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Shady's BCMD Fox Application [Waived]


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Steam Name: Shady

RP Name: Thire

RP Rank: Major

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:64853519 | 76561198089972767

Battalion you are applying for: CG BCMD Fox

Experience: Prior to my return I was a DU eARCL MAJ 

Coruscant Guard PVT-MAJ

Since my return to Synergy, I never thought that I would be where I am now within the Coruscant Guard. I was always intrigued with Diplomatic Services and Negotiations. I found Courscant Guard's professionalism and integrity always honorable. After some time away, I instantly knew what I wanted to do and set forth on this great path.

Diplomatic Services-Diplomatic Services Officer
When I made the rank of SGT, I joined Diplomatic Services. I quickly applied for and was promoted to DSO, allowing me the ability to really start helping out with my battalion, which I did by hosting DS tryouts and Negotiations trainings. During this time, I became Rys and started applying myself within the MED regiment. Once I obtained the rank of WO, I spent my time making sure trainings were being done, checking on the activity of my troopers, and making sure our enlisted, NCO and SNCO were all taken care to prevent any problems from arising within the ranks.

Regimental Officer
After I got promoted to LT, I pushed myself to take on even more responsibilities within the Officer Corps of the battalion. I made sure our WOs were doing their trainings, promoting the troopers doing good work, amongst other officer duties. I wanted to help out the battalion more by going beyond MED and becoming the Regimental Officer. I interviewed for it and got accepted. As Regimental Officer, my tasks included making sure the regimental leads and officers were promoting their regiments and maintaining activity. There were some high points and some low points during this period. DS was full, ARC was full, but the other regiments seemed to struggle behind. I did everything that I could to make sure we got good people into those regiments and now, I can say that through my efforts we have filled MED, HVY, and everything else is currently in a healthy state and headed in the right direction. By maintaining my focus on getting the regiments to the right place, I soon found myself at the rank of CPT. I used this opportunity to help start mentoring my fellow Officers and that's how I ended up as MAJ.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:
Throughout my time on Synergy, I have done nothing but constantly strive to improve the battalion by assisting our regiments with trainings, ensuring everything was documented appropriately, and helped to revamp the CG tryout doc and the Negotiations training doc to make sure that new members of Coruscant Guard are trained properly and that our community is able to flourish. I have been learning and growing, finding new ways to help everyone know the Synergy server rules and our battalion's own rules. I have consistently helped to make Coruscant Guard a better place and intend to do so as BCMD. As BCMD, I plan to help continuing to improve the efficiency of the battalion in one main way. I want to change the way we handle our trainings and increase the standards of our trainings.

Monday 5pm-12am
Tuesday 5pm-12am
Wednesday 5pm-12am
Thursday 5pm-12am
Friday 5pm-12am
Saturday All Day
Sunday All Day

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 4 years in total but recently 4.5 months.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?: 

Officer Corp: During my time in CG, so far I have seen lots of promising candidates and have helped a few get into Officer Corps by building them up to be model officers. I hope to continue to build the corp while maintaining its integrity, leadership and professional values. By actively informing our current and new Officers on how to host and partake in RP related trainings. Cross-Regiment, and Cross-Battalion trainings will help give CG Officers a greater chance at relations within CG and the server as a whole while also making them more experienced leaders. Members of the Officer Corps will be held more accountable for their actions and I want to be certain that when I'm at the end of my term, the Officer Corp is able to continue on with the next Fox even if it's not me

NCO's:  While I was in the NCO group, I realized that certain requirements and duties were quite easy to obtain which caused an influx of members to our SNCOs filling up and our battalion's WO stuck in limbo. Currently we have lots of NCO's and SNCO's that have been extremely crucial to the health in the battalion and are being pushed to be more influential within CG and its regiments. I would like to fix our requirement system so that members don't feel like they're rushing through the ranks. I want trainings, patrols, and event leadership to mean more than being just a number on a form. By changing the way members are promoted through the ranks, I think that will help ensure future leaders are ready to take on the added responsiblities they have as an Officer.

Diplomatic Services:  Since I have been in DS, I have had a hard time getting negotiations RP on the server, and, to avoid a rant, there is a lot of times where negotiations isn't provided as an option or it is but everyone tends to stop that RP. I want to make changes to that so we can have more time and ability to negotiate by having a more established knowledge of the RP itself. Recently, DS has not been as active as it was when I started out. I want to return to having more Senator and DS-style trainings, as well as joint trainings with 104th as they are great with hostage rescue and negotiations. I want to bring multiple battalions together to promote RP for DS and 104th alike. Since leaving DSO and becoming the REGO, I have constantly tried to push for more intergration and roleplay of with other battalions. I want to also push more joint training with 41st as they're our alien translators. With the right push, I believe DS can work alongside 41st and 104th in elaborate joint trainings involving negotiations, alien translations, and hostage rescue.

