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Name: Hunter

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:126523395

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Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): HONDO AND DOOKU

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Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


Care and Effort:

Server Performance:

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Whoever was in charge of spawning especially in the beginning of the event, spawned on top of CG almost the entire time and it was fucking ass. Wed clear rooms and youd just respawn in there killing us all minutes later. Not the best event. 


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Head Admin


Yeah Mav kinda summed it up. This pre-used dupe has been used for lots of deployments, and this is probably the 4th time my group and I have gone in one of the 3 over the top entrances. We specifically asked if we could get our shuttle, and it was pretty obvious what we were gonna do with it. We created a good plan to infiltrate the base and accomplish our part of the mission and we just got spawned on top of the entire time. Not even subtle about it, literally spawned on top of. I have done a lot of deployments, but I have never had more T21 users shoved down my throat than today. 

This continued as the event went forward. Once we breached the base, and started pushing into the main area, we would clear a floor, more would get spawned, and we'd die, just for us to have to clear the same floor/room again. We were Sisyphus pushing the boulder just for it to roll back on us and crush our legs. This was not an enjoyable experience for myself and a lot of other CG members. 

Getting an area retaken is fine. It's expected. Having it so blatantly aggressive and on top of us was not it.  

       Zeros          Clutch



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We did end up getting spawned on a lot and we did get kinda fucked the whole event. I however did see care and effort go into the planning so I will rate the other two good

Current:  Rancor WO Wide

 Previously: 2ndAC [S] Oddball | Rys | DSXO Thorn | CG CPT | GM Major 



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This event is a classic case of a GM overlooking aspects to their event and then punishing the players for finding the aspects they overlooked. Look, as a GM you can simply ask people to not skip over your event. "Hey I didn't have enough props to cover over x, please don't use it to skip", "Hey there's an issue with my rayshield here, please don't skip it", etc. That is not what happened. Instead I got my balls stomped on by hordes of perfect accuracy T21 droids because my battalion decided to be crafty and find an alternative solution to the deployment. You think you're solving a problem, but you never asked anyone to play the event linearly. You gave us an objective and told us to go, and so we did. And we got punished for it. That fucking sucks, and it goes to show what the GM team is coming down to. We're not meant to strategize or RP anymore, we're supposed to throw ourselves at the event in a linear fashion and thank the GM for slapping us in the face with his greasy balls.


Former: A lot of shit dude

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