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Steam Name: [SR] Jirachi Likes Sirachi [SA]


RP Name: CT PVT Jirachi/TR TGM Master Mute


Steam ID (SteamID Finder):  STEAM_0:0:79708290


Battalion or squad you are applying for: BCMD Meds



-187th MEDL/CMD-

When I joined the community back at Icefuse, the first battalion I ever joined was the 187th. When I was under the 187th, I would always end up in various leadership roles, such as Medical Leader, and eventually the CMD. While I was CMD, I was always the person who people went to with questions about the battalion, and when Reaper had various problems going on in his life, I was one of the individuals who stepped up while he took a much-needed break from leading. As a 187th CMD, I was also in charge of making sure that each 187th was specialized. If I wasn't the one specializing, I was the one delegating the role to other members of the role.

To keep myself well-versed with the medical rules and regulations, I often either looked at the medical document or went to the basic/advanced medical training when they were being held, and ensured that the information I gave to my medics was correct. The one thing I always stressed with my medics was RP is as important as treatment. when I trained my medics, I would not only explain to them the different areas and techniques as a medic, but also the RP that came with. After this, I would run them through various scenarios so that they became well-versed with the RP treatments. I finally left the 187th before it was removed, as I wasn't informed that we were losing them. If I had known, I would've been 187th till the last breath.

-101st MEDL/CMD-

Thought the 187th was the first battalion as well as the battalion I spent the most time in, it was not the only battalion I was a part of. In fact, before becoming a CMD of the 187th, I had become one of the CMDs of 101st Under forge, and had been a high-ranking officer in the 101st before under Naavi's first time as a BCMD.

Under BCMD Forge, I quickly rose in the ranks of the 101st, before I became one of his CMDs. As the CMD, I was also put in charge of making sure that those 101st who wanted to be a medic were trained as such, that way they were able to join their respected Battalions as a medic, instead of going through more work to become one. While I was the MEDL, I brought what I had learned from being the 187th MEDL to the table, often going even farther along with it by making sure that the 101st knew how to revive people on the battlefield, and even Triage important cases. Eventually, I saw that the 187th was not doing well whatsoever, and seeing as the 101st was very stable, I was granted permission from BCMD Forge to leave the 101st to return to the 187th.

After the 187th was removed, I found myself without a battalion, and nowhere to go. It was at this moment that Naavi contacted me again, now the BCMD of the 101st for the second time. Seeing as the 187th was removed, and Naavi was in need of members of the 101st battalion, I glady accepted. That very same day, as the rules of the 101st were that I would be demoted back down to a TR2 (as that was the ranking system we were using on the server at the time), I was brought to the stand as a 101st TR2 Medic and given both my previous position as CMD and MEDL. From that moment on, I was tasked with the same duties and obligations as a 101st MEDL CMD, often being both a TR and a Greeter to the new members of 101st that came into the server.

While I was a CMD of the 101st, I became a well-known person to many of the new people, and often found myself showing the new recruits to the server how to have fun, but be serious at the same time. One notable example that I still remember fondly was meeting 3 CT PVTs that would one day be some of the most serious officers in the battalion inside the brig. they had been arrested for tresspassing in the IR, and after I bailed them, I came to find out that they were not properly trained. Seeing as I was both a TR and a CMD of the 101st at the time, I took it upon myself to leading them to the TR area, and going through the training a second time, before giving them a tour of the ship, and showing them how fun one person could still be while being serious. By the time the 101st was removed, these three were some of the most respectable members of the battalion, each moving on to their new battalions, holding onto the lessons myself and other officers of the 101st bestowed upon them.

At one point during Naavi's run of BCMD, she became very busy with work outside, and as such was unable to be active on the server. During this time, I served as Naavi's Eyes and ears, often discussing things with her in the 101st Discord, and more often-than-not, ensuring that the 101st was still thriving while she was away. Though the two other CMDs and myself were the leaders, more often than not, the other 101st CMDs would discuss things with me and try to get my input on them, as I had been a CMD for a long time, and knew what it took to keep a Battalion afloat, as I had been in a previous scenario as a CMD of the 187th. Due to my experience in the 187th and the other 2 CMDs, were were able to ensure that the 101st was still up to par with expectations from the server.

