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Serious RP? - Discussion

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So lately while the server is supposed to be "serious RP" I feel like there has been more of a less serious tone lately, or is it just me?

What are your thoughts on the current state of the "seriousness" on the server. 

This post isn't really meant to rag on how it is, just a thread on what you all think on how the state is.  

Do you think its not serious enough? Do you think it should be semi-serious with an OOC lounge? Etc etc.

Just put your thoughts down below really since i want to know what people think. 

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It was never serious RP everyone who wanted it left 

Edited by Cannon
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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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The server never was serious rp to begin with back on rishi moon, it was more of a place for friends to hang out with and have fun. This is why there was such backlash when we started re branding to something that the community wasent hell I think what makes synergy stand out from the others is how we take rp more lightly than other servers without being something like zephyr where it was a constant minge/rdm fest.

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I dunno I guess people forgot I personally don’t break character in voice chat and try to remind others to do the same.



Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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I was down for the change 100% but ultimately it seemed to not make a lick of difference. It's the indecisiveness in Serious RP rules I think. When we made the switch it was still trying to cater to the majority of the playerbase that still fucked around. A good example is the B-Hop rule, where it says you can B-Hop/Jump repeatedly until someone asks you to stop. It was trying so hard to not offend the playerbase that it's pretty much a meme at this point to tell random people to stop B-Hopping.

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The Reprehensible Ratio!



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I just stay in character and don't break it, doing serious rp until people do the same or they get annoyed and walk away. Or do that silent staring thing at you because they're so confused. Lol.


I mean you're right Scribbles, but it is what it is. Most people on SWRP don't know how to RP and frankly don't even really try to make an effort. But all you can do is try to push people in the right direction and encourage rp through your own actions. Or just focus on yourself doing serious RP. 

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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I try to do a serious RP too but sometimes i just forget about it and go back to my semi-serious self rp guy. But i have to say at this moment not many people do enforce the serious rp nor i seen people who perform it, there were times when it was enforced but nowadays no one really cares about it.


I want my XO ranks in my sub units goddammit!

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4 hours ago, Ratio said:

I was down for the change 100% but ultimately it seemed to not make a lick of difference. It's the indecisiveness in Serious RP rules I think. When we made the switch it was still trying to cater to the majority of the playerbase that still fucked around. A good example is the B-Hop rule, where it says you can B-Hop/Jump repeatedly until someone asks you to stop. It was trying so hard to not offend the playerbase that it's pretty much a meme at this point to tell random people to stop B-Hopping.

Yes this. I havent seen an issue with the rules me and marvel put into place until this. Part of the problem was me and marvel were just promoted when the transition was beginning our experience was limited to like as a week as directors. I will now look into the rules to properly reflect the serious rp aspect of the server while not hanging on the fence. This thread is really insightful.


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12 hours ago, Ket said:

I feel like if you even attempt to Serious RP, all these snowflake soy boys start to cry and then everyone else just ignores your RP in search of something more 'fun'.

I would winner you if I didnt know what our majority of player base is.

Anxiety ridden teen to pre teen for many of them they cant distinguish roleplay from actual feelings towards them. If we were to go full serious mode/military we would lose a majority of our player base.

Also I think and this isnt directed towards you but some people use the cloak of roleplay to be actual dicks so it's a mixed bag I think 

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8 minutes ago, Sanchez Resident said:

I would winner you if I didnt know what our majority of player base is.

Anxiety ridden teen to pre teen for many of them they cant distinguish roleplay from actual feelings towards them. If we were to go full serious mode/military we would lose a majority of our player base.

Also I think and this isnt directed towards you but some people use the cloak of roleplay to be actual dicks so it's a mixed bag I think 

This is why I mention "push (in a kind, friendly, unassertive/discomforting way) people in the right direction and encourage rp through your own actions."

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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I am one who wanted the move, And Will assist in making sure the seriousness of the server from my Battalions standpoint is cracked down.

But somethings that could use tweaking;

- Dont meta game 4head

- Actual roleplay in an encounter or somethin'? You literally dont have to pepper down anything that walks into the base cause they have B.O(Smelly Smell), First call is to commence proper roleplay with said indiviual and go from there, I see far to many people just wanting to shoot something that moves

- Bruh dont B-Hop as much, Or only BHop around Main Hanger/Courtyard so in other words OUTSIDE the base. Theres too many times that I see people thoomin around inside the hallways etc BHoping just take it outside... If I come around a corner and you Bhop over my head, Im warning you and if you do it again I will AOS you. Dont jump over me, im not a hurdle im a BCMD.

- The hardest thing to change will also be the overall mindset of players and being in the mindset to achieve roleplay. Some people have fun mucking around, Although it wasnt classified as "SeriousRP" the server felt a lot better, more enjoyable when it was played and felt more serious near the days of 2017 when I first joined. But once again thats my own Opinion I share with quite some others.

Once again, Ill work on my battalion to assist in a push towards Serious.

Edited by OldMateDreams
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Completely full blown serious RP to me is just cringe. It should be semi-serious leaning towards more serious at Max. If it's not serious it's a minge fest. You need to be serious to an extent but you need to remember it's a game cause I don't want to go on a server to pretend to be someone else and just be bored the whole time. The semi serious stuff from the past had the best events and memories.

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I feel like it should just stay as a serious RP. 
I remember an old MilitaryRP community got torn up about the seriousRP and semi seriousRP stuff and in the end the community was divided and the server lost the majority of its player base, the server is still alive today but barley. 

Just keep it the same, changing it back would serve no real purpose at all and would cause a bit of exaggerated drama.

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On 11/22/2019 at 10:53 PM, Regional said:

I mean i'll prolly get dumb but. . . . . . Most people who voted on the serious RP don't even bother to play or enforce it. 
You can change the name but it's still going to be the same thing unless people are willing to change. 
- People Still BHOP
- People still act like a Commando instead of a Clone 
- People OOC all the time talking about IRL in game 
People have to implement the change and train their men to be that way imo Acting Serious 24/7 isn't fun 

Acting serious 24/7 can be very fun, but Garry's Mod... that ain't the moves. Who thought that people who play Garry's Mod (Who JUST want to troll or have great fun with friends) could pull off Arma like RP 24/7 ?

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27 minutes ago, A-a-ron said:

SeriousRP is to definition of fucking pointless. I -1'd the original suggestion and I still stand by that. It's fucking GarrysMod not Arma or anything that's actually meant to be serious. It's a game not real life, let people enjoy themselves.

Eh, you come to a server with shit like rank structure, power players, things of the sort, then I don't think you're on the right server to enjoy yourself.
I love to use the argument that it's just a game, but I don't think it applies on servers like CWRP and militaryRP where you're restricted in a shit ton of aspects in the first place.

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People saying about how people arent enforcing it. 

Like you shouldn't need Shock to arrest you every 5 minutes for breaking character, they will tell you, I'll tell you, but if I go and RDM everyone I see bhopping or breaking character then I would be hated. I Semi B hop because I played Destiny 2 too much and I jump all the time as my Hunter. Serious rp is almost impossible to do on any server unless you have a small group of really knowledgeable and dedicated people to do it. People domt tall like military personnel thus wont act like it.

If you want S E R I O U S RP you go on Arma.

Synergy is Gmod Serious rp. Which is casual serious, you cant be a completely fucking idiot but you can be an idiot sometime. 

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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