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Nissan's BCMD Application (Waived by Marvel)


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Steam Name: NissanMikli 


RP Name: TC CT-5555 Fives | Gume Saam


RP Rank: Major | Senator 


SteamID: STEAM_0:0:55869356


Battalion or squad you are applying for:


501st Legion





501st PVT - CPT (Sugga - Valor)

I started my journey on Synergy under Sugga’s command in the 501st and worked my way up through the ranks. I first joined ARF and then worked up to ARFO and then became ARFL and worked my way up through the enlisted ranks and up to captain which is where I took my leave off Synergy at that time.





41st PVT - XO (Wren)

I had been away from the server for a little while and was looking for a new adventure so I decided to give 41st a go under Wren’s command. I worked very hard to achieve my goals within 41st and made sure the battalion ran smoothly. We managed to get it to a very good place which is sadly where I got hit with Covid and was forced to leave my position as XO as I was no longer able to keep my activity and once my Covid had passed. Cloud was the BCMD of 41st and I wasn’t that keen on the direction it was taking so I took my leave and joined 501st once again




501st SGT - Colonel  (Bud - Shockpoint - Black)


I first joined the battalion because I saw there were quite a lot of old friends in 501st and they needed some help. So I gladly joined again and started to slowly work my way up the ranks. I eventually became TCXO and later on promoted to REGL as I had worked my way up the ranks once again. After some very smooth sailing with the battalion. I took leave once more to focus on other things in my life. However, This was some of the best time spent in the 501st.



        Senator Gume Saam


Being a Senator has taught me a lot about passive RP and helped me improve on my interaction with other troopers on the base. It has made me more social than ever and opens your mind to things you never really thought of before. 


Why should you become a Battalion Commander of your squad?: 


I’m extremely dedicated to this battalion and have worked my ass off for this battalion. I’m all for making 501st great again and I’m not afraid to make mistakes and own up to them, however. I believe I deserve this position because of my experience and what I can bring to the battalion. I consider every suggestion that is brought up to me. I am a very positive person, and I do not show any signs of favoritism with people. Nobody likes everybody. That is just a cold hearted truth about being human, but that does not mean you won’t be able to progress within the 501st and you won’t be able to make it your home. Everyone will be welcomed and everyone will have a fair chance as long as work is being put into it. And your vote will always matter whenever we will be going over any suggestions. Whenever I am going to make a change I will consult it with my officers first, and after that the decision will be made. I have to point out that I do have the needed experience to run the battalion. I have been in a leadership position of both sub units, Regimental Leader as well as a Commander position before. I have served under 4 Battalion Commander's of the 501st Legion, Which has made me a very considerate person of how I go about things and how I can help others that are in need of help within the battalion and the best course of action to take in all matters. 


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:


Yes I do understand the lore of the 501st Legion, as well as the lore of both Sub-Units.




Monday: 12PM - 4 AM GMT +1

Tuesday: 12PM - 4 AM GMT +1

Wednesday: 12PM - 4 AM GMT +1

Thursday: 12PM - 4 AM GMT +1

Friday: 12PM - 4 AM GMT +1

Saturday: 12PM - 4 AM GMT +1

Sunday: 12PM - 4 AM GMT +1

(Note: my time zone is GMT +1)


Estimate of how long you have played on Synergy Roleplay: 


I joined in 2020 and believe I have around 1300 hours


Do you have a microphone?:


Yes, I do.


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:


At  the end of my term. I want 501st to be as professional and optimized as possible. I want it to be left in such a good state that it should be easy for the new BCMD to transition into the battalion. I want every regiment to have every document in order and I want the Sub units to be set with both people and regulations and training. I want to make sure that everything I have worked for leaves a big impact on how 501st is being run in the future.

These are some of my general plans for the battalion in the near future. 

332nd Company - I think its time we make 332nd more of the elite unit and introduce tough tryouts and training to the people as a way to work their way into the 332nd. RP will again play a major role in the decision, but I think 332nd could benefit from being seen as the “Elite unit” of 501st 

Torrent Company - Torrent company. After a lot of consideration. I think Torrent Company could benefit quite a lot by emphasizing on RP and seeing how people roleplay as the character they are going for. 

Regiments - Regiments are something we really need to work on. As soon as we get the main battalion filled up again. The regiments will start gaining recruits as well. ARC is the only regiment in a good place and everything else is hurting. If we focus on this. I believe it will make a big difference and actually make the battalion look good again. That being said. When I get all the leader positions filled with the right people. I will not step back from them. I will keep working closely with the Regimental lead to make sure everything stays up to date and that everyone stays happy.

