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Washington's Senior Commander App


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Steam Name: Nato Havoc

RP Name: Defensive Regimental Commander

Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:76144015

Brigade you are applying for: Attack-Defense Senior Commander

Experience: So, I will point it out instead of a massive paragraph: 

  •  I rose from TR3- CMD within the 327th, and served that position for a very long time.
  •  I served as a MAJ within the 41st and worked with them closely
  • My tenure as Null was filled with assisting the 41st and 327th in various outreach. My Null time also allowed me to get aquaintated with the majority of the server
  • 327th CMD AGAIN (bye bye Null phase) in which I helped it until I became REG
  •  Defensive Regimental Commander (Most recent): So this position I have served for a month, and have managed to assist my battalions, help in the revival of DU since shields were removed. I helped the 327th recieve all of their goods they got in the update, and the additon of K-Company. I have also worked very closely with EACH member of the Defense regiment VERY closely. 

Why should you become a Senior Commander?: The reason I am going for this position is because I want to see success within the Attack and Defense battalions, and see them become the best of the best within Synergy Roleplay. I have worked extremely closely with the Defensive Regiment and spent much of my time on the server with, and within them. Now I look to assist the Attack battalions, and to see them blossom to even better than they currently are. I look forward to assisting them in anything they could need or use, and to help them in any way possible. I also wish to be a new level of activity brought to the Senior Commander role (something previously neglected) and to be there for my Regiments. I want to see my home regiment of Defense continue to grow, while assisting the amazing Attack battalions continue to prosper.


Do you understand the lore of your brigade?: Yes, I know the lore of the battalions within the Attack-Defense Brigade rather well. 


Availability:Most days 1pm (PST) - 11 (PST), so around 10-11 hours each day (unless unforeseen circumstances interrupt my life) 


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: Much like my experience, gonna bullet point this

  • Rose through ranks in various battalions
  • Reached High Command
  • Reach the rank of Vet-Admin (before my resignation in staff)

Do you have a microphone?:  Yes I do, feel free to talk to me at any time.


Where do you want your brigade to be at the end of your term?: I want to see these battalions get even better than they were before. I want to see a  continuity in the prospering of the Attack battalions, and to see the Defense battalions continue to see great success. These battalions have the uptomost potential for greatness, and I want to see them there. 


How do you plan to improve relations within your brigade?:  I do not see many divisons within the Attack-Defense Bridgade, however I would like to see them working more together. Some ways to see joint-cooperation of these two amazing groups would be through being in sims together, and working with each other in synergy in joint operations and deployments. Another way would be to improve RP between the two battalions by having them focus and work on their own specilaizations within operations (Ex. Having 212th call for 327th to defend a base, while 212th pushes forward to siege another, and pushing forward together etc.).Continuing work and constant unity would be the best for helping the relations within the brigade.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: I am very well aware of this.


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your senior commander rank?: Yes, this is something that I am very well aware about.















  • Agree 1
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* looks at this app. pauses looks around. looks at it once more. pauses and looks at +1 or -1. Stares at both choices even smelling them. walks outside the room comes back in trips over a pen on the floor. Stand up and dust self off and kick pen* There no point to this 





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+1 Both of you are ideal in my opinion.

Edited by Jayarr
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Washington, you're a great guy, but you're just as mingy as me, "Which is not good."

There is someone else that I believe deserves this position overall, We'll see what happens when the Directors decide.

I wish you the best of luck.

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So, after much consideration I am deciding to VOID this application. I have taken a look at the other application against me and it is clear which candidate is better suited for the position. I will be remaining at Regimental and can hope to gain more experience the next time. It can also seem clear of which candidate will simply due better perhaps due to some bias. However, he simply seems much more qualified for the position that we are applying for, and would be better for the Brigade that I would be. So, I will be stepping back from SCMD for now, and will gain more experience as RCMD, to better me as a candidate in the future.

@Joah @Oxen @Jackson@literallyanyforummodwhocanlockthis You al ready know what to do! ;)

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