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oh no it's high school

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so i'm having my first day of high school tomorrow, I was wondering if anyone has






and don't tell me to do drugs, i'm not doing drugs because i don't have the iq of a pickle and i'm not gonna be on the streets in 10 years, I want to be successful.

and yes i know not to have unprotected sex i've heard that one a few times already

anything else?


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Everyone is a retarded these days so dw

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When ya walk in you're gonna be nervous as hell, then you'll realize wait a minute this is school this sucks, and I'm used to it, simple as that also expect to hear "fuckin freshman" on a daily basis freshman are the dumbasses in the school and everybody hates them when you're a sophomore you'll hate them too, dont take it personal 

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Just let the Seniors paddle you bro, don't run they'll just get you harder than if you let them do it the first time. 

Edited by Stockings
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People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

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Nothing you do at school that arent grades dont fucking matter one bit. You will loose 95% of your friends when you leave for college. Have fun, Fuck around, Do your shit, and dont care about anything or anyone. Good Luck kid

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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As someone that has finished highschool, all I can say is this.
Nothing truly matters there socially. You may feel it does in the moment or whatever, but I promise it doesn't. The only thing that matters for highschool is your grades and finishing ontop. If you wanna be left alone, keep a good sense of humor but don't be afraid to take off the belt if you need to and verbal smack down people into their place. More on that, don't let fights continue more then the moment  you're there verbal smacking. It doesn't matter how much shit someone spreads about you, being the bigger dude and not acknowledging it will do alot for you. In the end, you think you know what's important when in highschool. You think you got it all figured out and you're an adult now. No, no you're not. Listen to your parents, and close long time friends, they will be the best supporters and the only ones who matter. Lastly, don't be afraid to cut people off. Never hold onto someone just because you knew them for a long time, or they are sometimes positive, it only does massive damage to yourself.

If you ever wanna talk about specifics or helpful stuff, find my pms and we can talk in discord.

Don't forget to try and have fun!
Good luck buddy!

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1. If you plan on trying weed or juuling or whatever, just don't get addicted or become braindead on it. Anything outside weed though? Don't.

2. Contrasting the 1st statement, Don't worry about anything. You'll get through HS. Getting an F or a D won't matter. They'll hound you about college and all that shit regarding grades, but they really don't care. Just don't get straight F's and D's in basic math and shapes.

3. You don't need to get a gf/bf, but if you want to then do it. Best you experience it all early so you can deal with it and have knowledge when older.

4. Join band, join football, join whatever. Don't get TOO involved, but find a group you like. If you wanna stay safe and not do something crazy hard, join Digital Media (yearbook, making videos, photoshop, etc.) They're usually the gamers and the weebs that you can connect to.

5. Procrastination won't kill you, but it's a bad habit. I procrastinated everything, and my grades were mediocre because of it. If something gets assigned, try to start it on the first day. Future self will thank you.

6. Tell EVERYONE you play SWRP, it can call for some good stories and talk about that trap Adi Gallia who was there during your time in 01st.

7. If your school lets you, try to trade an elective for a study hall class. A free period where you can do all your work/homework/projects? Fucking perfect. I had a study hall class one year, and i never had to do homework at home because of it.

Edited by Heart
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Literally this thread is so wholesome.


But yeah, all the stuff above is true. I just finished highschool and I can tell you that people genuinely don't care about your grades significantly enough to make a huge difference. It's up to YOU to decide if you want to go to college, and you decide what college you strive for. If you don't go to college, great. There's actually high paying jobs in the US that don't require a degree from a 4 year college.


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1. Fuck what anyone thinks about you. They don't matter. You won't be talking to 99% of the people you knew in high school a year after you graduate. Don't waste your time worrying about what they have to think.

2. Get into some kind of extra-curricular activity. Band, Soccer, Football, Track, Tennis, literally anything of that sort.
      a. If you really like some sort of activity that the school doesn't already have (D&D or some other kind of club like that) don't be afraid to start your own. It'll get you a lot of attention probably and really help you find your footing with meeting people.

3. Regardless of what anyone says, EVERY year counts. A bad Freshman year(grade wise) can really fuck you up even if you do really well the rest of your years.
      a. On that same note, don't let a singular bad test score mess you up. It won't kill you to get a 75 on a test once or twice, as long as all the other work you do is solid.

