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Everything posted by Chop

  1. +1 Many of you won't know Jayarr, or others will remember him for his mistakes. I know for a fact he heavily regrets what he did and he wishes to join back into the community. When Jayarr was on the server before his wrong doings he helped me and other in many other ways, such as making models for the server and completely revitalising Dooms Unit at the time. I hope that everyone voting on this gives him the second chance he deserves and the second chance others have been given.
  2. Chop

    [CWRP] Officer Tag

    It used to be a thing and from what I can remember it worked well +1
  3. Chop


    Actually had some pancakes today
  4. Chop


    Today I had some cereal and orange juice
  5. Chop


    Had some more toast
  6. Chop


    What, that's what Comms is for, as quite obviously stated in the name; and I rarely see anyone spam it anyway. -1
  7. With all this time now You wanna play the Dog Game ?
  8. This has been a glitch for well over a year, I don't believe its something we can fix.
  9. *Gets denied for app being too long* *Gets denied for being drunk on Teamspeak* *Gets denied for having "anger" issues* There is no reason as to why this man was denied previously for this position. Turbine has proved everyone that he can be calm and collective when needed and can write a BETTER app then anybody else on he fucking forums yet the man can't even spell lol. That shows true dedication to his fucking work. And who gives a flying fuck if he's drunk on teamspeak. Its OOC and a place where we can chat a load of bollocks and just mess around. There is not one reason as to why Turbine should not get this position. He is the most loyal and dedicated Omega Squad member and has deserved this for a long time (since he put up his first application). +1
  10. +1 - Get them boi's some jetpacks
  11. Chop

    Take a moment

    #bringback38th That battalion had ALL the lore
  12. Chop

    501st Pilot Job

    -1 Jesus how many times has this come about. You guys (501st) had the choice to either keep the job or remove it for something else. You chose the latter and must now deal with the consequences of that deal.
  13. Neutral I'm gonna be pretty bias here due to me knowing Alec for a while. Alec did indeed make the wrong judgement call and it was a stupid thing to say, but me knowing Alec I know how much work he has put into the server and how much he wants to get back into it. I know it was an extremely stupid and immature thing to say, but knowing Alec it was more heat of the moment more then anything and I feel Alec should at least be given a chance to high staff about his mistakes and or not making it a permanent ban but instead a timed ban.
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