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Freck | Rant

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How would you like it if people judged you on the actions of someone else?

Im pretty sure you wouldn't like it...

This happens to me. Every. Single. Day.

All because of 1 person... 

You guessed right! Enzyme....

I get compared with enzyme so much it genuinely infuriates me. To be seen as "The Mingey Kid" Infuriates me. Yet even when I try. I still get referenced, as Enzyme. 

Why? Because I'm a 14 Year Old British Kid? Because I have a Squeaky Voice? 

Because you want to "meme"? 

Well this meme isn't very funny

You don t understand how upsetting it is, to be judged, held back,discriminated against.



How about you judge me on MY actions. MY work. MY Dedication. Not Someone else's.

And this is only part of the reason I'm pissed.


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Don't let those who compare you to Enzyme get to you, they can't even acknowledge you for who you are and what you do and simply resort to a beaten Meme to make themselves feel good.

You have done great in every department of the system you've been worked in, have been extremely professional, helpful & understanding of everyone you come across.

If someone comes up to you and blabbers on about Enzyme then walk on right past them because they aren't worth your time if they can't even acknowledge you for who you really are. Their comments should mean nothing, try not to take them personally because that's just what they want to get a laugh out of the situation and make themselves feel good by putting others down.

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1 minute ago, Zyner said:

Don't let those who compare you to Enzyme get to you, they can't even acknowledge you for who you are and what you do and simply resort to a beaten Meme to make themselves feel good.

You have done great in every department of the system you've been worked in, have been extremely professional, helpful & understanding of everyone you come across.

If someone comes up to you and blabbers on about Enzyme then walk on right past them because they aren't worth your time if they can't even acknowledge you for who you really are. Their comments should mean nothing, try not to take them personally because that's just what they want to get a laugh out of the situation and make themselves feel good by putting others down.

One of the only people who seem to see me, as me


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14 minutes ago, Bbstine said:

Who the fuck is Enzyme and why should I care.

Keep it going Freck, you're your own you.


Enzyme= Young British kid who when got to a high staff rank abused and (I think) Got perma banned. 


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Yo, enzyme was and still is my boy but so are you freck and believe me, you are both so different and tbh  you both sound different aswell. Not even the same voice... so whoever is trying to compare you to enzyme needs their ears and eyes  checked like seriously.


Freck keep doing you! 

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freck u trained me and put up with my shit. i have done ALOT of events with you and spent alot of time around u in general. i dont fucking remember enzyme but you are your own person you worked your way up to HA on your own. you do good work dude dont let anyone say otherwise

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Hey, atleast you didn't suck your way up the ranks like him.

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4 hours ago, Medic said:

Making enzyme a HA on Icefuse wasn't my best call....



And yeah you have massive similarities to Enzyme, chances are that a lot of people see you that way because when I first met you, you were a wee bit mingey (granted, this was like, 8 months ago lmao) and just reminded me of Enzyme except you didn't say Fawow-wow 

You're aight tho and the only problem was with Enzyme was that he beaned himself in the end

Edited by Faoeoa
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Oh to be young and actually care what people think about you. 

Freck , if I thought for a second you were not capable of a job in Staff or the Training Program, I would have spoken up well before now.

You are your own person, you make your own decisions and you set the bar for what you want to be.  It doesn't matter what others think of you. If you are satisfied with who you are and where you are at in your life, that should be enough.  I know it isn't because most people have a desire to be approved and welcomed. 

But listen to me well. Life only gets harder than a game and if you let peoples view warp your sense of being and purpose, you will have serious problems in the real world when it actually could affect your lifestyle.

Keep plugging away Freck and learn to grow, evolve, continue to do what you committed to with staff duties, and most importantly have fun!

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WhO tHe HeLl Is EnZyMe? He SoUnDs LiKe A dAmN vIrUs.

Seriously though, you are who you are nobody wants you to change. Don't let them get under your skin that's how you FUEL their needs. Be the stronger one and please god invite them to eat your crumpet. :D

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2 hours ago, Faoeoa said:



And yeah you have massive similarities to Enzyme, chances are that a lot of people see you that way because when I first met you, you were a wee bit mingey (granted, this was like, 8 months ago lmao) and just reminded me of Enzyme except you didn't say Fawow-wow 

You're aight tho and the only problem was with Enzyme was that he beaned himself in the end

I must say I was Mingey as Fuck. But hey, Im getting better 


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1 hour ago, Oxen said:

Oh to be young and actually care what people think about you. 

Freck , if I thought for a second you were not capable of a job in Staff or the Training Program, I would have spoken up well before now.


I look up to you alot. I guess it's cos I genuinely see you as someone who does things their way and, even if it goes wrong. Will always adapt and change ect.


And Thank You. Good Vibes help :)

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