4. Whatever your sexual preference, don't get too hung up on the boys/girls. High school relationships usually don't last long after high school and it's really not worth having your world collapse on you over some high school sweetheart.

5. If your school has a program that lets you take classes from nearby Colleges, DO IT. It's super good for graduating college early and looks good on applications. Also, Take AP/IB courses if you feel like you can handle it, and take the tests that go along with them.

Edited by Baxter
made big oof
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Weed is mediocre you either like it or you don't... If you do maybe use it at 17/18 when your brains more developed cause it does in fact melt yo brain like a microwave.

Edited by Derv
*Is 16 and smokes weed normally*
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Don’t get into nic, it’s gonna burn through your wallet and the people you’ll meet who do it are pretty shitty. Also Just say no to stuff you don’t want to do, most people don’t ask twice and just be straight up about it. Also partying with drunk girls. Is. A. Mess. I have had to hold to many ponytails back as my friends throw up in toilets. Also if they try to get with you and you’re completely sober while they are completely wasted don’t do it. It’s 2019, that’s just a problem waiting to happen.

Dont give a fuck what people think, most of my grade calls me a faggot and gay because of how i dress and because a large majority of my friends are girls. But the people calling you out are just terrible human beings so ignore them. Also girls are cool and what not, if you find someone you like give it a shot and give it a try. But if shit goes south it’s gonna hurt, a lot. But that’s ok because you will get over it and move onto someone better. I cried for 4 days over a girl who broke my heart after 10 months but u just gotta get it out of your system.

Meet new people, my lunch table is entirely a group of stoners while i myself don’t smoke that often (only socially) they’re all super funny people and they have my back for anything I need. I don’t hang out with them outside of school but on school grounds we are bffs. Try and Be friendly to everyone, not outgoing our anything but just be nice to people, sometimes the weird kids you were nice too will help you later down the road in a major way.

Get good study habits, i didn’t and it almost cost me my summer. Just force yourself to complete the work and don’t procrastinate (for too long, a little is fine)

dont take super hard classes because that’s what your grade does. Taking 5 AP level classes is suicide. 

I’m going into junior year at Highschool rn so my PM’s are open  if u want to chat or anything.

Edited by Hero
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On 8/4/2019 at 11:51 AM, Lucky said:

When ya walk in you're gonna be nervous as hell, then you'll realize wait a minute this is school this sucks, and I'm used to it, simple as that also expect to hear "fuckin freshman" on a daily basis freshman are the dumbasses in the school and everybody hates them when you're a sophomore you'll hate them too, dont take it personal 

you were right, it just feels like normal school, with taller people


also for those making comments about drugs, the school has vape alarms or something so kids with drugs will get caught when they smoke it because the smoke alerts a thing or something and security finds who entered and exited and then find the kid, so that's good that the drug kids will get caught, bunch of dumbasses

Edited by Bolt
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Im starting too! I guess High School in Denmark isn't like in the USA. Mostly here you will keep a few friends after High School but other than that it's all about the grades. I don't know how it works there, but you pretty much need a good grade to get to a good college! Have fun... Also. Is there any diffrence on what High School you take about your future?


For example, I took a High School which allows me to Military/Police Academy and a Nurse school :) 



Well good luck! Just remember to focus on the grades. 

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1. Don't give in to peer pressure, If people call you a pussy because you're not doing something that they want just ignore them.

2.  If you ever get into a physical fight always go for their nose or behind their ear

3. Don't do drugs, smoke cigarettes, Drink alcohol 

4. Don't try to get caught up in drama with other people

5.  make sure your friends are real and not fakes 

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Literally there's no difference between little school, high school and college in my opinion, at least where I come from. You're gonna be nervous on your first day, week or month depending on how you manage to keep your nerves together, but it isn't much different. You're gonna be disliked by the big kids when you're young, but as you grow older you'll think "god these kids are fucking annoying". Goodluck with school though, it's fun so make some memories. 

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The heck kind of high school yall enrolled into?
Jeezus christ its way different than my experience.
Anyways... One big tip
Join a sport or an elective such as band or dance, heck what ever you like.
Build friendships as it will lead to connections for the future.

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  • 2 months later...
2 hours ago, Beast said:


so how is high school going?


i joined a club and that's really it, grades aren't the best tho, and i have some new friends and stuff


school still sucks though, it never doesn't

Edited by Bolt


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