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  1. There's not many people with the Flamethrower. The number is probably and most likely less than ten. People have worked to save up for this weapon and removing it would be rather upsetting for those who saved up to obtain it if their hard earned credits were not refunded if this was passed. Besides, most of the time the flamethrower is used in an event it's by one person and mainly against Player Characters whom are hostile since it is ineffective against NPC's whom do not react to the flame effects. It appears people's main problem with the Flamethrower is the red screen you receive once you are lit on fire which causes most people to run around blindly. The red screen is there because you are taking damage at a constant tic, you can see it if you are being shot at at a rapid rate as well. Honestly, people seem to be mainly upset when it is used against them, which is fair. People who are unintentionally lit on fire just happen to get in the way or run in front/near of the flame while one is burning an event job since the flamethrower has a small AOE damage in the center of the flame. That red flashing screen and the hissing sounds also tend to throw players into a panic due to the fact that they cannot see, thus creating an opening for others to push in and take control of the situation. Though this does not usually happen due to A. the High HP of event jobs, and B. when they use high damaging blasters. More often than not the blast from the flamethrower only sets them back 250ish HP if they are hit once. The resulting burn tic deals roughly another 20-30 damage, depending on if they stand still to let the flames go out faster or if they runaround "feeding" the flames. Most event jobs that I've run across tend to kill me within a few shots even though I have maxed stats, and even then I sometimes only get in a single flash on them and set them burning before dying. I'mma leave a -1 because there's not many owned on the server, and more often than not several events go by without a flamethrower used in them. They're not used often enough to be a real annoyance and when they are people get upset at the people who saved up for them by using something that they earned.
  2. [SR] AGC Skeeti [A]" STEAM_0:0:107437447 17:21:46 < HE's been on that long, AFK nearly the entire time in the same spot.
  3. Correction, He's been AFK there for 10+hours. He was there last night at 1 am for me. SAME EXACT SPOT. Didn't move a muscle.
  4. It wasn't Freck alone who wrote it, it was a group of us. Mainly Trad.
  5. Naval's at a worse off point than when I'd gotten it from Baller.
  6. @Freck You was a good admiral too. Even though you boys strayed away from Roleplay.
  7. I will say that Skeeti had @Esitt Pull all people with a Naval tag who wanted to come to a small meeting. I don't remember what was said but it was about the demotions.
  8. ==========[ Admiral of the Navy ]========== Steam Name: Illium Roleplay Name: Squeaks Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:64118485 Experience: I’ll just list those on this server. Chief Medical Officer of the Republic fleet – That was a fin time. I was basically thrown the rank when Vanhorn and Potato ran off. Admiral Yularen – Good times. Hopefully some more to come? Consular Manager turned Healer Manager Perm SPC of RM – Mhmm, fun fun. Perm SGT of CG – Sass is the best rank. Why should you become Admiral?: Somehow, all my hard work on getting Naval out of the pit that Baller had made was a little scratched up, and it’s somehow slowly been pushed into the direction of a battalion, which it is not. Besides the fact that those who might run with me, might have the want to run it like one. I hope to work Naval back up to an active state and kick their attitude into shape. I’ve also got a wonderful Idea that I will only voice publicly if I make it. The current High command in Naval suddenly have a tendency not to put credit where credit is due. Do you understand the lore of the Republic Navy?: I’m no master of any lore on anything, but I know enough to not sound like an idiot when doing adverts and such for events/passive RP. Availability: Weekdays and EARLY on the weekends as I have WORK from 2pm-10pm PST from Fri-Sun. Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: TR of the week twice. Admiral Yularen with an okay naval that was better than the one before it. Built up a doc for TR’s to use with CC’s and a medical doc which is no longer used because somehow people don’t know their manners. I’m just here to have fun and help others have fun. There’s not much to add once you set your mind to just having fun and enjoying your time. Do you have a microphone?: Yuh. Where do you want the Republic Navy to be at the end of your term?: EHEM. Where to start. I expect the following to hopefully happen: - · Roleplay to return to Naval o Gunnery, Flight Operations, Medical, Engineers. · The attitude to change and teamwork to prevail. · Debrief will become more organized. · All outdated items on the documents will be updated to the most current conditions. · The discord and Logging system will be cleaned up and more orderly. · Activity within Naval to be increased as a whole. o People getting on at the end of an event for DB to get a pity promo will be shot on sight. · Prepare Naval for the change to Base Operations if it is to ever happen. · Secretplannumberone. How do you plan to change the Republic Navy under your command?: I plan to expand the role of the Navy and to fill the vacant slots that have been empty on and off. Expand the roles of Naval. Fill the empty slots within the branches of the Navy. Incorporate more player involvement/interaction during events. No more naval running around useless and being dumb. Modify how the recruitment is done so that more players are likely to pass instead of the current high failure rate we currently have. Work with CG to refine a set of policies for Debriefs and Briefings. Armament training will make a comeback along with flight operations. · Secretplannumberone. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yuh, sounds good. Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Grand Master rank?: As it has always been. H-okie.
  9. Real fast, Ginyu, were you ever added to the main Naval docs?
  10. And afterwards the new janitors would have to clean it up, alone.
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