Tracker:  Tracker has been in turmoil since I joined CG. During my time, it has had its ups and its downs. With it being so underutilized. I believe with the new leadership in place it can be moved to a better place. I'm working with the TKL to make sure that we see return of Masiff RP. In doing so, I would like to involve them more in hostage rescue and negotiationsm, bringing the entirity of CG's Specilized Regiments into the fold by using each of their strengths to make each other better. I want tracker to mean more than just being CG's K9 unit. I want to use them in more of DS's RP, kind of along the lines of assisting with criminal searches and village raids, to name a few

I am happy to have been in Coruscant Guard for as long as I have. When I returned, lots of battalions tried pleading their case, but CG was the one that presented the strongest pitch. I hope to continue the Legacy of the Foxes before me. I hope during my time, I can return some stability to the Battalion. I want to push for more professionalism and teachings of the rules and, by doing so, creating a more friendly and more knowledgeable group that fully understands each other's capabilities and how they interconnect. I will continue my dedication to better the Battalion, no matter the cost

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

Edited by Shady
  • Agree 2
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+1 This guy is easily the best candidate in my opinion. Shady has played a crucial role in the Coruscant Guard, brought our specializations to new heights, and created an exponentially positive environment within our Battalion. If I could personify the phrase, "subject matter expert" it would be Shady. Shady has my full support and I would be glad to continue to vouch for him at any point. 

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+1 He was my Right hand man within my time here in CG and has helped me out SO MUCH as REGO in CG and as a major

  • Current:
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  • Diplomatic Service Lead Stone
  • Naval Petty Officer 
  • Naval Zak
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  • GC Reed (Former)
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  • Serra Keto (Former)
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Hmm, I feel like you should beef this app up a tad but I am going to +1, seems the Battalion likes what you've been doing and wants you as their BCMD. Good luck.

Former: Senior Admin | Dooms Unit SNCO | 187th NCO ST SNCO Senator Gume Saam | SO CPT JetRSB Supervisor LTJG Dodd Rancit | Commander Keller | RSB Supervisor LTJG Alexsandr Kallus |

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Head Admin

Few questions

I see a lot here about inner battalion workings, and very little about external interactions with other battalions, and what you have limits to discussion about a select few battalions. Do you have any tangible goals with CGs overall perception across the server, or any specific intention to improve batt relations with all battalions? 


Do you think CG has been arrest heavy, arrest light, or perfectly in the middle recently?

6 minutes ago, Soccer said:

+1 He was my Right hand man within my time here in CG and has helped me out SO MUCH as REGO in CG and as a major

Are you running?

       Zeros          Clutch



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38 minutes ago, KaiserNeiner said:

Few questions

I see a lot here about inner battalion workings, and very little about external interactions with other battalions, and what you have limits to discussion about a select few battalions. Do you have any tangible goals with CGs overall perception across the server, or any specific intention to improve batt relations with all battalions? 


Do you think CG has been arrest heavy, arrest light, or perfectly in the middle recently?

Are you running?

Kaiser to answer your questions, First I will say at this moment I belive the server perception of us isn't the worst but could be vastly improved. I plan on meeting with BCMD's and CMD's so I can initialy see how we can improve CG and our Duties as a whole. At a point CG was held to higher standard and regard and i want to steer us back on the path. 

Secondly CG is currently in middle ground with arrest aside from the normal minges we have been so far so good I will say as the holidays pick up the arrests may pick as the server fills up during these next few months. 

Edited by Shady
  • Friendly 1
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Head Admin
8 hours ago, Shady said:

Kaiser to answer your questions, First I will say at this moment I belive the server perception of us isn't the worst but could be vastly improved. I plan on meeting with BCMD's and CMD's so I can initialy see how we can improve CG and our Duties as a whole. At a point CG was held to higher standard and regard and i want to steer us back on the path. 

Secondly CG is currently in middle ground with arrest aside from the normal minges we have been so far so good I will say as the holidays pick up the arrests may pick as the server fills up during these next few months. 

