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Everything posted by Bazoo

  1. There is a huge difference between a 2ndAC assault trooper and A null, only one NULL has that vs how many slot would that job have ? just saying Also Null doesnt have a chaingun
  2. Bazoo


    eh not that cool, everytime clones do stuff they call meta gaming in OOC sometime they are right, but sometime they are wrong too but just will not admit it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. -1 so a sharpshooter with a jetpack and a shotgun ? no thank you And they say SOBDE request OP stuff. omegalul
  4. (Im putting this LOA up as a request of Quill) Name: Quill Staff Rank: HA Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): His LOA will end on the 21 so 8 days Reason: IRL stuff wich makes that he cant be on the server Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: He does Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: He does
  5. Is ThAt CrEaTiNg DrAmA oN uR aPp. SoMeOnE DeNiE tHiS MaN +1
  6. Like @Nade Jones said, they dont take risk anymore Back the the good old days it was gamers making games for other gamers, now its just big compagny looking to make money with gamers, so they put as less money as possible to make it look as good as possible but with no real content like good solo game, it will just be repetetive multiplayer or battle royale, Look at fornite, how much money do you think it cost to make/run vs how much money they make out of it. Same for league of legends couple years ago
  7. Was different from the deployement and feels nice to have an event for SOBDE 9/10
  8. My quote that you took is somewhat out of context but mixed with me not explaining enough, when I say new faces wouldnt hurt I dont mean as squad lead tho. just wanted to point that out real quick love you twelves
  9. Holy heck dude +1 baxter is the hardest working member of SOBDE and is one of their member that actually care about the future of SOBDE and really wants to get it back as its old glory days. Best fit for this position
  10. Neutral I do think the other applicant would be a better fit, but I dont think you would do that bad either, it is true that you do not have experience in SOBDE but running a squad aint that bad. SOBDE is in a bad state right now and I really want it to go back up but its a hard job, and sometime new faces wouldnt hurt thats for sure. If either of the applicants would get it id be fine with it Good luck and may the best win.
  11. I agree with Kronos, Forseen your a good guy and do good work in positions that you are into but dont you think it might be a bit fast ? +1 because I know how much of works you can do but just think about it before burning yourself out like that my guy
  12. Not again. 😧 Have fun gamer ! see you soon o7
  13. So, shortly after the release of the server, a lot of people was complaining how there is nothing to do on the server, server was boring, being on a venator sucks and etc. Most of those people have been playing for like 5 months or so. All of you that says that, I just really want to tell you to shut the fuck up. Like I'm sorry but ive been playing in this community for like 3 years now (if we add the time that we were on Icefuse). Ive never been bored. Always had a great time on the server and you know why ? I just RP. That easy. all of you complains how boring it is but most of the people that complains, never host sims, never do passive RP, never RP what so ever, never does training. Back in the old days battalion would always do training, sims and stuff like that. When I say training its like formation trains or even PT just because of the fun of it. This is a RP server not a shooting simulator. IF you dont do any kind of RP oustide of events that is literally why its boring. Back in the day I would always see RANCOR in MHB train their formation, not because they needed to just because they did it for RP and do dumb training like that is part of the RP. Im sure @Fizzik remember that too. All of you need to do more things, training and interact with your battalion (this is mainly for officer) you guys dont do anything with your battalion like honestly. So please stop complaining and start doing RP. THis is the reason why the server is slowly degrading no one does anything outside the event and then they blame the game master programme for not doing anything... like hello ? you dont do anything either like shut up LMAO. Anyway my rant of the day you guys do you but for the love of god please try... for the server, for the community and for RP. This is a RP server after all - Old guy Bazoo
  14. +1 Hevys death :pepehands:
  15. +1 "Billiamed that shit" LMAO
  16. omfg wtf how is he HA ? +1 fuck him like wow
  17. +1 before being involve in drama he worked really hard for his positions in jedi and his clones. I think he should get another chance. The man just wants to hang out with his friends. Worst case scenario if he start drama again with people just couple of clics and he is gone.
  18. @J.Jefferson just quick question before I +1 or -1 this. Ive been friend with you for a while when you were still playing on this server. I am just wonderingg are you planning on coming back actively or kinda like Dargon just to hang out ? And if you are planning into coming back actively what are your plans on the server if you were to be unbanned ?
  19. Holy that old Sev model that it wasnt even blood, it was fking red flames. LOL
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