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Everything posted by Boof

  1. I'm sure you are a great candidate but this is an RCMD position you are applying for and I have seen longer Green Company applications. You have ok plans but I would like you describe them in more detail. The current state of your application is a -1 for me but I would like you to add more detail to it and I will come back and possibly change my response. However I wish you the best of luck.
  2. +1 Had a good talk to moose and I feel he will do great in the position
  3. +1 great for the position
  4. Name: Iceman Staff Rank: SA Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 3/8/24-3/16/24 Reason: Planned vacation to Florida for Spring Break Do you understand that if you go on LOA/ROA while holding a leadership position, a named character position, or a position with limited slots you may lose your position? Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your staff/leadership position?: yes
  5. +1 this would help naval a ton
  6. They are ARC Troopers why would they not have the ARC weapons? At the end of the day they are a Republic ARC Trooper job and not a Bounty Hunter Mando job. Its cool that they have a mando model and all but I feel it makes more sense for there Republic gear to be their main loadout. -1 for me
  7. see ya in 4 months o7
  8. +1 Adding back 2LT to officer ranks and COL senior officer would be perfect in my eyes. I don't care much for LTC.
  9. I told Bacta I wanted to come and help Hector, I told Hector I would put and app up if he ended up getting denied and that is what happened. I didn't know what my goal was going to be, I was looking for the battalion or faction I could provide my services the best to and that became the 41st. After talking with their officers, spending time with them, and seeing the problems I believe I have the skill set to be the BCMD the battalion needs. This server has been my home for years now its my goal to help anyway I can so thats what I am doing, and thats what my drive to stick with it is. My goal isn't to bring serious RP standards to the battalion, like what I told Finn this isn't Rancor or SOBDE but I want to bring the professionalism up a level. I believe it will go a long way on the stance the 41st has on the server. I believe a change like this starts at the top and If I am acting in a professional manner the views I have will be shown in the officer core and trickle down to the rest of the battalion. With the plans I have discussed and me showing the qualities I want as well as helping anyone struggling to achieve this standard and giving them tips I believe it will move in the right direction. Also there is already a person in mind who I believe would make a great Gree after me who has like minded goals and views, I will be preparing them to continue on this mission and if they are not ready I will go for a second term to make sure the standard doesn't drop. I am the kind of person who gives everyone an opportunity to improve before the are removed or demoted. I believe everyone deserves fair chance however as I have shown in my other battalions when people abuse that chance or do not stop after a warning then disciplinary action follows. If there is proper reason for them to be demoted or removed then that is what will happen. These are my plans and If I get Gree it is my job to make the battalion the best it can be even if it means having to remove a friend. I have done this in both Rancor and SOBDE I attend to continue this method with the 41st. Hope that answers your questions.
  10. Hi Finn, so the big reason I am applying for 41st is I originally came to the battalion in the mindset to help them and the person who was going to apply but due to some circumstances that is no longer the case. Speaking with the 41st officers those that could apply still want more time till they are ready and as you and I have both seen when battalions go for months without a BCMD it leads to problems and huge decrease in activity. I have the experience and the plans to provided the groundwork for this battalion to succeed so I figured if I am going to join this battalion to help I am not going to stand by and watch is suffer when I have the ability to help it. From the officers I have spoke to they all agreed that they want to move the battalion in this direction, I made my plans by talking to the officers to decide what is best to fix the issues they see. I am here to be their voice and help the battalion I wouldn't provide these changes unless the members of the battalion wanted to see the change. I will not be changing the battalion like I would with Rancor or SOBDE seeing as they were an ARC and Commando battalion. This will not be a serious RP battalion but I want to increase the professionalism from what it was. I believe quota is a huge help to battalions as it makes sure the NCOs and Officers are doing their job rather than just getting on every once in a while to maintain their rank. All the quota will be asking is to host one entertainment per week, unfortunately I am a strong believer that if you cannot host one entertainment for your battalion without an active LOA or ROA then you shouldn't be on the NCO team. It is there jobs to be leaders and providing entertainment for the enlisted members. The activity requirement for officers is to make sure they don't go a full week without being on the server other wise it can result in a strike then a second strike leads to demotion. These are not difficult tasks I am asking of the officer and NCO core, I myself will be participating in them to show that if a BCMD can do it so can the rest of the officers/ NCOs. I was already debating giving out credit prizes to the NCO and Officer who does the most trainings per month so that would help with burnout but I do not believe one training will cause big issues. The officer team big issues start with activity as there are some officers I have hardly seen and I am not sure what they do for the battalion. I am entering giving everyone the benefit of the doubt and with my evaluations I will be able to see what they are doing for the battalion. But the issues come from activity, lack of battalion presence, lack of hosting entertainments and lack of professionalism on the server. There are many officers that are amazing in the battalion but some just need an extra push to get to that standard which I believe with my plans will get to that level. I want the officer core to be working to achieve the same goals because at the end of the day we are a team so if they need extra help I will sit down with them to figure out how I can help them improve. If I haven't accomplished all of my goals and there isn't someone ready to take over and continue the work then absolutely I will go for a second term. I came to this battalion to help and I will not be leaving it high and dry. At the end of the day I have spent so much time of my life on this server to help improve in every battalion I am in. However if there is someone ready to take over I will stay in the battalion as a Major to be guidance to them to make sure I am around to help any way I can. Hope this helped answer your questions!
