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RP Name: Gig

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:66625658

Staff member you are reporting: Sinister

Staff Members Steam ID (If applicable): STEAM_0:1:67611701

Staff Members Wrong-Doing: He banned me without an AOS first.

Explain the situation: I was a sith hopeful, and I RDMed and he banned me for 1 day. I broke the rule of rdm but i should have been arrested not banned.

Evidence (If applicable):

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I mean you did break the rule of RDM and at this point in time you couldn't be arrested cause you were a sith hopeful you don't need to report someone just because they are doing there job. -1 An as well you literally admitted to RDMing good meme

Edited by Tyzen
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Well after Sinister didn't handle the OOC that well as he just said because for the ban and then once the other person arguing was muted he decided to respond after and so it kept going until everyone stopped after multiple times and as well the other guy got warned in OOC and Sinister didn't which in my opinion is quite bias but he did RDM as well and he was sort of in the right but at the same time he could of got someone to arrest or got perms to get a baton and do it himself, Which both sides look equally bad to me and sinister is a Director and should know better than respond after the guy is muted and make it worse so yeah the staff here were being quite bias and not fair to the person banned and to the person in OOC. I remain neutral

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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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Just now, Gouldrush said:

Then he should of lost the whitelist instead of being banned for a day.


Sinister does not have the power to blacklist someone from sith that was up to joah or jackson. Now in punishment guidelines states that you can be banned to 1-3 days for 1 to 3 kills so idk chief

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Just now, Tyzen said:

Sinister does not have the power to blacklist someone from sith that was up to joah or jackson. Now in punishment guidelines states that you can be banned to 1-3 days for 1 to 3 kills so idk chief

Also to be fair from the experience I had playing on sith which I did not enjoy is that they usually challenge each other or kill each other for no reason and usually nothing happens even if its other staff cause its more of a kind of usual thing for them I guess you could say (also is why i don't enjoy it)

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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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Just now, Tyzen said:

Sinister does not have the power to blacklist someone from sith that was up to joah or jackson. Now in punishment guidelines states that you can be banned to 1-3 days for 1 to 3 kills so idk chief

Both Joah and Jackson were online when this happened and right now Jackson is online so i don't see the reason sinister should have taken it into his own hands.

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RDM 1-3 kills = 1-3 Day Ban {AFTER ARRESTED AT LEAST ONCE}
On the Punishment Guidelines as well if you look at the doc

He didn't arrest him so technically didn't follow Guidelines

Edited by Piff
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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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1. You RDMed 3+ people: You admitted to you and your friend killing me while I was AFK. Two other sith witnessed it and told me. Then, I had two other people come up to me and said you were rdming again. You admitted to breaking the rules in the sit, and in the report.


2. When I pulled you to ask why you killed them/me, your reply was: "Because" and "I'm waiting for training" 

Because of the rule(s) you broke, the responses you gave, and your attitude while I was watching you, you were banned. 

The guideline for RDM is 1-3 day ban, after being arrested, as you can see here:




Administrators are encouraged to take action into their own hands, and use their judgement for punishments, which I did.

Head Admin+ is allowed, within the rules, to bypass punishment guidelines when they see fit. As you can see here:



Taking the following observations into mind: You RDM'd quite a few people while they were afk and it was intentional, You gave multiple sarcastic answers while I was trying to talk to you about it, and you were being a minge contributing no RP or other things to the server. 

I think the day ban is completely sufficient. If you disagree, refer to this forum section


If you're not providing feedback or evidence to this report, do not comment on it. It's listed in the rule section for the forum. Thanks.


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1 minute ago, Sinister said:

1. You RDMed 3+ people: You admitted to you and your friend killing me while I was AFK. Two other sith witnessed it and told me. Then, I had two other people come up to me and said you were rdming again. You admitted to breaking the rules in the sit, and in the report.


2. When I pulled you to ask why you killed them/me, your reply was: "Because" and "I'm waiting for training" 

Because of the rule(s) you broke, the responses you gave, and your attitude while I was watching you, you were banned. 

The guideline for RDM is 1-3 day ban, after being arrested, as you can see here:




Administrators are encouraged to take action into their own hands, and use their judgement for punishments, which I did.

Head Admin+ is allowed, within the rules, to bypass punishment guidelines when they see fit. As you can see here:



Taking the following observations into mind: You RDM'd quite a few people while they were afk and it was intentional, You gave multiple sarcastic answers while I was trying to talk to you about it, and you were being a minge contributing no RP or other things to the server. 

