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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. 5/5/4 i guess. kinda stood there some lag but that was just the cost for a cool dupe
  2. 5/5/5 glorified bugs be munchin
  3. thank god now ill stop seeing REGL Boomer l Hansen in all my discords
  4. wall mount like Jad said will help alot, if you mean monitors themselves you can't really go wrong with anything from Asus or newer HP monitors they're fairly cheap for really good long lasting panels. Do note, You only need 1 144hz+ don't get two. its a waste. your best bet is to get a mount first then upgrade your monitors.
  5. Unfortunately, I had to use it all when I was told they were removing the months of dedication i poured into making Special Operations too good.
  6. Wash never sat right with me as a character i couldn't understand him,. He seems forced onto the viewer and later on he becomes a great character. I just think that the Freelancers as a whole was a choppy arc for some people
  7. for future reference aRDM is treated as RDM on the server even if you didn't kill anyone.
  8. i 100% agree on the character development. Though i really feel through the show as a whole, his change was predetermined from the moment he revealed himself as perverted, you tend to see alot of those characters go through change and become more serious when things are taken from them. I feel like Caboose has to be my favorite with his development, as not only does he become able to function as more than an idiot, he is willing to go through hell and back to rescue his friends and becomes much more willing to push himself to the limit and show his emotions better than anyone in the show. He has suffered the most loss (aside from Church) and gained the most in the form of friendship as we can see with the death of church and the loss of Freckles. I think tucker comes in as a close 2nd for me, c'mon.... he got pregnant with an alien!!!
  9. Don't get me started on the Freelancers. York was my favorite no doubt, Wash should've just been open with himself from the start, same for Carolina. The Dakotas were just fucked. Tex went through hell and back and never got peace. Wyoming was just a weirdo. and Maine was heat The Blues have Carolina and had Tex tho as well as Wash. The Reds kinda have nobody when it comes to strength. Unless Lopez awakens....
  10. I can't vote, Caboose is too funny but Grif and Simmons have such an unspoken chemistry. Sarge is hilarious and Church has all our sadistic thoughts in his head. Tucker is well.... tucker. you can't really love or hate him.
  11. with Consular having (from what i've heard) the most RP on the server Jedi wise, i think it would be useful to use them to help other Jedi get into the roleplay rhythm . But you're completely correct imo, this isn't just reliant on the Jedi themselves, but the council also, as many things such as Master/Padawan strike missions could be something to increase bonding/RP across the Order, but this can be stressful and confusing. I think right now supporting RP between Padawans is critical, and that we should make a suggestion to add a course teaching Padawans how to interact with their Masters and Masters/Knights on how to interact with their Padawans. This way RP can freeflow through the Order and we can see some unique roleplay that isn't available anywhere else on the server.
  12. i notice this quite abit as well, but mostly with lore characters, as most of the unnamed Master/Padawan combos i see are friends and talk quite abit, but its never about bettering yourself in Jedi its just rambling. I wish i had a Master to teach me how to Jedi... this is something that could very well push Jedi to a much more immersive and statured state on the server.. (merge attempt) i also agree that Padawans and Knights who've never interacted shouldn't receive merits based on the others actions.
  13. i feel like the only reason to have a Padawan is to benefit yourself, if they pass Knight trials they're not a Knights Padawan anymore yet the Knight gets rewarded with Merits. I feel like thats the extent of the Padawan system, I agree with you
  14. i find it odd that someone went out of the way to get my SteamID and do it as well. i must be getting trolled
  15. Glad im seeing more late night AARs! wasnt there but thank you for providing late night entertainment for the few people on the server!
  16. hehe. its fine, im just being picky so that admins will stop making a mistake like this and just remove online people's whitelists. Im just setting up my AFK and noticed. I appreciate the offer though i can wait.
  17. logged on to the server today and found out i had my whitelist removed for my job..... this was removed while i was offline. you should wait till people are online before doing this now i have no clone life until staff actually wants to answer a ticket. (this is a disclaimer that you should only remove whitelists for people that are currently on the server or else you risk taking someones active job..
  18. these look like they could be postcards!
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