Recruitment - Recruitment is never stable for any battalion as it is for the entire server, but I want 501st to do the best it can do by showing as much presence as possible and by showing people what they can achieve if they set their minds to it. I feel like having an active Battalion Commander kind of attracts people into joining the battalion, with that being said even if it will be up to me hosting tryouts everyday, I will do what is needed to bring the numbers up again until I will have an active NCO corp. We want to be appealing, from an outside looking in standpoint and from an insider's point of view. I want to bring back anonymous feedback for officers. It means they can submit a form anonymously or be named if they wish and give feedback on me or anyone else within the battalion so they can freely speak their mind. I will also give more incentives such as the recruiter of the month gets permanently listed on the roster with medals. 

Professionalism - when it comes to battle comms. I feel like the 501st has been lacking as a whole when it comes to this and we tend to kind of just do whatever we want during events. I want to bring back order to this so we can have an organized battalion again during events and actually work together as a team as it makes us look more appealing to new recruits and will make 501st look like a role model to other battalions. I feel like there are things we should still work on, for example our behavior, and how we treat each other. A lot of the issues are attributed to the lack of high command presence within the battalion, as well as a relaxation that occurred because of it. These issues can be simply resolved through actively setting the example, and a presence. I will also be doing training and sims for the entire battalion, going over what could be considered simple stuff such as battle comms and sim etiquette, to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Officer Corp - I want my Officer Corps to be active, running trainings regularly, helping each other as they are supposed to. I want them to be communicating with each other properly so we can establish a proper chain of command and to work closely together so we can make one of the strongest Officer corps out there. I want them to work very closely with me to help me make important decisions because I want everybody to be a part of major changes happening to the 501st. I want to keep the battalion as transparent as possible, to the point where I won't have to make every major change on my own. I will closely be going through the officers (I will not be wiping the officer corps), but handling issues with individual officers and ensuring they’re functioning at the level needed for their rank. I also want to bring back Officer Evals to the Officer meeting so that I am able to know what officers think about each other.

NCO Corps - as of right now I do feel like we could use some changes to the NCO Corp, I feel like people don't really have a motivation to play on the server. I will do my best to give them opportunities, to prove themselves as well as just enjoy the server, and have fun while spending their time on it. I will keep on rewarding them for recruitment, training and event leads. NCO’s major problem is lack of leadership, and presence of High command.

Activity - as of right now our activity is very unstable, and I do think that it needs to be worked on. I feel like that if I get the position, and I will be actively playing on the server, I will set an example for my officers, as well as NCOs and show them that there is a purpose to play on the server actively, even if that means me doing daily trainings and operations just to bring our numbers back up. After all, I can't expect my troopers to be Active if I am not. 501st has had some very inactive BCMD’s because of issues in their real lives, as a result it caused a chain reaction for the rest of the battalion. By simply being on. Showing presence and being an active BCMD. I will be helping out a lot just by motivating people to be on. If I give people a reason to be on. They will be. Lead by example and people will follow. on the activity. I understand that School and work and all that stuff comes first, but if I don’t put in the time. Nobody will. And I will make sure that my Officers are used to doing different activities on a daily basis.

Promotions - Mass promotions under my term will not be a thing unless there are special cases where we are in dire need of it or someone has done extremely well and truly has earned it. For some people it will come more naturally than others, but I will always try to make it as fair and reasonable as possible. 


Jedi - For our Jedi I feel like it is in a good state. We have an active Anakin, who is actively doing stuff with the battalion and our Jedi Program. I won’t be making too many changes to this as I think it is already at a good place. I want the Jedi to be rewarded the same way as clones for their hard work and dedication. I want it to be just as fun being a 501st Jedi as a clone. 



The major issues reside in the fact that the 501st is hurting a lot when it comes to overall numbers and activity. If there is no BCMD present then people will lose motivation and it is a major problem that has to be fixed. and in turn makes it  hard for people to find motivation. We are also struggling with the fact that 501st in and of itself has a small number of members, as most people in 501st are either TC or 332nd. 


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Yes, I do understand.


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:


Yes, I do understand.




Note: Thank you all for taking the time to read this and I cannot wait to hear some feedback.

Edited by NissanMikli

Former Rex - Fives - Walon Vau

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4 minutes ago, NissanMikli said:

The major issues reside in the fact that the 501st is hurting a lot when it comes to overall numbers and activity. If there is no BCMD present then people will lose motivation and it is a major problem that has to be fixed. 


I think this is a given? I really don't see the need to include this. 501st for a long time has been a self sustaining battalion. BCMD presence is of course vital but you need to explain what youre going to do to address this problem.