I think the day ban is completely sufficient. If you disagree, refer to this forum section


If you're not providing feedback or evidence to this report, do not comment on it. It's listed in the rule section for the forum. Thanks.


It seems to overrode the rules even though you are not HA+ you are SA, Also he killed 2 people you when you were AFK and when you weren't. He should have been arrested or blacklisted but not banned.

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Okay last thing im gonna say unless required otherwise. Sinister said he couldnt see the logs for the kills cause it had been and hour, it wasnt an hour, it was around 38 minutes. In the rules it says HA+ can pretty much do what they want within reason, but on CWRP sinister is a SA, 1-3 RDMs is an AOS he killed 2 people and both of them were Sinister. In the rules that he sent it shows that he should have been arrested or blacklisted but not banned . He shouldn't have been banned he should have been arrested or blacklisted. And i think the fact that sinister warned me twice for nothing says enough.

Edited by Gouldrush


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1 minute ago, Buuged | Thermite said:

>admitting to RDM

>complaining when you get proper punishment for breaking the rules

-1, fuck outta here.

It wasnt the proper punishment, even Sinister posted the rules, 1-3 RDM = 1-3 Day ban (With an Arrest before). Gig was never arrested.

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3 minutes ago, Buuged | Thermite said:

>admitting to RDM

>complaining when you get proper punishment for breaking the rules

-1, fuck outta here.

He didn't get the right punishment and you'll prob get a warn for that last part tbh XD dunno

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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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Meh. I see that this shit got blown out of proportion. Both of you are in the wrong. First of all you shouldn’t have RDM’d. That’s your wrong, and sinister is a director on another server, but has SA on CW. So, he should have gotten you arrested first. Anyway this whole thing is dumb and your gonna be back in a day. 


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Former: Liaison


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Just now, Pythin said:

Meh. I see that this shit got blown out of proportion. Both of you are in the wrong. First of all you shouldn’t have RDM’d. That’s your wrong, and sinister is a director on another server, but has SA on CW. So, he should have gotten you arrested first. Anyway this whole thing is dumb and your gonna be back in a day. 


It doesnt matter if he'll be back in a day he shouldnt have been banned in the first place. Sinister is an Admin he should know the rules like the back of his hand, should follow protocol not do what he wants.


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You were pretty dumb to RDM but it looks like it was handled poorly. And muting someone in OOC then roasting them is not an OK thing to do

+1 To a warning of somekind but you shouldn't make a report for this

Edited by Stern
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Just come back in a day 4head

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i am literally captain tukk

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Can sith even be arrested?


Either way 3 kills is extreme. If you killed only 1 person I would say +1 but since it was 3 thats a big ole -1 from me.

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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Interesting, As an HA I personally would have never banned someone for a single case of RDM, unless there is more to it. I'm sure a compromise could've been found around the whole "We can't arrest sith". Since Arrests can be out of characters a simple teleport of the sith and just arresting him would've sufficed in my opinion although a rule was broken and technically at the rank Sinister is at its pretty much up to his discretion. 

The reason banning seems a bit too harsh in my opinion is that now he has a "recent punishment" which stops him going for staff, as opposed to anyone else who would've RDM'd would simply have gotten an arrest, if its a rule that sith can't be arrested then it should be tweaked because a ban isn't ideal for a single case. In terms of the appeal, its one day and I doubt sinister is going to unban you, so I'm afraid it is what it is.

I thought this shit was an appeal MB lmao, yeah I doubt anything will be done about this regardless

Edited by Nade Jones
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Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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32 minutes ago, Nade Jones said:

Interesting, As an HA I personally would have never banned someone for a single case of RDM, unless there is more to it. I'm sure a compromise could've been found around the whole "We can't arrest sith". Since Arrests can be out of characters a simple teleport of the sith and just arresting him would've sufficed in my opinion although a rule was broken and technically at the rank Sinister is at its pretty much up to his discretion. 

The reason banning seems a bit too harsh in my opinion is that now he has a "recent punishment" which stops him going for staff, as opposed to anyone else who would've RDM'd would simply have gotten an arrest, if its a rule that sith can't be arrested then it should be tweaked because a ban isn't ideal for a single case. In terms of the appeal, its one day and I doubt sinister is going to unban you, so I'm afraid it is what it is.

Finally someone with common sense lmao

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49 minutes ago, Nade Jones said:

Interesting, As an HA I personally would have never banned someone for a single case of RDM, unless there is more to it. I'm sure a compromise could've been found around the whole "We can't arrest sith". Since Arrests can be out of characters a simple teleport of the sith and just arresting him would've sufficed in my opinion although a rule was broken and technically at the rank Sinister is at its pretty much up to his discretion. 

