he will not let anyone down.


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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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+1, I always see him on. Isn't afraid to get out there and command. Understands how to lead 


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