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Everything posted by GregRocks

  1. +1 The server struggles when it's on Venator. Not even I really want to get on, but I do. A change up would be nice, and bringing more activity to the server on weekends is NEVER a bad thing. A lot of people don't like Venator and actively choose not to get on.
  2. +1 This is 100%. Not hard to do, and it would make a world of difference.
  3. +1 Solid app, seems like a legit dude. DU 4ever
  4. 10/10 Negotiator dying was the most important part of that event Shoutout to Master Conrad for being a real one
  5. 10/10 Fantastic event. Incredibly creative. He was baked and still ran a 10/10 event.
  6. -1 Use the format homie, you won't get taken seriously otherwise
  7. 9/10 Solid. Very entertaining, the boss fight was genuinely badass.
  8. 9/10 Very fun. The hunter droids as opposed to sith was very creative. This sparked a lot of team work in Jedi today.
  9. 5/10, not bad for what it was meant to be, but it was certainly nothing special or outstanding.
  10. Big +1 There's some flaws but this could work! Really, my only big problem are credits for staff tickets. I don't feel like that's fair nor necessary. I also don't *really* like credits for arresting as people could easily abuse this, but the idea is there. This is much better than increasing payouts for jobs. Droids dropping parts to sell sounds absolutely genius. This is 💯. Lightsaber parts would be cool too, but probably for cheaper because they spawn very frequently. Some parts also sell for millions as is. Not a lot, but something. I feel this would increase the value of parts for people that want specific parts for their saber. Interactive ways to get credits like this sounds genuinely engaging and gives another goal that's optional. It would also be a great way to grind to get the weapons you want from the armory without sitting AFK for hours on end.
  11. GregRocks

    remove DU.

    Man I gotta say, I'm with this guy. This feels like a shit post, but it's put in as a genuine suggestion for the game in the official suggestions area. I personally don't see any DU other than Xylops who's a Jedi, it's definitely inactive, but if you think we should remove it then make a genuine post. I'd probably +1 it if you seemed to put effort into actually writing it, but it's just... Sad -1
  12. +1 I can already think of so many scenarios this would have been and will be useful in. It would make a world of difference.
  13. -1 This inflation is absolutely rediculous. Also, the reason the prices change so much is because of the rapid inflation. Personally, I've noticed the rediculous price of these weapons, but I don't think more money is the answer. It would destroy the value of credits. Edit: X3 is better, but still a lot. I think maybe instead of passive income, what if there were more ways that you could get credits with some extra work? Not just through buying and passive income (I'm purposely leaving player interaction out), but maybe hidden randomly spawning caches? Quests or jobs?
  14. +1 You seem solid. Everyone makes mistakes, if I were judged by the things I did when I was younger I'd probably be a lot less liked. Good luck!
  15. 2/10 I know this seems low, but I genuinely didn't enjoy this event that much. This rating is also according to the chart. I'm very critical of this event, and if you disagree, that's fair. Feel free to tell me what you think! I'd love to hear feedback. I'll break it down into sections similar to other ratings. Kamino Kamino itself wasn't a bad idea, and it started out in a way that made it seem well organized and put together. Players were allowed to explore Kamino, and had an understanding of the timeline and what was going on. I played as a clone for a while before switching to a Kaminoan and hosting a battle sim as per the game master. This is when things started to show their lack of planning. While setting up, several players had discovered the Carbonite chambers, and started using it, which lagged out the server to the point of several players being launched off the map. This continued despite staff's best efforts for 15 minutes until they removed the machine from the map. During and after the battle sims, the RP started to feel forced and immersion was hard with the amount of players minging due to a lack of enforcement. Two of us had switched to a security clone job to help this. Later, when the story started taking place, it was shown how under planned this was by how awkwardly the story progressed after that. I don't believe anyone knew what was going on, even the main characters. Overall, better planning with a more solidified timeline and maybe even small, planned out scripts for the roles, this would have gone much better. I never felt immersed in the story, but overall there were areas where I was able to have fun. Geonosis This part didn't go well. I felt fairly disappointed by it. This started when we only had one SA+ GM trying to run the entire event. I think eventually we got another SA+ that could help with the second server, but this again was still an extreme shortage and showed the very poor planning. For an event this large, to me it makes sense to have a team of GMs set out who all were free that day and willing to help at this time. Instead, we got one GM who struggled to find event jobs, could barely fill all the roles, and who seemed incredibly stressed doing circles trying to figure out what was going on. It was hard to get teleports back to the battle at some points as event jobs, which caused us to have to hang out with clones at their own base, as that was the only spawn point. When Jedi joined was probably the biggest flaw in this section, which was trying to split it up between two servers. This wasn't a bad idea in theory, but it was executed very poorly. No one was sure where to go, and the main server couldn't start their event until ours was already underway. We ended up waiting in DB and on the event server for a while because by the time our event was over, main was only half way through it. This section was fun, but a lot of the time no one knew what was happening, and the one poor GM was trying his best to keep his head on straight. This section was fun, and I know many players including myself had fun, and it wasn't bad, but it was poorly planned and even during the final story part, no one knew what was supposed to be happening. I believe better coordination with other GMs, better planning, and again maybe some scripting could have made this section go so much smoother. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great. Venator The aftermath was... Something. When we got back to the ship, and for maybe 12 hours after that, no one could tell if we were still supposed to be in the GEO timeline or not. We had some people running around as CTs, some people who thought the timeline was back to normal, we had certain characters that would DEFINITELY not be in this era running around, which to me isn't that big of a deal but worth mentioning. Once it was clarified it made more sense, but this still felt weird. I saw a few cool screenshots from this section, but I personally never saw anything that made me feel immersed in the timeline more than just normal operations on the Venator. I know there was another deployment, but I did not attend this. If this made the event a 10/10 by itself, then I apologize for my rating, but the rest of it by itself this is what I give it. Overall Overall, the event wasn't the worst I've played. I still had some fun, I just never felt immersed in the time line. The poor planning and clunkiness of this event could have been avoided. While some parts of the clunkiness were charming and funny, most parts just shattered my immersion, and it was very hard to feel like this was a genuine event, as opposed to just another excuse to mindlessly shoot droids and some very forced storyline that is hard to follow. Major props to the GMs who still managed to make this work with such little help and so few helpers.
  16. 9/10 Very interactive, plenty to do, everyone seemed very involved and entertained. One of the better events I've participated in, the riddles were a nice touch.
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