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Improcco Company Changes

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Name: Blank

RP Rank: MAJ ( approved by 41st CMD+ )

Suggestion: Change all of IC Kits to make each member of IC be unique and giving each member a slight Health Boost at the cost of Improccos Sprint Boost

Implementation: Basically Each member besides Gett would be given a Weapon on top of their Class Kit to be specialized in a Certain way. Gett would change his Kit from Officer to ARC, Nye would recieve a Jetpack as the Units dedicated Pilot in case he needs to bail out and support the ground Team, Clanky would recieve a DC15X and AV Mines as the designated Sniper and tech guy of the Team, Tenn would recieve the PLX-1 Rocketlauncher changing him to a hybrid HVY/HVO trooper while keeping his Z-6, Lastly Fi would recieve a Bacta Grenade and a DC15 LE as the Teams Support Marksman/Spotter. On top of these changes IC would loose their Speed Boost in favour of +50 Health for everyone besides Tenn. Tenn would get +100 as the Teams Heavy trooper

Lore: Each member of Improcco had unique skill sets from one another and these changes are better suited to fit their lore. They have been known to provide support to SOBDE in a few occasions in Counter-Insurgency operations. To that end they would likely receive somewhat better equipment.

Workshop content if applicable: "Require Development"

Add or Change: Change

Job: Improcco Company Gett

Slots:  -/-

Description: Gett recieves full ARC Kit instead of the Officer Kit ( Discussed with Rancor CMD Bana )

Model: models/player/squares/improcco/gett/IC_gett.mdl

Weapons: rw_sw_westarm5 , tfa_chaingun_ferty , rw_sw_wristblaster_heavy_blue, rw_sw_dual_dc17

Other:  +50 Health / remove Speeds Buff ( Gett would take up one of 6 ARC slots within 41st )

Add or Change: Change

Job: Improcco Company Nye

Slots: -/-

Description: As the Teams Pilot Nye would recieve the Jetpack in case he had to bail out to reach the ground team safely

Model: models/player/squares/improcco/nye/IC_nye.mdl

Weapons: sent_boosterpack

Other: +50 Health / remove Speed Buff


Add or Change: Change

Job: Improcco Company Clanky

Slots: -/-

Description: Clanky as the Squad XO and Tech Engineer would recieve a DC15X as newly designated Marksman as well as Anti-Vehicle Mines to set ambushes and protect Flanks

Model: models/player/squares/improcco/clanky/IC_clanky.mdl

Weapons: rw_sw_dc15x, zk_placeable_mine

Other: +50 Health / remove Speed Buff


Add or Change: Change

Job: Improcco Company Tenn

Slots: -/-

Description: Changing Tenn from HVY to a Hybrid  HVY/HVO equipping him with the PLX-1 to be able to quickly destroy incoming Vehicles

Model: models/player/squares/improcco/tenn/IC_tenn.mdl

Weapons: rw_sw_plx1

Other: +100 Health / remove Speed Buff ( Tenn would take up a HVO slot within the battalion )


Add or Change: Change

Job: Improcco Company Fi

Slots: -/-

Description: Fi the Teams medic would Recieve a Bacta Grenade aswell as a DC15 LE ( Original ), becoming a Spotter when not actively performing medical tasks. ( Bacta Grenades have been discussed with and approved by Brooklyn )

Model: models/player/squares/improcco/fye/IC_fye.mdl

Weapons: rw_sw_dc15le_o, rw_sw_nade_bacta

Other: +50 Health / remove Speed Buff

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Head Admin

This feels...weird? Like there's no uniformity within this suggestion to fit in with the server, and maybe that's a good thing? 

I don't like the jetpack addition, and I don't like giving your HVO guy a PLX rather than a RPS-6, standard with any other HVO class in any battalion. I also like keeping bacta grenades with RC/SOBDE and not regular clones. 

I think you can keep the health and speed boost with these guys, I don't think you need to trade. Doesn't seem that insane. I'd like to see other people's thoughts on this as well but for me and for now it's a -1.

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       Zeros          Clutch



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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, KaiserNeiner said:

This feels...weird? Like there's no uniformity within this suggestion to fit in with the server, and maybe that's a good thing? 

I don't like the jetpack addition, and I don't like giving your HVO guy a PLX rather than a RPS-6, standard with any other HVO class in any battalion. I also like keeping bacta grenades with RC/SOBDE and not regular clones. 

I think you can keep the health and speed boost with these guys, I don't think you need to trade. Doesn't seem that insane. I'd like to see other people's thoughts on this as well but for me and for now it's a -1.

Overall Valid Points thank you for the feedback. The main Reason it seems so all over the Place is because I want the squad to be kind of leaning towards being able to handle most Situations as well as each member being specialized in a certain way. I guess similar to SOBDE almost. As for their Equipment, considering they have worked with SOBDE on a few occasions It wouldn't be that unlikely, atleast lore wise speaking that they would recieve some upgraded Equipment to Improve mission success rate. I am willing to change the HVO to a RPS-6 however depending what other feedback brings if people feel like that should be more appropriate. 