6 minutes ago, NissanMikli said:

332nd Company - I think its time we make 332nd more of the elite unit and introduce tough tryouts and training to the people as a way to work their way into the 332nd. RP will again play a major role in the decision, but I think 332nd could benefit from being seen as the “Elite unit” of 501st 

Torrent Company - Torrent company. After a lot of consideration. I think Torrent Company could benefit quite a lot by emphasizing on RP and seeing how people roleplay as the character they are going for. 

332 - This is redundant. All you did in this was state you want to add tough tryouts and trainings. Then say you want it to be an elite unit twice. What do you want them to specialize in? and would doing this hurt Torrent Company, the elite unit?

TC- This response has been in EVERY 501st BCMD app in the last 2 years. What makes yours different?

What are you planning to do? I can really only chalk this application up to "Increase RP and put people in positions and change the purpose of this and this" How are you planning to do this? How are you wanting to going to change the current structure for the better?

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate


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Howdy! So to start off I must mention that I have known Nissan for about 3 years now. During my time as Rex he was one of the most reliable officers I had to the point he was running up for a Commander spot if he didn't resign. He is well experienced, mature, has a good grasp of what the battalion needs while he also has good leadership and communication skills. 

I must mention that our former BCMD has declared supporting him for going for Rex

He is currently the best candidate to fill those shoes.

As a current Commander of 501st, I don't see supporting anyone else as a choice rn.

Edited by Black
  • Friendly 1

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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12 minutes ago, Mystic said:

I think this is a given? I really don't see the need to include this. 501st for a long time has been a self sustaining battalion. BCMD presence is of course vital but you need to explain what youre going to do to address this problem.


332 - This is redundant. All you did in this was state you want to add tough tryouts and trainings. Then say you want it to be an elite unit twice. What do you want them to specialize in? and would doing this hurt Torrent Company, the elite unit?

TC- This response has been in EVERY 501st BCMD app in the last 2 years. What makes yours different?

What are you planning to do? I can really only chalk this application up to "Increase RP and put people in positions and change the purpose of this and this" How are you planning to do this? How are you wanting to going to change the current structure for the better?

Torrent Company. I want them to be more RP based because they are only composed of Lore jobs.  

As for 332nd. I want them to be the elite unit because they have no actual jobs and are more on the side line. I want them to step up to the spotlight. 

To answer your first question. Just being active won't be enough that is true, but it is a start. It is a great starting point. I do have an incentive program in mind. By giving out more permanent rewards than simply just "Trooper of the month" or "Recruit of the month" I believe by introducing permanent medals that will be shown on the roster will be a solid starting point. It gives people something to show for their hard work.

Former Rex - Fives - Walon Vau

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This is an absolute no brainer, the only 501st I see online other than Woeny is you and a few others occasionally. You aren’t lying when you say the 501st is struggling, it’s also nearly impossible to imagine it struggling this much with it being an extremely core battalion to the clone wars roleplay experience. 

I do hope you get this, because you make valid points throughout this whole application.


And to the people being hyper critical of him wanting to target making his units better and getting his battalions activity as being barebones, consider that activity is an extreme importance of every battalion. 

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+1 but will like to say that tryouts will be done for 332nd in the future but i dont think making themthe elite of the elite is what im looking for rn well at lease while im vaughn. we have built a base to build off and tryouts will come when in time. :)

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Certified Femboy!!
Current Positions: Jedi KU Elder Master Simms| Former Friendly Neighborhood Yoda

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+1 i've seen you around and u make some good points, i hope you get this and we start working together a bit more closely  

  • Friendly 1


2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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How do you plan to work with the current Command team if you were to achieve this position? You would be jumping past both of them, and one is a current other applicant.

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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7 hours ago, Keegan said:

How do you plan to work with the current Command team if you were to achieve this position? You would be jumping past both of them, and one is a current other applicant.

This is a very good question. Before jumping into any of this. Both me and Lawrence said no hard feelings. Me and Black and Lawrence all get along great and I can't see there being any issues. If they have my back. Then I will have theirs

Former Rex - Fives - Walon Vau

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14 hours ago, NissanMikli said:

I worked very hard to achieve my goals within 41st and made sure the battalion ran smoothly.

I question this. You were promoted to XO within 41st even though you only had 10 hours in the past two weeks when you got promoted. Can you list some of your achievements that you made when you were XO in 41st?




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10 minutes ago, Grief said:

I question this. You were promoted to XO within 41st even though you only had 10 hours in the past two weeks when you got promoted. Can you list some of your achievements that you made when you were XO in 41st?


I agree. My activity when I was in the 41st was not the highest and I probably would not have made me the XO at that time, but I was sick and was struggling with Covid pretty badly, how ever. Before it got to that point. I worked really closely with Wren and was extremely active. While I cannot remember a list of items we did work on as it was over a year ago, but I know for a fact that had it not been us putting in the work from very early on. The battalion back then would not have the numbers it did.