  11. Steam Name: Boof RP Name: 41st Alpha-88 ARCO LT Iceman RP Rank: ARCO | Lieutenant Steam ID: 76561198209323692 Battalion you are applying for: 41st Elite Corps Experience: Rancor PVT-BCMD Alpha 17 | Muzzle SOBDE PVT-BCMD Hunter | Echo Specialized RCMD Jedi Order Council Member Guardian Master Anakin Skywalker | Plo Koon Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I believe I am the best candidate for this position for a couple different reasons. First of all I have a lot of experience being a two time BOTM winning BCMD, I know what it takes to lead a battalion towards success. With my experience I know how to handle situations with as little bias as possible and how to change the direction of the battalion for the better. I also like to pride myself on being the kind of leader I would never ask my officers to do something I myself cannot do. There will not be a quota I cannot achieve and rules I do not follow. Another reason I believe I am the best fit is my drive to improve the 41st for the better. The battalion needs a lot of help and a lot of work in order to change the direction it is moving towards. The battalion needs changes from the basic structure to the sub units and I believe I have the right tools for the job to help them out. After talking with their officers I have their support in me to be the one to make these changes for the better. Finally I believe the plans I have to change the battalion will lead the battalion into a good direction. I want to lay down the groundwork so that for future BCMDs they won't have to struggle to change the battalion. As well I will be fully training someone to take over after my term to make sure they will always have someone ready and trained to take the mantle of BCMD. Availability: Monday 8:30 PM - 1 AM Tuesday 12 PM - 1 AM Wednesday 5 PM - 1 AM Thursday 12 PM - 1 AM Friday 12 PM - 1 AM Saturday | Sunday - Varies depending on the weekend. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 2,083 Hours Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?: Reconnaissance Roleplay: In my opinion recon RP doesn't get nearly the love it should on the server. I believe that with the 41st I can set the standard for Recon RP on the server. I will be doing this by sending out Green Company and ARF before the rest of the battalion in any event or training in order to scan the area and comms back into the battalion so we can prepare for the situation. If other battalions see me doing this hopefully I can bring a change to the server that other recon units will start being used and not thrown on the back burner. I will also create training so the NCOs can host for the enlisted and teach them how to do proper recon roleplay, Regiments: One thing that I would like to introduce to all of the regiments in the battalion is training new members of the regiments how to use their new equipment. Currently if you have the server training or hit the rank requirement needed to join then you can just join the regiment. With actual training introduced it will prepare new members to use their equipment to the best of their abilities and be prepared for anything. As well I want the regiment to do weekly training for their regiment to make sure those inside the regiment are honing their skills. Improcco Company I plan on really enforcing that they are an elite 5 man unit. I will be teaching them squad synergy and teamwork skills to make sure they are a 5 man war machine. I will teach them what I have learned in my time being a squad lead to help with building on their skills. Also I want them to actually be used for their purpose of covert missions and infiltration. Depending on the mission I will send them out with special orders to get their task done as quickly as possible. To help prepare them for this I plan on doing weekly training for the two subunits specifically made for them and their skill set. This should increase activity, RP, and skill within the squad. Green Company With green company they are supposed to be the long range combat and advanced recon specialists however most of the time this recon isn’t happening. With my ideas to increase recon RP in the battalion and actually sending out green company before the rest of the battalion I believe this will help out. I plan on like with improcco, hosting trainings to help them improve their skills especially with recon and communication. I feel with this idea it will better prepare them for any situation and create more RP for the battalion. I also plan in the future to give more incentive to go for lore positions within green company as it has been hard to fill the slots. This could include more leadership within the company or a regiment leadership position to give the jobs more of a presence in the battalion. Activity Our current activity within the battalion has been increasing but there is a lot of work to be done. Some ways activity will increase is by applying more incentive to go for 41st of the month. This will be a credit prize that I will be giving out in hopes it will drive people to be more active and host more trainings. However I am a firm believer that the battalion will be active if the BCMD and officer core are as well. So I will be enforcing more activity requirements on the officer core to make sure of this. If the officer core is active, trainings are being hosted, and my ideas for new RP in the battalion I believe will increase overall activity. Officer Core The current officer core isn’t bad but it definitely needs more work. I plan on sitting down with them day one to explain my plans and changes that will be implemented to the battalion. I believe communication is very important and I want them to know they can talk with me about anything. I plan on doing officer evaluations week one to see what my current officers have been doing and depending on the work they have put in