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Bumblebee's Redacted Blackout Application

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==========[ Battalion Commander and Equivalent ]==========

Steam Name: [SPC] Bumblebee


RP Name: Executive Officer Bumblebee


Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:52069033


Battalion or squad you are applying for: Special Operations



  • REDSPEC: BCMD/SQL for a customized RC Squadron dubbed as “Bee Team”

  • REDSPEC: 501st Commander/Acting Battalion Commander

  • REDSPEC: Cuy’val Dar Assistant to Vhonte Ter’vho - Training Officer Shadow

  • REDSPEC: Naval Bridge Officer - In Charge of Gunnery and Navigation.

  • Superior Gaming: 41stGC, 212th, 327th. - Enlisted Ranks.

  • Synergy Roleplay: Shadow Company/Special Operations Executive Officer

  • Synergy Roleplay: 41st “Green Company” Trooper

  • Synergy Roleplay: 104th Mechanized Battalion Medic and ARF Trooper

  • Synergy Roleplay: Galactic Marines

  • Synergy Roleplay: RC-1207 aka “Sev”

  • Synergy Roleplay: Chief Medical Officer - Naval

  • Synergy Roleplay: Jedi Padawan - Counselor before requesting demotion to Jedi Youngling (Their models are too cute.) and reinstituted as a Padawan under no Branch.

  • Synergy Roleplay: Kom’rk Skirata - Under Prince’s Kal.



Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:


To put it in words, with the recent happenings that will not get publicly stated, I feel as if it is my duty as the Executive Officer within this Battalion to step up. Though I feel as though it may be a logical choice to follow the Chain of Command, I’d like to state my position to supplement and aide in the selection process.


I’ve been with Special Operations for quite some time. I have left for other Battalions a handful of times and yet I have been welcomed by these people with open arms. I don’t see any other unit a better fit so long as this unit is operational and maintains it’s era of good conduct. With the need of a centralized Leadership, as we can’t conduct ourselves as a council, it’s required for us to re-institute a Battalion Commander who gave us the best term since my time prior to this Server.


I will not be like Baron, no matter how hard I’d like to be. But I have seen the best, the worst, and the in between of this Battalion. I am able to conduct myself within each spectrum and change up between what needs to be done. When prompted to and the effort is required, I can become professional and verbalize what needs to be said. When a situation arises and it requires immediate action, I expect and will conduct myself to get those answers when it’s needed.


Why else should I be selected? I helped shape what needed to be shaped, despite other’s thoughts. Regulations, tactics, and trainings were done off the  scenes. Anything involve the meticulous usage of communication to convey information was created by myself and my fellow Operators. I am and have been the Combat Specialist of the this. I also know my weak points and have those already within their respective places to replace the best of this Unit.


My plan in a summary:

  • Maintain and create efficiencies within the Chain of Command.

  • Push for professionalism.

  • Give Special Operations a Leader that they look up to and believe in, not someone they have little knowledge of and cannot operate with.

  • Expand our Area of Operations.

  • Promote Serious and Productive Roleplay.

  • Maintain a healthy group of numbers cycling within and out of the Battalion.



Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

Yes, with how little and how mixed it all is.



Mondays-Fridays: 0800-1600 and 2230-0200; Saturdays to Sundays: 2200-0200. Should work not call me in, excluding my LOA of the week prior, I am online approximately those times.


On all times, I will be free to be contacted via Discord.



Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

Since September of Last Year, to my knowledge.


Do you have a microphone?: A potato microphone but one nonetheless. I merely refuse to speak in-game at night as it requires me to raise my voice to a level to be disrespectful to those around me. TeamSpeak is always an option of verbal communications.


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: In a state of autonomy and capability. We have refinements needed to be done but nothing good leadership and an officer corp cannot handle.

Short Term: Medical Troopers to be added and updated weaponry.

Long Term: Prosperity and never be considered for removal - as that would be horrid for the Recon Regiment should they require cloaked personnel. A steady push to have units going into and out of the unit. We enjoy and prioritize steady and committed units but understand if our Operating is not that type you wish to be a part of.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes and contingencies will be planned accordingly.


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes, yes I do!


Edited by Zedbee The Bumblebee
Change of text color. Don't know why it went to a blue.
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+1 a very dedicated and hard working individual 

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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+1 this guy is one of the only reasons I stayed on this server when I originally tried it out. A great leader and a good RP'er, Would make a great SO BCMD and may just save SO :D

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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10 hours ago, Zedbee The Bumblebee said:

Expand our Area of Operations.

What exactly do you mean by this?


10 hours ago, Zedbee The Bumblebee said:

Maintain a healthy group of numbers cycling within and out of the Battalion.

How do you plan to do this? 

Also, why is it a part of your plan for people to be cycling out of the battalion?