I would personally like to see a Fox applicant that’s already trying to work with battalions to improve relations, not one that wants to do it after they get BCMD. You could be reaching out to BCMDs and CMDs now and try working on it, rather than waiting. 


-1 from me but so far you have your battalions support which is pretty important, good luck. 

  • Agree 1

       Zeros          Clutch



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+1 Shady is dedicated to CG, thoroughly understands the rules, takes initiative to solve problems, and is a naturally-followed leader. I think having a Fox, especially one with Shady's capabilities, is exceptionally beneficial for managing the duties of all officers and is almost always a significant motivating factor, when around, for newer CG members, and Shady is an excellent fit as a figurehead for CG. Additionally, this position deals with inter-battalion affairs much more naturally than anything below CMD, and I have confidence that Shady will take advantage of this to work with other battalions in the constant effort of improving CG's server-wide outlook.

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-1 I want to see a candidate for fox that will target CGs issues with the problems that NCOs and enlisted have with making sure server guidelines are enforced onto everyone with equality and that CGs attitude toward individuals in the server aren’t as hostile as they’ve become. 

We always see Fox candidates preach about their numbers and the submits and whatnot but not the actual public relations that has plagued CG for a long time 

  • Winner 1
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CG is a difficult battalion to run. I'd like to see you have more time around the battalion itself and reach out to battalions to see how they view CG. I'm glad your battalion is supportive. CG has ran into several issue with false arrests, arrests that  shouldn't have happened and not knowing rules. It's frankly annoying. I'd like to see this mentioned and see more than just your internal battalion plans.

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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I know you guys get so much shit from the server,  but I'm going to have to agree with Mystic. 

There needs to be someone actively trying to change the perception of CG outside of CG.   Many issues are going on and not many people working on said issues.   I'll tell you looking outside looking in,  There are a lot of complaints of not just the false arrests but some CG intentionally going after certain battalions.

I get you want the position to start doing it,  but you could be actively doing it as a senior officer.    Crack the wipe a little.

-1 for now.  

Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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shady has done great work in CG , he's also been very welcoming when i first joined the server. He has explained the rules and trying to reform CG from within. so its a +1 for me 

Current 501st 332ndO SSG Blaze 

formers: CG Major Jek ,  Senior senator Lux Bonteri , 501st TCO Cpt Hawk 332ndO major  Jesse ,  Vice chairmen Mas Amedda 

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On 11/21/2023 at 4:55 PM, Arizona said:

CGs issues with the problems that NCOs and enlisted have with making sure server guidelines are enforced onto everyone with equality and that CGs attitude toward individuals in the server aren’t as hostile as they’ve become. 

We always see Fox candidates preach about their numbers and the submits and whatnot but not the actual public relations that has plagued CG for a long time 

I don't want to have to come back again and straighten things out.

  • Agree 1
  • Winner 1
  • Pay Respect 1
  • Based 1

Current: Game Master | Former: Fox, Thire, Stone, BCMD, Veteran Admin, DSL, ARCLx2
kamino-coruscant — Commander Fox and Sergeant Hound S05x18: The Jedi...

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I'm giving this a +1 but I like to see CG's image stay good within the server. If a person talks down on CG don't respond back nor cause drama. Deal with it responsibly by talking to CG High Command. If things get worse talk to a VA+ and make sure it gets handled. I love the server and CG, so I only wish for the best for new people leading the battalion after me.

Current: Game Master | Former: Fox, Thire, Stone, BCMD, Veteran Admin, DSL, ARCLx2
kamino-coruscant — Commander Fox and Sergeant Hound S05x18: The Jedi...

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So, I'm going to be up front and blunt. I have seen and talked to you about a lot of things. From what I have personally witness you are a very chill and respectable person. You also have the tendencies of someone who is very power hungry and just wants the title. I would like to talk to you more about my comments one on one.  
At this time its going to be a 


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26 minutes ago, Wolfe said:

So, I'm going to be up front and blunt. I have seen and talked to you about a lot of things. From what I have personally witness you are a very chill and respectable person. You also have the tendencies of someone who is very power hungry and just wants the title. I would like to talk to you more about my comments one on one.  
At this time its going to be a 


I would be happy to meet up with you. 

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Gonna be a +1 from me dawg, as long as I've been in CG, Shady has been someone I could look up to, and always speak with about any issues, I think he'd be a great fit in the BCMD position, he's a down to earth kinda guy that you can talk too, which is important when you want proper communication in Chain of Command, I feel like he'd lead us in the right direction, and even help create more opportunities to work with other battalions! :D

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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