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Knight's BCMD Fox Re-Application


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Steam Name: Knight | Synr.gg

RP Name: KnightVR

Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:488808076

Battalion you are applying for: Battalion Commander Fox

How many terms you've held the position?: One term, I’ve held the position.

Why do you wish to maintain this position?: I wish to maintain my position as Battalion Commander Fox because I'm honestly not burnt out of the position. I really love the community and care about bringing it back to its glory! CG still needs to be rework and fixed due to the amount of missing/incompleted documents that was left with me. Trainings are needed to be picked up and numbers are to be focused on during my new/current term. I like being Commander Fox for the soul purpose of providing rp to the server and leadership to my battalion. I want to bring amazing relationship with all battalions with CG to form good communication and trainings with one another. I promised to myself that I would leave CG if we were in good condition and thriving. I want to be remembered from future Foxes that I made sure I was a dedicated BCMD Fox, and that they don't have a hard time like I did in the beginning of my term with CG being in a bad position. CG is my home and since been with me since I joined the server. I hope to see you all in my next term.. hey maybe another third term if I can. Who knows.


Current availability:
Timezone is PST
Monday: Free all day
Tuesday: After 2 pm PST
Wednesday: After 6 pm PST
Thursday: Free all day
Friday: Any time before 5 pm PST
Saturday and Sunday: Won’t be available

What have you achieved within your battalion during your past term?:

  1. Fixed the Coruscant Feedback and Report Form. (Completed)
  2. Add a merit point system to keep CG activity in check (Will be used soon after we fix things. (Semi-Completed)
  3. Build an Officer Core within CG when I didn’t have one from the beginning. (Completed)
  4. Built a CG email so that all Documents within CG are in one place in a drive. (Completed)
  5. All Lore Characters are taken within the Coruscant Guard. (Completed)
  6. Made CG Officers do logging than having an Intel team. (Completed)
  7. Revise Documents within CG (Semi-Completed)
  8. Brought back numbers toward the end of my term. (Completed)
  9. Pushed for sim training within CG and joint training. (Completed)
  10. Kept good relationships with other battalions and was very open to any concerns/suggestions. (Completed)

What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your battalion?:

  1. Focus on activity within my battalion. (Working on)
  2. Focus on the core within CG, like training, police RP, NCO core, and specializations. (Working on)
  3. Bring back Diplomatic Services in good condition. (Working on)
  4. If CG is to be given negotiations, I will see to take care of it and work on it in order to hand it to the next Fox. (Working on)
  5. Merit System is polished and working great past my term. (Working on)
  6.  The first term, I focused on the background of CG, and now it’s time to push for roleplay within the server of what the battalion can contribute. (Working on)
  7. Focus on more RP with BH, and possibly make a new arrest system that isn’t tied to server rules like RP detainments. (Haven’t done this but will work on)
  8. Discipline needs to be enforced within CG, and I’ll make sure punishment is given to those who are insubordinate within CG. (Working on)

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes, I understand.



Current: Game Master | Former: Fox, Thire, Stone, BCMD, Veteran Admin, DSL, ARCLx2
kamino-coruscant — Commander Fox and Sergeant Hound S05x18: The Jedi...

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+1 But I have a few things that I feel should be priority.

3 minutes ago, KnightVR said:

Discipline needs to be enforced within CG, and I’ll make sure punishment is given to those who are insubordinate within CG. (Working on)

Alongide #8, make sure rules are being enforced fairly and equally. Just because the brig is locked down doesn't mean it is private, technically you're not behind close doors. Shouldn't be hearing a battle happening in brig on a daily basis when there is nothing happening. Go to a SIM Room.

5 minutes ago, KnightVR said:

Focus on more RP with BH, and possibly make a new arrest system that isn’t tied to server rules like RP detainments. (Haven’t done this but will work on)

Alongside #7, RP in general needs to be better, last time I checked we didn't shoot people who are being interrogated, especially if they're giving valuable information, killing them only makes you lose grounds. A casualty of war is a loss of information that could've been used to stop the war, therefore not a good thing to shoot for (literally and figuratively)

Those two will help you in the long run in my opinion, but you will decide your plan of action.

Best of luck.

Image result for hell or high water jeff bridges

Choose your place, hell or high water, there is no in between.

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3 minutes ago, Buzz said:

+1 But I have a few things that I feel should be priority.

Alongide #8, make sure rules are being enforced fairly and equally. Just because the brig is locked down doesn't mean it is private, technically you're not behind close doors. Shouldn't be hearing a battle happening in brig on a daily basis when there is nothing happening. Go to a SIM Room.

Alongside #7, RP in general needs to be better, last time I checked we didn't shoot people who are being interrogated, especially if they're giving valuable information, killing them only makes you lose grounds. A casualty of war is a loss of information that could've been used to stop the war, therefore not a good thing to shoot for (literally and figuratively)

Those two will help you in the long run in my opinion, but you will decide your plan of action.

Best of luck.

Totally agree,

1. need cg to stop hording in brig and step out. I honestly when I come to the brig I don't care if there isn't anything happening but if there's a event and brig is to be lock down I will respectful notify people to stay away.

2. Need CG to chill out when given roleplay since we tend to get all jumpy when we get a part in the event. These two will definitely be focused on.

  • Agree 1

Current: Game Master | Former: Fox, Thire, Stone, BCMD, Veteran Admin, DSL, ARCLx2
kamino-coruscant — Commander Fox and Sergeant Hound S05x18: The Jedi...

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+1 Probably my favorite Fox since Noodles. 

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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1 minute ago, Mystic said:

+1 Probably my favorite Fox since Noodles. 

Holy shit someone liked me



+1 Knight is a great Fox knows what’s it takes and cares for CG. Coming from a Former Fox he deserves a second term

The guy that plays on a roleplay server but hates roleplay

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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My biggest thing is seeing support from your own battalion, if I See that its an instant +1 and because I've seen support from them I am going to say +1, my biggest thing on re-apps is support from ones own battalion, that to me should be enough for a re-app, keep up the great work and fr, what buzz said is true so try to focus on that, we get you guys are the police force but some think they are the government.

Continuing what buzz said, interrogations happen in the brig which overall gives you guys authority on how those interrogations are handled. I don't like the shooting people being interrogated either, I have witnessed when a Jedi was doing a force sensitive interrogation a trooper, random trooper walks in says "GIVE US THE INFO" and shot the prisoner 3 times and then just left and nothing happened to him.

  • Informative 1
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I personally believe CG is in a better and more respectful state then before. +1. I hope to see TG and CG Relations expand.

  • Agree 1

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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Future Dev Team Assistant
CT PVT Alpha-14 Tec
Former: Fleet Admiral Wullf Yularen, Navy Clone Rear Admiral Tec, Chief of Engineering x2, Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan, Null 7 LT Mereel , 104th Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major, Improcco Company ENG SGT Clanky (For Real this Time), Intel Director of the 104th, Republic Navy, Coruscant Guard, 41st, and 501st, Admin, GM for a Week

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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