10 hours ago, Zedbee The Bumblebee said:

Maintain and create efficiencies within the Chain of Command.

Can you elaborate at all? Chain of Command is relatively simple. I'm not sure how you would make it more efficient, but I'm interested.


@Zedbee The Bumblebee These were all direct questions, so you are able to reply if you choose to.

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Now, I was the 1st ever "Blackout" (Nice to see you're still using the name)


S.O or S.C or whatever you want to call it, and I'm sorry to say this but I'm just saying what I hear, the community sees you as the retard group.

This needs to change.

Now I'm not gonna lie, I don't know if you're the man for the job, but I've seen your prime work ethic and its good, just make sure you don't get too hot-headed.

If there's one thing you need to do, it's stop this "redacted" shit. Personally it looks kinda weird.


If you get this position, and the battalion, my 1st home, my love, is still broken, after my GCSE's I will come back and I will actually castrate everyone. 


-1, Sorry Fam


P.S If you need any advice, I'm always connectable via discord, just drop me a message. 


Personally I think a trusted, dedicated outsider needs to come in and help.

Edited by Freck


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I believe that the other candidate is more fit for the position, this is mainly due to the lack of activity and I believe that the issues that SO is undergoing right now will only be suppressed not resolved. Although I like you from the interactions I've had on the server with you, I believe it is time for SO to reform itself to a certain extent, and I do not believe you are the person to do it. 

327th Papa


Attack Regimental x1

Bly x2

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3 hours ago, Freck said:

If there's one thing you need to do, it's stop this "redacted" shit. Personally it looks kinda weird.


Just wanted to point out that Zim himself when I brought that to him said it was FailRP and it shouldn't be going on. He should probably listen.

Regardless, myself being Blackout after Freck, you were one of my commanders. I trusted you up until the day you decided to literally kick someone from the battalion for complaining that medics were gone when you could've recommended him for RM or something intelligent like that. 
The battalion obviously isn't doing well from what I hear and you being a commander obviously isn't helping the battalion either as the situation isn't improving. I believe there needs to be someone new to take charge that isn't in the current high command of SO as they currently seem unfit to keep the battalion at an acceptable standard.


If he can't make SO thrive as a Commander, why make him a BCMD?

Edited by Ryx
  • Agree 3
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As much as I do want to +1 I cannot. You are currently the Executive Officer of the Battalion and have been a part of the "Battalion Command" for the Special Operations Battalion for a long time whether it was you as a  Colonel for a time or as Commander, XO. You had many chances to push for the needed changes but you didn't. As well activity can be a little issue, nothing personal. Last thing ... I'd prefer for someone new than old to fix something on this large of a scale. 

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Forum Admin

Neutral he is active and I see him a lot more than other SO but is still money and big meme

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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12 hours ago, Pythin said:


This guy is not the only reason SO Is thriving . I think the other candidate Is more active and cares more. Bumbleebee Only gets on to do a commander app every time, and is only active then. 

You saying hes only on to put an app on shows your on at the wromg times or dont have your eyes open when playing. He is on every morning with or without his troops ready to do something with a very positive outlook. He helps the 91st and other battalions out during the mornimg as well. He may have been in the high command of SO for some time now but that doesnt mean he can't fix things. As an old 91st commander and LTC it is hard to get a point across to the battalion AND put a fix in motion. I give him a strong +1 for the work he does for the battalion WHILE he is at work everyday. This man doeant sleep or eat without SO on his mind. Good luck 

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I trust that if you were in the position you would be able to enact massive changes to SO but I have a query: you’ve been part of SO high command for a long time and you’ve been in the position to make change already yet SO has been kinda meh for a while.

i would like you to prove me wrong if you got this role and really step up and be the great leader we all know you can be +1



Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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-1 bumblebee, i like you and we should kiss, but some of the points you made in your app were kind of sketchy and vague, and you only come around to make an app.

  • Funny 1
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Sadly I cannot back this story up with evidence other than witness accounts because the video clip was deleted but a few months ago there was an altercation which caused Bumblebee to spit out a bunch of shit about me on TS. After talking to him we cleared up the situation and every thing was good. Although that attitude/altercation is enough of an impression on me to show that Bumblebee lacks the stability to keep a clear mind when dealing with situations and instead might jump the gun and go into a 'rage' and just fuel whatever situation he is actually dealing with, making it worse.

-1, it has been sometime since this happened but I cant say if your attitude has changed, as I dont see you much on the server or on any other synergy platforms. 

  • Winner 1


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Im gonna start with an I love you. I love alot of people in SO. But im gonna follow the good with the bad. You don’t have what it takes to revive your battalion. How do I know? Because rank has nothing to do with the SO activity. You can be a Sergeant and be a contributing factor to SO, by being active and holding tryouts. The problem with you guys lies within the officer corps. You aren’t active and holding tryouts AND You aren’t changing your tryouts to be any easier for new recruits, meaning you get like one a week. I’ve heard your comms when we grouped together once and it was clean AF, you can still have that with more numbers, you just need to learn how to train your new recruits without making tryouts impossible. 