Edited by Joshua
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+1. We talked and I felt these were the most reasonable additions or changes that could actually be made. At this current moment, Improcco does not have a unique feeling to it, and it just feels like you are whatever your Characters "Job" is just re-skinned. I personally feel as do many of the Improcco's current and previous members do and that is Improcco needs more of an elite feeling to it rather than a blandness and I feel these changes are not too far-fetched as well as not trying to make Improcco seem on par or better than RC/SOBDE.

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Current: BCMD Gree

Former: GCO SUPL Fireball, Improcco REGL Nye

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12 hours ago, KaiserNeiner said:

I don't like the jetpack addition, and I don't like giving your HVO guy a PLX rather than a RPS-6, standard with any other HVO class in any battalion. I also like keeping bacta grenades with RC/SOBDE and not regular clones. 

all of these things should be in every battalion im gonna +1 cause this should be the new standerd for subunits IC is a terrible subunit with very little equipment or edge to do it, 



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I like this suggestion a lot. Improcco always needed something to make them unique other than an "elite" title. Ignore all the haters, of course, nobody wants to give people something fun and unique even tho a large majority in the game already gets cool stuff. I'm not even trying to be biased, I stopped playing GarrysMod a while ago, but this is still my favorite server. My Improcco buddies need this. I mean like come on, this is the better suggestion compared to all the others that legit no one wanted cause of AHEM "oMg ThE sErVeR cAnT hAnDlE tHiS!" Would yall prefer this or the jetpacks yall tried so hard to prevent from happening? Let's be honest here server, please give your boys something interesting, even if it's small. You can't complain about server errors if all they're asking for is health boosts and a few kit changes.


PS, I won't be double-checking for replies on this comment, I'm only here cause I'm a former 41st guy.

Edited by Jafman
sounded hostile
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 Current: Admin, 41st Improcco Company XO REGL CPT Tenn, Navy ENS CAO


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I used to be in improcco and did the only subunit that doesn't get anything

all the applications for improcco to get stuff there are always denied, and I think this is a good this is what they need

This is lore accurate to the book, on how they were the only ones that survived the battle of Skirmish at Dinlo 

Only 144 troops die in the battle of skirmish, and giving them +50hp  this make sense


also giving him more weapons also shows how the subunit is special, Like SO

In the book they are portrayed as an elite unit. Also more accurate to how they are Elite


Improcco get's too much hate. Jafman' post is right, In doing this it'll give 41st a sense of purpose of being in the server, every other Battalion has gimmicks except for 41st. 

If this get's accepted this will most differently boost the numbers in 41st. 

Edited by berries
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Berries / Berris



Current: Boost Former: DireSquad Trooper Improcco Fi

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+1 I really like these changes, and I believe these will help out improcco for the better. Improcco should get its own stuff, as its probably one of the only sub regiments that don't get their own equipment yet.

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Former TC Tup, Former Improcco Company Clanky, Former Armand Isard, Former TC Dogma, Current Padme Amidala, Current 332nd Jinx, Current Shoan Killianspacer.png

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Wow this is a lot.

-1 for a few reasons.

Pilot's don't need a jetpack, if they're bailing out of a ship they're gonna die from physics either way, plus if your pilot gets a jetpack, every lore pilot will want one.

41st already has 3 HVO slots, and I'd rather not have more rockets added to the server (also last I checked Server Leadership doesn't want it either)

Speed boost vs health is a thing that's set up per battalion, so if you want health, you'd need to change the whole battalion to health instead of speed. Additionally, everyone in IC would get the same health. 


Overall these are changes that seem good in a bubble, but when you compare them to what everyone else has, it's way too much for such a small subunit. It feels like you're trying to make IC into an RC squad, and I'm not comfortable with that much firepower going into your battalion.

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|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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-1 on the Jetpack. 
-1 the PLX over RPS 6 
-1 Bacta Grenade.

Jetpack - Jetpacks should come in a group or not at all imo. Jetpacks make one specific character desireable, and no other pilots on server have Jetpacks. This includes Warthog, who is in a Jetpack subunit whos Jetpack suggestion was denied. 

PLX was primarily utilized by ARC troopers and the Marines. RPS is the default rocket, and they do the same damage. Just a different weapon model. So RPS > PLX in terms of lore accuracy, and utilization/uniformity.

Bacta Grenade was on the chopping block in general. Ive heard numerous times from Jad and other people that the Bacta Grenade has been on removal for awhile. They just haven't prioritized it because its on so few jobs its not really that big of an issue, so i doubt asking for it would do much good 

+1 the rest of the suggestion. I agree that you should keep the Health and request a speed boost. I believe class specific boosts IE HP for HVY Armor for Pilots speed for Recon etc are a super cool idea we don't use. 

I think you should reevaluate the whole suggestion, redo it and repost it.  I'd love to see Improcco better than it is, but these are some super far fetched changes. 

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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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  • 3 months later...

I know Server Suggestions are closed but I want this to be clear for anyone who might see this Suggestion is something I still support and even tho Blank is gone I am still supporting the Improcco Changes obviously open to coming to an agreement on some of them, but Improcco Company is a joke when it comes to kits and something needs to change

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Current: BCMD Gree

Former: GCO SUPL Fireball, Improcco REGL Nye

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