It was also during this time that I was contacted by then CMO Vanhorn, and was able to bring my input on the Medical docs to his and the Naval's attention. Due to this, Battalions were allowed to appoint MEDO under the MEDL, ensuring that if there were more people who wanted to be Medics, the MEDO would be allowed to train them in the case that the MEDL was preoccupied with another aspect of their battalion. Though there were times that I became busy with some of the responsibilities that being a 101st CMD brought to me, I always made sure that new 101st Medics were properly trained. In the event that they weren't I would review it with the MEDO so that they knew what they needed to do, while personally retraining the Medic so that they wouldn't learn bad habits associated with RP. Though the Medical Document I worked on has since become obsolete, I still look back at the document as an achievement of my time as the 101st MEDL. A link to a copy of the Document can be found here.

Unfortunately, as time progressed, the 101st was helping less people, and eventually, the 101st was removed. Though at the time I felt hurt by it, I have since looked back and realized that the 101st did it's job phenomenally, and that the need for the 101st was no more. I watched as many of members of the 101st moved on to greater things, with one even using what he learned to become a CMD in Special Ops. Whenever I see my former 101st members doing great, it makes me feel proud that I was able to push them towards that direction, and it gives me hope that what I taught them in the server will be used to teach other new members to the server.

-The Jedi Order-

After my stint as a CMD of the 101st, I made the decision to become active in the Jedi order. As I had been a padawan for some time, it donned on me that a new adventure waited for me in the Jedi. Beginning as a Padawan, I joined the Sentinel branch in hopes of improving both my RP and sparring experience. After some time, I pursued the Temple-guard sub-branch of the Sentinel Branch, and after succeeding the trials, I changed my Jedi name to "Mute." As mute, I became more engaged in the RP sense of the Jedi order, more often than not refusing to even touch my mic outside of training, and going so far as using "/me" to hold up a datapad to either talk about what I wanted to convey, or to draw pictures to convey something to whoever was looking at it. Eventually, though discipline and drive, I was able to move up from the rank of Padawan to the rank of Knight. As a TG knight, I found myself helping padawans with their sparring, often sparring with them for hours and giving them feedback from it, and was eventually granted the Title of "Sentinel Manager" by the Sentinel Lead CMO/Luminara and the Gatekeeper Forge. As a Sentinel Manager, it fell to me to ensure that Trials were being done regularly, and that those in the Sentinel branch were behaving themselves.

Eventually, Serra Keto was opened up during my stint of being a knight, and as it was still a Temple Guard job, I decided to pursue it. One difficult trial later, I was given Serra Keto. Now entrusted as a named Jedi, my main mission was to first ensure that all my prior responsibilities were still being done, but to also ensure that the Temple Guard was an active branch. The latter became easier for me when I was voted on and accepted by council as being the Temple Guard manager. At the time, the job of Cin Dralig was empty, and there were no other Temple Guard Managers, so the responsibility of leading fell onto me to not only ensure that the TG trials were being kept up on, but that the Temple Guards themselves knew and understood their role within the order as peacekeepers. As time went on, I saw many Temple Guard padawans reaching the rank of knight, something that both my Predecessors wanted me to achieve, and that Temple Guard activity was being kept up on. In addition, I often was granted permission from the CG BCMD to allow the Temple Guard and myself to assist them when CG numbers were low.

As time went on, I found myself climbing the ranks of Knight through the order, before eventually being interviewed and accepted into the Jedi council by the order, an achievement that I consider to be very great. Now as a Jedi Master, I hope to continue with where I left off as a knight, Assisting the TG however ways I can. One thing I am still pursuing is that all TG are prepared for Knight trials the best I can, seeing as I cannot hold their hands the whole time, and to train them the best I can for them to protect all aspects of the temple. That way, I can leave the TG to their responsibilities (Such as if accepted running the Medical Battalion) and won't have to worry about them needing help. Seeing as the TG have come a long way, I can say that they are well on their way to being there soon.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

Throughout my time on Synergy, I have been given many leading positions in different battalions or branches of the Jedi order. now that the New Medical Battalion is being offered, I feel that a lot of my work throughout the server will be able to help make this new battalion thrive. For example:

Through my time in the 187th, I began my path of achieving my understanding of how the medic system works. It was also there that I learned all about discipline through being groomed as an officer by Naavi and BCNS, and the importance it is to use that discipline to ensure that a battalion is able to still have fun while being within a set of rules. One thing I learned through my time as 187th MEDL CMD that I want to use in the battalion is the importance of mentorship. If I had not been mentored by Naavi and BCNS, I wouldn't have been able to learn some of the things that have helped me tremendously with the server. One thing I would like to see in the new Medical battalion, especially since it will have a large drive for medical RP, is for higher ranks of the Medical Battalion to mentor those who are starting out on either being a medic or in general, and show them the ropes in hopes to increase their chances of having fun and being an open part of the server. As a BCMD, it would be easier for me to encourage such things to occur in the medical battalions!