The reason banning seems a bit too harsh in my opinion is that now he has a "recent punishment" which stops him going for staff, as opposed to anyone else who would've RDM'd would simply have gotten an arrest, if its a rule that sith can't be arrested then it should be tweaked because a ban isn't ideal for a single case. In terms of the appeal, its one day and I doubt sinister is going to unban you, so I'm afraid it is what it is.

I thought this shit was an appeal MB lmao, yeah I doubt anything will be done about this regardless

Wasn’t it 3+ cases of rdm?

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So, let me first say -1 to this report against Sinister because he was actually aiding the person who was banned. If Jackson/Joah was active during the time that this went down (Which I've asked them both if they were and they were not), you wouldn't have a single day ban, but instead you would have a blacklist from the sith completely because that's the punishment. Weighing the options out, the one day ban seems to be pretty fair for a RDM case (whether it have been 2 or 3 people you killed). The "police/CG/TG" of the sith order haven't been implement yet and so he couldn't have been arrested by CG or TG, seeing as you were on your sith hopeful class. Honestly, you're going to be unbanned soon, I believe that the punishment was less harsh than the actual one you should have gotten.


(By the way, you can still be blacklisted from the sith seeing as you're admitting to breaking the rules on your sith hopeful but that's up to Joah or Jackson, goodluck)

Edited by SquirtleKitty
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Lol fat -1. You literally acknowledge the fact that you RDMed. He is a Director and it says he can bypass the punishment guidelines on it if he feels the need. You had the chance to give reasoning and might not have to worry about the ban but you wanted to sit and be arrogant. This report isnt going to go anywhere because sinister did his job. Now serve the last few hours of your ban and think about what you did wrong. Then you never have to deal with these situations again.

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-1 and here is my reasons...

1. You admitted that you RDM'ed and you knew it was wrong.

2. You broke a rule and thought you would be arrested and not banned.. So you wouldn't break the rules if you knew you would be banned but only arrested. 

3. It fucking doesn't matter if you get Banned, Kicked or arrested for breaking a rule. Just don't freaking break them. Imature.

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-1 As one of the sith that witnessed it
1. He RDM'ed for no reason with a terrible excuse for doing so.
2. He also broke another rule about not leaving the temple with Lord+ permission.
3. Based on what I know sinister tried to talk to you but you didn't take it seriously and said some sarcastic remarks which doesn't help your case when dealing with staff.
4. We don't know how many others he could have killed as the only ones we know of are witnessed ones, From the looks of it he kills AFK's and we don't know how many he actually could have killed besides the 2-3 that were reported.

I've been here too long

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Isn't there a procedure of staff arrest for situations like this where CG/TG cant access the person? I am conflicted on this issue but sinister didn't break rule and this is barely abuse. From what I seen sinister didn't handle a basic run of the mill situation like this well. As a Director you should be able to do so, but I don't all of the ins and outside of the situation, sinister and nithdir so I guess a neutral will do.

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"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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-1 Seeing as how sinister is director he is held with a certain regard to the rules and seeing as how he A. collected evidence about said person and B. Acted off of that evidence and attitude of person making a JUST decision; And then proceeds to Get called out because he did what he expected was the right decision (and with this case I agree because you did RDM therefore breaking a rule and rules get you in trouble) and he came to the conclusion that you had no intention to stop. Besides the world doesn't revolve around you and your time frame, so for you to 1. Break a rule 2. Get in trouble and 3. Complain about the person who punished you on the forums is not a great idea. 

Edited by Kool Kid Useful
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Current: Rancor Medic Previous: 327th Commander ARCL Useful, DU ARC Commander Jerome, CT PVT 1348 Useless

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-1 . 

A. you have evidence against you

B. There were multiple witnesses

C. You admitted to doing it.

D. RDM can get you banned especially if it's not your first offence

E. If ST or TG are unable to arrest you, than an admin can do it or outright ban you depending on the situation. 

F. Could've been a lot longer, a day is quite generous.

maybe  don't break the rules next time bucko

327th Papa


Attack Regimental x1

Bly x2

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Getting arrested is in character punishment. Staff are allowed to carry out punishment out of character using their best judgement and with the permissions that they are granted. Since you were going to get banned anyway, there's no point in arresting you first. Sinister did nothing wrong in the situation it seems like you are just mad that you got banned for a day which is a little petty.  

Moving this report. 

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