they will either be promoted, stay at the same rank, or demoted. Battalion Outlook I believe that a change in perspective can go a long way with this battalion. I will be increasing the standards of our NCO and Officer team. By increasing the professionalism, quality of leadership, and activity I believe this will have a huge effect on the battalion. Enlisted members will see the officer core and NCO core acting more professional and will follow in that path. I also believe with the other plans I have working together will increase the view of the battalion on the server. Jedi Program Our jedi program has definitely been slacking. Activity hasn’t been the greatest and there are a lot of inactives on the roster. I have always been big on jedi inclusion and I will be no different in the 41st. I will be including them more in training and events to make sure they feel fully like members of the battalion and respected. As well it is a primary goal to find someone that will become Luminara so I will have help specially in the jedi program. Alien Translation I believe alien translation is a training with a lot of potential that gets overlooked. Green Company are some of the specialists in this but do not get to fully utilize the training. My plan is to host specialized trainings/events that incorporate AT more and more to get a bigger stance on the server. I believe the reason it isn't used mainly is because it is a lesser known training so more frequent hosting of the training and use on the server will give it new light NCO Core I believe the NCO team is moving in the right direction but needs a push. So I plan on introducing quotas to the NCO and officers to make sure a minimum amount of training are being hosted per week. This way our trainings totals will increase, activity will increase, and will help NCOs meet promotional requirements. I would also like to help NCOs work on their leadership skills to improve them as leaders and increase the quality of trainings in the battalion. Battalion Structure With the structure of the battalion I plan on fully looking through all the docs and tryouts to make sure everything is up to my standard. Some areas I will start are promotional requirements, subunit tryouts, and SGT training. I also plan to do a rework of the teamspeak and discord to make it more visually appealing and efficient. BOTM As it has been my goal in every battalion I have been a part of, I aim to achieve BOTM. I fully believe the 41st has the potential to be one of the best battalions on the server and can achieve BOTM. I have been the BCMD of two battalions that have won this award in the past so I know with the plans I have BOTM will be achieved. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes
  12. Name: Iceman Staff Rank: SA Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 3/1 - 3/5 Reason: Have the flu and cannot physically get on the server. Do you understand that if you go on LOA/ROA while holding a leadership position, a named character position, or a position with limited slots you may lose your position? Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your staff/leadership position?: Yes
  13. Battalion: Rancor RP Name: Iceman Date: 2/26/2024 Reason: Term is over so transferring to 41st Goodbyes: Not leaving the server but @Monarch I miss you
  14. RP Name: Iceman Steam ID32: STEAM_0:0:124528982 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age: 22 Timezone: EST What was your previous staff rank?: Senior Admin Are you currently staff on a different server?: No Why did you leave the staff team?: Life got really busy and I didn't have the time to hit my quota and be a BCMD, wasn't a fan of the GM work that felt forced but after recent talks with high staff I have an understanding of the importance and drive to host good quality events. Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): With a newfound drive for the server I want to be able to bring my ideas for events to the new map. I like helping new members and with my previous experience I know I can accomplish this. As well I have never hosted a deployment during my time as staff but I have been brainstorming and feel I have good ideas that could be very fun for the player base. Being a staff member is about putting the health of the server first and that is something I will aim to achieve. I didn't understand this my previous time but thanks to high staff I have had an awakening to this. I want to devote my efforts to the enjoyment and help of the player base anyway I can. How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): I feel my previous time as staff went well. I just developed a distaste to host events that felt rushed and no solid storyline just because it was forced for a quota. I wasn't very creative with my work but with the new map my creative side has opened and I can't wait to create good quality RP for the server. I believe I hit my quota every week until my last with my previous time being a staff member and that was only due to the issues I stated above. Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes
  15. +1 Has been a great officer in Rancor, has the drive to do a good job.
  16. +1 Fully prepared for this position, I guess he will do ok.
  17. I agree with Katz off of lore Mimban is the best fit, Corellia would be cool but there is no industrial ship producing facility that would make no sense. Like naming it coruscant but there is not city type beat. We also already know Mimban was a big planet of conquest for the Empire as seen in the movie Solo. So this could be a set up for those events to take place in the future of the star wars timeline.
  18. You touched on Roleplay and how it is a problem but I dont see what you will do to fix the problem so before I +1 or -1 I would like a little more in depth answer.
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