Through my time in the 101st, I learned how to step up and to be a leader, seeing as that was the first time I was ever a CMD. It was also here that I learned about the importance of a battalion. Before being a CMD, I will admit that I was a bit of the type of guy with a Stick up my ass. It wasn't until I joined the 101st the 2nd time and became a CMD that I realized that a battalion is more than just a group of individuals that get together to participate in similar things, but rather a family of people who stick it through with one another, who try to help each other, and in the case of the 101st, who cry with each other over the loss of the thing that makes them unique to one another. If I hadn't gone through my time as a 101st, chances are, I would've grown bored of the server a long time ago. It was through my time with them that I truly understood the importance of family within a battalion, it was there that I felt close to the individuals I helped lead. It was also there that I learned how to spot potential within someone. When I encountered the 3 101st Pvts I had previously mentioned above, I took a chance with them and decided to see where it lead me. After I retrained them and showed them how fun the server was, I realized that these three had potential to do great things in the server. The 101st helped me to understand that we all start out somewhere, and it just takes an individual to come along and show both to you and themselves that you are actually worth working with! With this being a new Battalion introduced, there will be so much raw potential in every person that joins the battalion, just waiting for the right person to help them see it.

Through my time as a Jedi, I learned so much more about what it takes to lead by example. Before then, I knew what it meant, and how to do it, but something about sparring individuals constantly to help them increase their ability to spar just gives you a new understanding. In addition, I also learned what it means to truly RP. If I hadn't taken the mantle of "TG Mute," I probably would've been lost on the way to knighthood. Through mute, I got a new understanding of how to RP and to lead others through example. One minor achievement that I'm very proud of in the Temple Guard sub-branch is the existence of Mute's apprentice, Speechless. Having someone come up to me to help them with their RP experience and then for them to change their name to a variation of your character's name to follow your lead just makes you really feel honored that you were able to help them so much with that. As the Medical Battalion will be RP Heavy through MedicRP, one thing that will help them be able to be good at that (not that those who join won't be, but those who aren't always have a way to improve) is to engage with them in RP scenarios. One thing I feel is lacking currently on the server is Medical RP. it's lacking so much that I ended up dedicating an event just to the medics so that they could have some RP! I don't think that should be the case at all! When I was the MEDL of the 187th and the 101st, the one thing I always loved engaging in was MEDICRP! I want to bring that passion to a new battalion dedicated to it and be able to hopefully show the server how cool Medical RP can be! there are so much untapped potential that the Medics could perform in, such as Autopsy, Triage, minor and major surgery, etc. that I would LOVE to bring to the table.

In addition to my experience in the past, I would love to have this be an experience for the future. Being the first of anything usually gives the next person something to compare to when they take over. One thing I want to do as BCMD is to ensure that any Future BCMD Meds has at least a layout for them to compare when they do theirs. That way, they will be able to make it their own without having to figure out how to begin it. With the addition to the Medical-heavy RP, there are so much one can use towards improving it, especially since the Medical Battalion will most likely be some of the feet on the ground during events that humanitarian work is needed, opening up clinics for refugees to come into and help with.

Finally, I feel that if I could become Meds, I would be able to communicate better with other battalions in the server, especially those who no longer have any medics. I feel that these battalions would always be able to find that I'm very approachable in the sense that if they need a Medic to be assigned to their battalion, they wouldn't have any problems with them finding one. That would also mean that if I became the BCMD I would be checking in with the Medics attached to the various Battalions and ensuring that everything is still going good for both parties. If for some reason it isn't, such as if the medic didn't feel welcomed, I would personally make it my mission to talk to the Higher ups in the battalion to come up with a plan to make the attached medic feel more welcomed. Finally, I always know when it comes to battalions and individuals, some individuals do not work well within that battalion. For example, if I have tried to make it work with an assigned medic and the battalion, and it still isn't I will not be ashamed to just look at the battalion and the medic and say that the individual is not the right fit for the battalion, and would work to finding a better fit for them. If I get Meds, by the time I leave the position, one thing I would love to see is the assigned medics and their assigned battalions being able to get along, making the individual be able to see that they are part of a family in both the Medical battalion, and the battalion they're assigned to.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

I know that the Medical Battalion, though they do not have the name, is based off of the 307th Medical division seen in the comics and some of the books. The Medical battalion is lead by 2 Jedi Knights, Mallie and Kento Marek, both of whom were proficient in the force and gifted with the power of healing. Leading the 307th was CC-100/4090, nicknamed as "Meds," who was a Commander during the Clone wars. Throughout the Clone wars, the 307th was mostly stationed on Yaga Minor, usually working alongside with the 43rd Combat Corps, who were known for working with GM and Ki Adi Mundi. It is not known whether or not the 307th actually turned on their Jedi generals following Order 66 being called, however due to the close nature between Meds and the 2 Generals, it is speculated that he refused the order. It is unknown the current status of the Battalion. Due to this being a fan-made battalion, there is an opportunity for the server to make it's own lore of the battalion, something I think would be really awesome to do!