So im gonna leave you with a direct question: What are you going to do to fix this

I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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To answer the directly asked questions and clarify my purposefully vagued response/direction in the application, allow me to supplement with the following.

To expand our Area of Operations, I merely wish to attempt to branch out within or outside our Unit. Whether it's being able to operate with other units, create a set training that we can host, and/or any sort of administrative or physical trainings either supplementary or mandatory is a goal of mine. It is something I wish to address, as SO's only real purpose at the moment is to sneak places and attack and sneak out. I wish to be as fluid with it's operating as possible, as our real life counterparts are much similar - be it the Tier Groups, MARSOC, or other Operators. Maybe officers within different units can visit our channel to get a gauge of our comms when it's at our best to share to their own, as an example.

With the cycling of Troopers, to clarify: I do not want everyone to be a mindless drone devoted solely to Special Operations. It is, of course, a game and if people wish to leave (which I had to learn is a reality with Garry's Mod) I wish it to be in good terms. Such as a good example: Baelfire was a former Trooper of mine who has shown exceptional tokens of duty. I wished he had stayed to take over instead of myself but the case is I'm one of the handful - my counterpart included. But where I'm willing to train, give people the best experience possible, I want them to be able to branch out to other Units and eventually come back if they so choose. If it's possible, then it's possible - that is the reality of this Server and others. I merely wish to be able to not only bring them in but also ease their transition outward.

Chain of Command is not simple. Within the Army, there are regulations and "roles" that do not need to be stated. The main structure that I see in most groups is, "If I'm a higher rank, then I have superiority over all fields." That is no such case in most regards in Special Operations if we had a perfect world, in some regards. I hope you can understand my hesitance in revealing my plans to a wide venue. If you're interested in a more detailed version of this, as I'm writing this at work, I'm willing to speak in the TeamSpeak when we are both available.


Now, Logic, my plan is simple and complex at the same time. I've been in Special Operations to know - give or take - 4 ways of leadership that worked and didn't work. To keep it short: Take from everything that's good, avoid what's bad. What I learned from Freck's rule is that being around and helping out is good for morale. For Ryx, give trusted people a chance to go up but learn to prioritize people who should be given ranks properly. From Stark is to ignore all the proposterous hatred and negative, as no one will truly understand the amount of work you put forth. From Forge is to learn the balance to have fun and keep things different - and have a nice moments of actual RP. Now, from Baron, I didn't have to learn anything because everything was perfect where I saw. Baron and I saw eye to eye and knew how to do what needed to be done. If I had one thing to learn from him, it's to constantly make sure that the Battalion's standing is in good standing - rather than focus on what I feel is good. But I disagree with you, rank has a lot to say in a lot of the matter.

I fully agree with you, I sincerely do. I acknowledge we can perform better with the numbers but had no idea that High Command did not see it that way. Should I get this role, as much as I'd loathe the responsibilities, as I prefer tactical planning than the politics, I do understand what worked during everyone's rule and what did not.

In summary: I will take the goods and bads of each Battalion Command by pushing for a constant stream of tryouts, flow Troopers in and out of the battalion as they see fit, learn to both have fun in the game and, as people seem to see it as being "memey" instead of playing a different type of character, become more serious. 

Even if I do not, I can see what information needs to be given to my new Battalion Commander, and we'll succeed where the other's have given to us.


And for any clarification needed, feel free to ask me. I'm open to both answering in the TeamSpeak as well as the forums. 

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-1, If you're the current XO, then you have the responsibility to keep your battalion active until the next Blackout comes. Sorry chief. 

  • Agree 1
  • Disagree 2

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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my vote remains +1 The battalion is actually pretty active. idk why some people assume it is not. They just go by what zim says and does not go by what they actually see.

Edited by Baelfire
  • Agree 1

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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I'm sorry my guy but having literally been next to SO for a very long time and hearing interactions and lack of actually I'm not sure if you can do it. In my opinion an Executive Officer has just as much say in his battalion as a BCMD and if the battalion is not doing so well its because of mutual choices being made. I'm not really sure how much change you can bring to SO, so I'm sorry my man but my +1 goes to the other candidate.

I was in Dooms Unit for a little while.

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I don't think you're what Special Operations needs. 

Don't get me wrong, you can be great. But, you also can be extremely hot headed and I still see you minge around the map. I agree with the others, the most prominent times we see you (and see you serious) is when an app is made. There have been so many opportunities to fix the issues the battalion has, (As a previous member I know the issues) so I don't think getting BCMD will do much. I'm sorry. 

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