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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. Figured it out and fixed it, Thanks @Jad
  2. +1 i know alot of people who like you and praise you for your work on the server.
  3. very pretty. never disappointing with your photography!
  4. 5/5/5 i love squishy and i love shoot em ups thanks
  5. i love Jad for reasons like this. He said what i was going to say in mine, we have real lives, just like the devs and founders do. its not a job make sure to always keep that in mind <3
  6. It's a shame people feel this way, i don't think it ever should've gotten this bad as, believe me, you're not the first (or gonna be the last) to post something like this. The server HC hears it all the time they hear these complaints and know its an issue. Granted the communication has gotten a little better! From what i've heard they want it out this year at the latest, hopefully you and lots of others come back for the new map, as it seems we are at the end of the waiting period. Glad people feel able to voice themselves on the forums, and im glad you did it peacefully. Nice explanation.
  7. Mystic

    I am malding

    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/940027066122928170/983554861419352134/unknown.png @Cox@Spieler
  8. Mystic

    I am malding

    Rip Aayla picture
  9. the small part i was there for was fun 3/4/4
  10. i dig this. Don't hold it against this dude. This is a very well written explanation
  11. i was watchin a stream the whole time and saw multiple clips bro i cant rate but that map was 10/10 your hard work is always appalling and so beautiful to look at. Hands down one of the best hosts.
  12. +1 TyR is absolutely a incredible candidate
  13. +1 to my only former SO Jedi
  14. Didn't mean to nag, but thank you for the response. +1 from me
  15. +1 dunno why people think Mas is still RCMD equiv. Guess they don't read announcements
  16. nice app! I have a single question, You have the full support of 501st, but i find it hard to see/catch you in game as i've rarely seen you. Are you coming off LOA or something? or are you currently improving your overall activity. it could very well be timezones but im usually on for 12 hours a day (I see you on right now :P just asking overall) This will determine my vote, as my few interactions with you have been great! i just don't see you often.
  17. it is the same thing. they're just going to remove the 21st Nova Corps whitelist and Pilot whitelist from the main battalion.
  18. This is something that started when i installed CS:S, HL1&2. (so yes i know its related to those, as google has stated certain maps use the base ambient sounds from both games) on Anaxes i hear gunfire and warzone noises (not too bad) but on Geonosis its utter earrape and already more unpleasant than Geo already is. I've googled found some things and tried, but no dice. Wondering if anyone has a fix for this https://streamable.com/jk0r1p
  19. +1 hoping to get to know you, seems like alot of people like you!
  20. theres some movies called Star Wars that are pretty fire, try those, The last 3 weren't as good as the older ones though Seriously though, I heard Stranger Things got a new season, Past seasons were good might be worth a watch if you like Mystery/Drama/Scary mixtures. Though its not truly that scary. Halo series kinda sucked but was a neat watch if you liked Halo. If you haven't watch the Conjuring series in order, its pretty sweet if horror is your jam Or go back in time and watch some of your childhood cartoons! A sense of nostalgia is always something people can appreciate and can help tremendously in passing time/stress reduction As for me, i don't watch much aside from Star Wars and Anime, If you're interested in anime i could help. But everything above is all i really have seen recently
  21. +1 slak, if i voted you for wolffe i vote you for staff. make fun stuff
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