I am Available all days of the week when I can help it! During the week, I am on at later times due to my time being PST instead of EST, but during the weekends I try to hop on as soon as I can, often being on all day if I can help it!

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

I've been on Synergy since... well, before it was even conceptualized. I began on Icefuse like many members of the community, and when Synergy started up, I felt that it'd be a great way to start out again. Besides a small stint of time that I wasn't on the server as much, I have been active on the server since it's start, and have more than at least 700 hours on the server, with no intention of leaving anytime soon.

Do you have a microphone?:

Though some might question whether or not Mute CAN Talk, I do indeed have a Microphone that I use in Teamspeak. My Microphone is a Turtlebeach Recon, though I don't remember what exact model. Regardless, I do have a Microphone that I can use to talk to anyone who wants to talk to me.

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

Like I previously stated, if I were to be given an opportunity to lead the Medical Corps, I would like to see the opportunity for them to grow as a family of sorts, as well as to see the battalion on a SUPER great rate of activity, especially since they are some of the only medics around. Another thing I would personally like to see is for a path to be paved for the next Meds to walk on, should he choose to. One thing I mentioned before was that regardless on whether or not someone else decides to use it, you are still making a path for them to decide upon it. Though I would hope for the next Meds to take into some consideration some of the things I do, just knowing that the resources are there for them to choose to do is good enough restitution for me to feel like my job is a complete success!

Another thing I would like to see is interaction between the non-battalionized medics and the Medical Battalion. From the get go, if anything important for Medical personnel occurs, I would love to see their input on it. I know that as Meds, I would have full autonomy of what happens in the Medical Branch, but at the same time, the Medical Battalion wouldn't be the only one WITH medics. It'd be a waste to do something that only helps one part of the group, rather than all of the group as a whole.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

I wouldn't have it any other way. Being a BCMD, especially one to a new battalion, requires dedication and activity. If I knew I would be inactive at any time, you can bet that I would step down and let someone else step up to the role. I feel it wouldn't be fair for me to take a spot and then disappear from it! If I become inactive at all, I would expect them to put in a CMD report on me! I don't understand why people get mad when there's a Report on them, unless the report is completely false, but I'd rather be the guy stepping up to responsibility than the guy pointing fingers at other people or other things!

Final Words:

I know there are a LOT of people going for Meds, as there are a LOT of people who have been Medics for a long time! Though there is no real "Wrong choice," if I were to be put into the Position of Meds I would be able to help out with the server tremendously! Even when I'm not on the server, I have never once made it hard for people to reach me! I honestly love Synergy and I hope that if I became Meds, I would be able to improve the overall experience the server offers!

-Former 187th MEDL CMD/Former 101st MEDL CMD/Former Serra Keto CT PVT Jirachi/TGM Master Mute.






  • Agree 2
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+1 I think you are ready for something like this. Sorry I not ganna put a lot of weight behind the 101st CMD other then you have dealt with mingies. At the end, with no disrespect to the others that applied, I think it’s ganna come down to you and Apache 

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  • Coordinator

+1 holy fuck an amazing man deserved the position

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You have the Leadership requirements to make this new battalion work, and it looks like you have the role-play and some medical experience to boot. 

Good luck to you and if you were to make to the interview, expect serious MEDICAL QUESTIONS to gauge your ability to be the first MEDS and LEAD of the entire MEDICAL  on the ship.

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I do want to address about me not being in the Battalion before adding my application in:

I've had a few things pop up the past few days, making me getting onto the server a bit difficult, but when I am able to, I will be hopping on and joining the Republic Medics as my clone. I agree with what you said about that @Joah and I feel that it'd be a shitty thing for me to do, just waiting for me to be given a position as BCMD. I understand why you put a -1 on my application for that reason, if I were in the battalion and some schmuck were to randomly run for it I'd do the same.

Hopefully later on tonight, I will be able to get onto the server and do that

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