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Joe's Attack and Defense Senior Commander Application


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TRO Attack Regimental CMD Joe

Steam ID (SteamID Finder):


Brigade you are applying for:

Attack & Defense Senior Commander.


I have plenty of experience in the attack battalion during my time in the Galactic Marines all the way up to the rank of Captain, I know the importance of most or all Attack battalions that i fought along side with as how they take on things when in combat and which i would now be able to utilize each of them with the best proficiency possible, I also have watched the best officers become commander and have taken note of their methods as to how to inspire people to get things done and to organize, these people include Tank, Gene, Trifero, and most importantly Medic who were all great example of excellent leadership and i have taken their standards into consideration , i should note that the battalion is all about professionalism, honor, respect, and integrity, it was a big step for me to transfer out, but i did it for the sake of a new experience.

After transferring out of the Galactic Marines to 5th Fleet, I was a Sargent due to rank transfer terms and shown initiative as well as consideration for my battalion members due to the slight lack of leadership or officers being active, (No offence to those i am referring to, IRL stuff is more important and I don't blame them) after the final decision was made to become XO after showing a huge concern for our battalions numbers i began to start promoting people to their respective ranks, created a new tryout doc for everyone to refer to as well as to make other documents involving training my men how to deal with certain situations in a professional manner rather than auto arresting and to always issue out warning before making an arrest, this has brought other battalions to respect and appreciate us more as i have received many comments as to how i commanded the battalion. During this time now I had received the rank of Commander of 5th fleet which was a huge honor to have and one not to be taken for granted. I immediately started to worked alongside my men for new ideas on how we can better improve the battalion as well as with working closely with Naval, doing this created plenty of opportunities within 5th Fleet such as Interrogations, updating security records, etc. All of this helped increased our numbers and maintain peace and order on the Venator, To sum it all up, i helped a battalion that was in the mud and raised it into something with a lot more potential and shown to work plenty of times with documents. 

Another thing to note, as a 5th Fleet commander, I was given a role in Naval as well as Chief Quarter Master title, which means i had to make armor checks on battalions from the heads, chest, arms, and legs, their weaponry as well as any special equipment, after inspections i would have to make reports in the documents, another one of my roles as Naval was to lead during an event should no higher rank be on, thus allowing me to lead battalions from point A to B and to issue out Defcons, I believe this was an important role and experience for me to have for applying for this position as it allows me to know how to manage battalions.

I am currently the Attack Regimental Commander for the 501st, 212th, 101st, 104th and the best of the best GM and all their elite variants, All with their certain standards to get into their battalions, During my term I have been the most active Regimental CMD on the server which allowed me to oversee my battalions efficiently, i have dealt with infighting in multiple cases in a battalions and seen them being resolved regardless of the nature,  out of respect I will not name the battalions for they know who they are, including the one i helped guide them into getting new leadership into their battalion which allowed them to thrive to be successful and make new arrangements such as implementing new documents to better organize their battalion as well as tryout docs to allow easier access into the battalion while maintaining quality.

While in this role I have realize how close you become to each battalion and get to know people here and there, which make communication a lot more easier as i strive to not only be seen as as a Regimental CMD but also as a friend. I had some instances when a member of a battalion was going through a tough time in his/her life and i took the time out of my day to listen and give the best advice possible.

I also bring a good, outgoing, and professional attitude at all times, and when it comes to serious matters, i tend to be very persistent person such as messaging someone for an answer or following up with someone regarding a recent request or topic. Also I tend to be very active on the Synergy forums and constantly watch the website as well as have my google drive always open and ready to use.

Why should you become a Senior Commander?:

Aside from being urged by many to go for Senior command, I know i am ready to take the responsibilities of a Senior Commander as well as to host meetings to make sure everything with in a Reg CMD's battalion is going well with their progress and activity, as well as to bring up any concerns such as dwindling numbers or complaints. As I will continue to see it as my duty to look out for the battalions that may be headed down the chopping block and assist them by any means that i see fit. I'm also a very interactive person as I socialize myself with others battalions outside of my regiment such as Rancor, 41st, 104th, and the 187th. This allows me to build a better bond within the community and hear some suggestions, such as moving them to a different battle stations during a event or ideas to better a sim/tournament.

My main goal is to improve the activity of the battalions under my command, both Attack and Defense. though it may be very hard, it can still be achievable and I do enjoy a good positive challenge.

