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Everything posted by Bazoo

  1. o7 Welcome back to the retired command club.
  2. Or we could just make a Sith vs Jedi ? 🤔 We meaning you.
  3. Bazoo

    Mikes Ban Appeal

    +1 I remember when he was my Foxtrot medic back in the day. He isnt a bad guy he was just acting dumb. He could be a minge sometimes, but back in his SOBDE time he improved a lot when I talked to him about it. He also used to work really hard for the squad. A lot of people kept telling me to remove you, but they never had any evidence of you minging so I always defended you until they showed me anything and no one did. This guy can change and deserve another chance.
  4. -1 he keeps ear raping me and I dont like it. Sike idiots, +1 he might act dumb sometimes but eh, I had even less experience in SOBDE when I got gregor, im confident he can do a good job.
  5. By far the most mature person within SOBDE. He has the experience for this position, the maturity, the head for it. He isnt scared to take decision that he knows some people will disagree with but that is still necessary. fat +1 from me. I hope you succeed where I failed. Good luck.
  6. Bazoo

    Void Please

    +1 just get it 4Head
  7. Chambers works hard and is a good guy. He is human and can make mistake, like I did when I applied for reg
  8. you do realise its in spam center right ? 🤔
  9. Name: Bazoo Suggestion:Add elevator back to the server, I really miss the time that in event you would spend 15 minutes AT LEAST spamming the button to try to get to your battlestation and all the people yelling "STOP SPAMMING THE BUTTON OR I WILL AOS/SHOOT YOU" It was very healthy and an efficent way to move arround the map. Implementation: Just add it. Lore: Look at military bases there is some. Workshop content if applicable: already on the server (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")
  10. you might have good intention, but you do not execute them the right way most of the time. And like I said on the report you had, you can be pretty toxic and really close minded at some points. Those are the main issues I see in you whenever I had to confront you or enter a debate with you.
  11. To be fair everytime I got any argument with Chambers we was really close to any opinion that wasnt his opinion. Might just be me, but I always felt like Chambers is pretty toxic and closed to any idea and also close to the idea that people can change/improve. And proved this to me many times.
  12. +1 this, You have putted a lot of work within the battalion and hope that you get it again.
  13. honestly, maybe ARQ wasnt the greatest idea, but I dont think you should -1 him just for this reason.
  14. Bazoo

    Removing ARQ V2

    +1 ! Just dont go 4Head
  15. For my part reg would be fun if it would be more usefull then just dealing with drama and being a babysitter, I dont feel like REG gain that much to do. It's better since no senior but still there not so much of use. Like one basic thing if GAMEMASTER would stop going on the reg job and being the REG themself and instead going to an actual reg and bringing him into the event room to have him do the briefing and controlling his troops via Comms/advert would already be way more fun. For now the only thing I see for a reg is a babysitter in case either the BCMD is a retard, BCMD need help or there is no BCMD. Thats all I can think of right now but Im sure I could find more but I just typed this thing as I was thinking within 5 minutes coming back home. Other then that reg would be fun EDIT: whenever I became reg I felt like I wasnt as close as the squads VS when I was gregor, due to the fact I didnt have my own squad and I felt like a party pooper. but thats mainly just my point of view for that part because it was really true that reg is a party pooper. But like @Quill Khan said it kinda removes you from your friend. It is different for SOBDE reg but you still feel less closer.
  16. I know you dislike me now because....... im not actually sure but it doesnt really matter o7 my guy. I will always miss those days where I was gregor, you were boss and prince was Kal, we had a really good synergy together we tried our best to improve SOBDE and I think we did well back in those time. I'd like to thank you for being part of my best time and best memories I had on this server. What ever you are to do next I wish you luck and success.
  17. I still remember the day you came to me and @Jackson (I think it was him) when I was recently added to the high staff team. You were about to post your staff app for clone wars and you came to us to warn us about someone that was currently applying for staff that you knew he ruined multiples community and was overall an asshole. It was long ago. Glad to see you have done well, sadly I cant say the same for me but hey, its nice to have you in this community at his hearth of the leadership.
  18. Bazoo


    @Metro is this how you announce that you are about to make an epic come back and take over Egg legacy ?
  19. @Faded I see how it is... ill just go fuck myself
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