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Posts posted by Jayy

  1. Not a real 10/10 but I'll give it that since it's the most roleplay oriented event I've been in since I've joined.

    I'm also giving it a 10 because of the quality event at the odd time of day so I really applaud Chumbus and helpers for putting in the effort. 

  2. I had to leave shortly after we entered the caves, so my review only reflects up until then. I want to rate this event a 3/10 and I will explain why.

    I agree heavily with @Mitchellin that:

    1) We waited a very long time. I think we waited upwards of an hour and a half before we set off from the forward base on Kashyyyk. I hopped onto the event server at 8:20 EST and my video recording shows that we do not leave the Republic FOB until ~9:50 EST (that is 90 minutes of briefing for a Garry's mod RP) . Us members of the 41st had gone through 5 separate staging areas, and 4 separate speeches from command before we even set foot in the field. I personally cannot blame anybody from 41st for this because I know they were only following orders, so I blame the game masters/high command equally.

    2) Forcing everyone to run a billet different from what they specifically trained for doesn't sit right with me. I'm in the 41st and I didn't like being forced to run as Green Company. I joined the server because there is a wide variety of jobs you can pick from and roleplay as. Why is it that in a main event I am not allowed to run as my specialty, the one thing I spend all week training as? I understand it wouldn't be lore accurate for us to be running as Jet Troopers or Rancor ARC on Kashyyyk, but it's literally what we train for every day. Not allowing us to run what we practice for in a main event sucks all the fun right out of it. If you're going to force us to run a different specialty/unit, let everyone know ahead of time and not during the briefing for the event so we can decide if we want to allocate our time to play for the evening. The only person I can be upset with here is the Regimental Commander for telling us we couldn't play our assigned specialties.

    2A) This is an addition to 2. Not only were we forbidden from running our assigned jobs, but we were told we couldn't use specific weapons. Now, this isn't exactly a problem to me. I have not bought any weapons on the website, but if you're one of those people that bought the $90 shotgun from the store, I'm sure you'd be pretty upset if hashed out that much money only to be told prior to a main event that you cannot use the weapon you spent $90 on. 

    3) The giant fish shooting acid bombs scenario was meme-worthy, but also unique so I won't bash it.

    I've heard from a few members of the 41st that the event went well after I left, and I'm sure that's true. I'm sure the story itself was a solid 7+, but the execution in the beginning is where it failed me. 
    My time was mostly spent waiting, so I'll give it a 3/10.

  3. 5/10

    I didn't think the story was the best, it doesnt seem likely to me that the CIS would get involved in something so trivial and I thought it was unrealistic for a CIS agent to basically just turn himself in only to be executed. I could be missing a few pieces of the story though.

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