I intend to do so through constant communication, interaction, and hard work.

Do you understand the lore of your brigade?:

I do understand the lore of my battalions and continue learning.


I'm usually on five days out of the week as I like to not get burned out from Starwars RP and do some PUBG or GW2 to take the day off.

BUT I AM EXTREMELY ACTIVE IN TEAMSPEAK and will respond at a moments notice, I also have a discord that i may be contacted from as well to which i check constantly throughout the day.

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

- Became a TRO Officer. 

-Have the most battalions that have the most stable numbers.

- I am apart of the staff team and continue trying to go up the ranks to Vet Admins to start building sims and hopefully go for game maker when I reach admin rank.

Some may say "Oh these aren't even achievements" well let me tell you that they are to me as becoming something more than just a player on the server you play on really is a step forward to achieving greater things that can benefit you and the community.

Do you have a microphone?:

I do have a Microphone to which I always use to communicate with.

Where do you want your brigade to be at the end of your term?:

All battalions with stable numbers and high quality officers along with the BCMD and Reg CMD.

How do you plan to improve relations within your brigade?:

They say that bonds are created through battle and fighting a common enemy, which is the CIS and those who are at war with the republic. With the event server now out, and certain battalions being deployed every now and then, it can allow the BCMD to work with each other with the Reg CMD to coordinate attack (If times allows) which can improve and promote teamwork with battalions, overall and at the end of the mission we can have a debrief with each higher ranking officer from each battalion to gathering the negatives and positive and put them up as to what went wrong and what can be improved without calling out names or trying to roast a brother, from there with all the suggestions, the commander should be able to work it out and find a solution for future purposes. 

There is also the option of hosting Simulations and my personal favorite, Tournaments, with a nice cash prize to boost the spirits as well as their drive to participate in the tournament. but of course this should be done through the chain of command such as BCMD's and Reg CMD's, I do it for everyone to have fun when things are slow and no game makers are on.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

I completely understand that if i go in active i will be removed.

Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your senior commander rank?:

Yes I understand.

Retired:  OG of Synergy | Head Admin | Game Master Chief | Senior Attack and Defense Brigade Commander | #FirstCommanderAppToBeAcceptedOnTheForums.

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Seems like I'm getting some type of forum glitch.  Somehow this application hasn't been accepted yet...?


Though, jokes asides, MASSIVE +1 to this guy right here.  If there's any regimental that's deserving of the position, it's Joe.  

Edited by Slack
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  • Coordinator

Ok for whatever reason it wouldnt let me remove the quote and type, But that aside MASSIVE +1 TO joe As a attack battlalion commander he makes sure were always in check and going strong, Though the meme of him not being active is around he still does alot of work and recently has been super active :D

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Yeah nah ive been waiting fir this post. Joe has helped the 212th with issues along the way and i worked with him to resolve some. Joe is a very open person and you can go to him for anything, this man Deserves this position and it would be wrong to deny him of it. +1


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


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  • 187th Battalion Commander
  • 187th Executive Officer
  • 212th Ghost Company Lead
  • 212th ARC Lead
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  • 212th Commander Reed
  • Republic Medic Senior Officer
  • 41st Green Company
  • 41st 2ndLt
  • Ion Team Ras
  • RANCOR 2ndLt
  • 91st Captain
  • Shock 2ndLt
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When Joe became ATT REG CMD, I was skeptical. I barely knew the guy and I didn't see him around much or talked much. So I was like "just who is this guy?" 


About a month ago or so, that graduately began to change. Today, I can say Joe is an awesome guy to be with. He's helped the 212th with some issues, he clearly cares about his battalions. You can see him in TS in any given attack battalion. It's great how engaging he is. 


He's chill, cool, funny, he roleplays, he consistently talks with battalions with all ranks, and helps run a few things on the server. Joe helps keep the server fun.


for that, +1 my friend.

Edited by Jagger
  • Agree 1

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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Joe is always trying to listen to battalions and give his opinion on everything.

He has helped countless 212th members and is a good member of the community 











also bailed me out of jail when my textures broke and I shot technodad when my screen looked like errors everywhere and I literally couldn't see what was happening 


rip 5th fleet

Edited by Shockpoint

If you use the RC Shotgun you are automatically cringe.

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