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Everything posted by Whataburger

  1. im not crying, you are... o7 guac, you are very creative
  2. looks like someone wants gmo! creds: @Spieler
  3. likes to wrestle big and sweaty men, very competent +1
  4. 10/10 do i have to say anything else?
  5. I think you need a little bit more time under your belt, -1. Also this does seem a little bit like another attempt for a powergrab
  6. +1 yea, you put in effort and I do think that you have the capibilities to run the battalion, nothing to spicy, and nothing too special. but I agree with most of the things you brought up and I think you should have a shot! good luck
  7. +1 from me! Good luck, this is the one!
  8. ppl who like pancakes are the same ppl who prefer ass>tits
  9. 9/10 As HS Locke, I unironically had a lot of fun, with my squad, with finn, and even with the GM. The enviornment bacta set up for us felt really nice and it was just a relaxing event IDK if every deplyoment is like this, but i really felt like it was a mellow, chill fun time
  10. +1 This man still has stories going around surrounding his name, some good, some funny, some not so good. I personally believe he needs to come back
  11. work smarter, not harder.
  12. For the first time in a while, A-A-Ron is right... Bacta is stupid
  13. I miss the good old days, I feel bad for the next person who applies for doom, not only will they have the entire server watching their every move, but they will also have to go through 2 interviews(One from Dennis and one from HC)? This DU legacy thing, and overall weird vibe has rotted the battalion since the beginning. It is only now that the "Remove DU" suggestions come up? like what happened when Dennis got doom for the fourth time in a row, and still shadow runs the battalion? This entire uprising surrounding DU is a shitshow and I think we all know where it is heading. (Hint: Dennis WILL lose power) Also, I do realize that I'm in the battalion, but that's for the same reason as a lot of the other people flocked in. Combined with the fact that they offered me 2ndLT for JUST re-installing gmod? which one of you tit suckling munchkins wouldn't take up that offer? MISSED OPORTUNITY Change the title to, "DU This, DU that, I just wanna DU your mom!" -marvel
  14. +1 As a fresh new DU, overlord dennis has spoken.
  15. Whataburger

    remove DU.

    -1 , i love dooms unit
  16. Bug Type (Server:): GmOD Severity level (1-3): 3 Evidence (if you can): (try sitting on one of em) Description of the bug: You used to be able to sit on them by looking at the top and using the "sit" command in the command promt thing (i forgot the name). Now you can't How can we recreate it: Having lawn chairs as an item in game so we can take a seat wherever we want!
  17. NGL, ever since dennis dipped. Dooms unit has been blowing up! (They have shields btw) if you AREN'T in DU, then what R u doing???
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