Former Rex - Fives - Walon Vau

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20 hours ago, NissanMikli said:

I do have an incentive program in mind. By giving out more permanent rewards than simply just "Trooper of the month" or "Recruit of the month" I believe by introducing permanent medals that will be shown on the roster will be a solid starting point. It gives people something to show for their hard work.

You said you were going to add more incentives, but how many are you going to add and how is this going to affect the 501st? How would this affect 501st recruiters, are you sure this is going to work and boost activity in the 501st?

Also how are you going to run through you plans are you going to try do all of them at the same time or get assistance from your officers? Is there an order you would implement your plans in and how would you help everyone adjust to your plans?

What would happen if one of your plans fail do you have a back plan prepared in case one plan fails?

Current: Improcco TennEeth Koth

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37 minutes ago, OutCast7501 said:

You said you were going to add more incentives, but how many are you going to add and how is this going to affect the 501st? How would this affect 501st recruiters, are you sure this is going to work and boost activity in the 501st?

Also how are you going to run through you plans are you going to try do all of them at the same time or get assistance from your officers? Is there an order you would implement your plans in and how would you help everyone adjust to your plans?

What would happen if one of your plans fail do you have a back plan prepared in case one plan fails?

I will indeed be adding more incentives for people to remain active. Exactly how many I'm not 100% certain of as its not that easy being able to predict what is needed, but it is something I will be doing to help motivate people. As if I'm sure its going to work and boost activity within the 501st. No. I'm not sure, but in trying something new. You can never be sure anything will work. Trial and error. In my opinion when something has been this stagnant for so long. It does not hurt to try something new.

As for my plans. I don't plan to change everything instantly. I want to give people time to settle with my changes and ofcourse I'm going to work closely with the officer corp and figure out the best way to introduce some of my changes. My changes will not come out over night and they will not come all at once. 

If my plan or plans do fail. The best possible solution I can give you is we have to look at why they failed. Why it didn't work and what we can do differently and then move on from there to figure out the best course of action.

Edited by NissanMikli

Former Rex - Fives - Walon Vau

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On 12/22/2022 at 10:38 AM, NissanMikli said:

I will set an example for my officers, as well as NCOs and show them that there is a purpose to play on the server actively, even if that means me doing daily trainings and operations just to bring our numbers back up.

On 12/22/2022 at 10:38 AM, NissanMikli said:

I will also be doing training and sims for the entire battalion, going over what could be considered simple stuff such as battle comms and sim etiquette, to ensure everyone is on the same page

Here you said you would do daily trainings and operations just to bring up 501st's numbers I am curious on what kind of trainings and operations you would host to increase numbers. You also wish to improve on 501st's communication but what trainings and sims would you run for the battalion and how would you run them? Getting officers to run them? Requiring the battalion to attend? Getting NCOs to assist? What if people refuse to show up to these trainings because they don't like daily trainings? Are you sure that constant daily trainings are a good idea to try increase 501st's numbers because if there are constant trainings then people will become more inactive, and activity will decrease instead of increasing because people would have been getting annoyed with constant training and operation pings.



Current: Improcco TennEeth Koth

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6 minutes ago, OutCast7501 said:

Here you said you would do daily trainings and operations just to bring up 501st's numbers I am curious on what kind of trainings and operations you would host to increase numbers. You also wish to improve on 501st's communication but what trainings and sims would you run for the battalion and how would you run them? Getting officers to run them? Requiring the battalion to attend? Getting NCOs to assist? What if people refuse to show up to these trainings because they don't like daily trainings? Are you sure that constant daily trainings are a good idea to try increase 501st's numbers because if there are constant trainings then people will become more inactive, and activity will decrease instead of increasing because people would have been getting annoyed with constant training and operation pings.



Well. You do make a valid point, how ever. I also mentioned that I was bringing a system for troopers to be able to send complaints. They can stay anonymous or make them selves known if they so wish. That way if people are unhappy with the way I'm taking things. They can give us direct feedback and we will be able to adjust accordingly. 

The main reason I want to see daily trainings hosted is because I believe it helps team work and team communication. At first it would most likely just be me and the officers hosting them until our NCO corp is comfortable hosting them for others. 

The sort of operations and trainings that can be hosted can be literally anything from a Citadel run to CQC trainings and sims. Even PVP trainings against each other would help a lot for a lot of people. 

As for activity when it comes to the trainings. I will make them mandatory if you are available. In my opinion. If a NCO hosts a training. And you are available to show up. You should attend. Not just for your self, but to also set an example for others

Former Rex - Fives - Walon Vau

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  • Founder

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


  • Winner 1
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  • Management

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!



i am literally captain tukk

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