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Hudson's Defense Regimental Commander Resignation


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The time has come, and I didn't want for it to happen. But I'm so busy now that it doesn't make sense to put stress on myself.

There are other individuals who can take my place and do a great job of it. @Zahariel and @Washington I have documentation that you can use should you desire if one of you becomes the Regimental.

So to start off, the commendations:

@Blueberry You have a fervor and fighting spirit that I cannot explain, keep up the good work with the boys in yellow. I know you have the possibilities of something more, show me I'm right.

@Washington You have gone by many names, and have fallen under many a command, but from my lead to Banana's you have shown the qualities of a great leader and commander.

@Zahariel You are the single most affluent speaker and greatest new arrival I saw in my time as a Regimental. You are a problem solver and a humble man at that.

@Arcantus (You aren't on here I guess, or I just don't know your profile) You get shit done. When you put your mind to something, there is NO STOPPING the machine.

@Kata You're still in the rankings of the same battalion even after the Ice Age. You've done commendable things in both of those times so it goes without saying

@Heroix Dedication, in one word is what I've seen from you. In bettering your battalion, and yourself. You know the standards you set and you uphold them.

@Draver @Drayyen @Ryu @Karma You are part of the many that I would call the battalion's backbone. 

The Entire 41st Elite Corps, but mostly Jefferson, Prado, Kopple, and the base of command do an excellent job when they are on, and convey a level of respect that surpasses many. (I'm sorry I couldn't find name links for most of you!)

@Zomb "Wow, no "your inactive" shout out. This isn't acceptable." You're inactive*

This is not, however, my farewell. I will be here as your Quinlan Vos the Jedi General of RANCOR Battalion, and I will continue to sing in the TeamSpeak no matter how many times some little Moroccan child comes into my fucking channel and tells me to stop. (Ooga booga get out of my channel you festering cunt). 

But most of all, I will be there for all of you. 

I have maintained that whenever someone is in my channel and they need to speak about something in private, nothing leaves said channel. If you need to vent, talk about life, the game, that little fucking retard that you JUST RECRUITED and he already got himself thrown in jail, be my guest, I am your open door.

Thank you to all of the people who made this clone journey possible, and for those I forgot to mention in the commendations.


~Former Defense Regimental Commander Hudson~ 

Edited by Hudson

Hudson, The Helmetless. Formerly Of:
41st Elite Corps & Green Company, Coruscant Guard, 327th Star Corps, Galactic Marines, Special Operations, 187th Legion, Defense and Recon Regimental Commander, 212th Attack Battalion, RANCOR, and for Jedi General Quinlan Vos and Jedi Advisor Shaak Ti.

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42 minutes ago, Gamerdude032 said:

I am the Arcantus/Deviss ALL SHALL FEAR ME....but it is sad to see you go mate....if you want, we have a spot open for you, whenever you need it

download (1).jpg


  • Agree 1

Hudson, The Helmetless. Formerly Of:
41st Elite Corps & Green Company, Coruscant Guard, 327th Star Corps, Galactic Marines, Special Operations, 187th Legion, Defense and Recon Regimental Commander, 212th Attack Battalion, RANCOR, and for Jedi General Quinlan Vos and Jedi Advisor Shaak Ti.

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On 11/14/2017 at 7:57 AM, oxen96818 said:

+1 Hudson, limited exposure to you being the Defensive Reg CMDR, but all of them were positive. Best of luck to you.

Looking forward to seeing the bright future you have ahead of you as well. For the Republic!

  • Agree 1

Hudson, The Helmetless. Formerly Of:
41st Elite Corps & Green Company, Coruscant Guard, 327th Star Corps, Galactic Marines, Special Operations, 187th Legion, Defense and Recon Regimental Commander, 212th Attack Battalion, RANCOR, and for Jedi General Quinlan Vos and Jedi Advisor Shaak Ti.

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