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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. +1 I am a huge fan of both candidates and i will gladly work alongside either you or Metro.
  2. Mystic

    Allow Fill ins

    I had no idea that this was still a thing. As i've only seen it happen yesterday. Go ahead and close this ill change my suggestion and put it up later.
  3. Mystic

    Allow Fill ins

    I was tired when i wrote this suggestion at like 4 am, i didnt want to sleep and forget it, but i think i mentioned this should only be for open positions and positions that don't have applications for them currently. As for your method, i agree. If they want to allow HC to make the choice that would be a good idea.
  4. Mystic

    Allow Fill ins

    Of course, this is already possible. I just want it to be more common place and more often. Even for not so big events. The amount of RP that came last night from having an almost full HC was crazy. It could be used on a much smaller scale the same way. It seems everyone I spoke with that was a somewhat returning player that day had a blast and that was a reason why. Thinking about it, What do you suggest as far as who can let them be on the job? If we want to make it more expansive what rank do you think should be able to allow them on the job? I only stated director ofc because they're kinda the CWRP overseers.
  5. Mystic

    Allow Fill ins

    Name: Mystic RP Rank: BCMD Suggestion: Allow people with the proper experience to get on the server with Director + permission to fill in our vacant positions for strictly RP purposes. Implementation: None, Just approval from the proper High Staff. They wouldn't have power over the factions except in RP and would only be in the position that isn't applied for/isn't filled to prevent jealousy from applicants. Lore: The GAR always had a full High Command. Adding onto this, maybe people with proper clearance want to RP as the character before they apply. Alot of people might be scared to apply due to lack of interaction, or the feeling theyre stepping into the wrong shoes, not only would this possibly bring more old players back who are interested in roleplaying once or twice a week on a certain character, but it could also bring some structure and integrity to battalions or factions that are missing a substantial part of their RP
  6. For as dumb as it sounds, i appreciate the stupid incentives. I may have been saved by Bbstine but those little challenges are really fun
  7. HUH???!?!?!?!??! WHAT ??!?!?!??!\ +1 but where the fuck did this come from
  8. +1 but using these models before the backpacks are insanely huge.
  9. Your RP as Yoda was phenomenal. Especially the Mass RDM
  10. 70+ people on the server from a spur of the moment thing thrown together by ppstine himself. If we actually planned things and straightened out weekdays or weekends with things like this, the server could be consistent We had alot of older players hop in to help in positions for RP. It worked wonderfully. This shows that the issues lie with us as much as it does with the Founders. So while we make all these posts blaming them or High Command we gotta hold ourselves accountable as well. I hope that we can use this as a learning tool and figure out what people liked the most about today, and implement it even better in future events like this. A very special thanks to these people for making today happen. Most fun i've had in a long time. @Mavelle @BlueBeetle @Zeros @Bro @Bbstine @Drone @Ccmonty @meowthemeower @Misfit @Metro @Xaze @Woeny @Forseen And to anyone else i may have missed, i know an insane amount of work was put into this, but we even got a new community member out of it! This is what Synergy is about.
  11. sounds good, i appreciate the response!
  12. the Rias pfp threw me off for a second From an outside view youre always on and it seems like your battalion supports you. Thats good enough for me, +1
  13. o7. I really only ever worked with you in TG. But it was a pleasure.
  14. Please make sure you dont push aside anything IRL or throw away a career choice for this damned server. I'd rather see it crash and burn, or see you resign than know that the community outraging on the internet was the reason you didn't go where you wanted/.
  15. I agree. But as someone who's known him for 8 years I can say that his circumstances were beyond what I put here. This is just his "official" resignation reason. And things happened that just wouldn't let him play anymore. He had no access to discord or the forums to "tell" people he was resigning. When I posted this is the same day he said he wanted to resign. It's not like it was premeditated or anything. This was a genuine spur of the moment resignation due to unfortunate circumstances
  16. If you guys want me to relay any messages back to him i have his number and snapchat so just send them my way.
  17. Battalion: Jedi l SOBDE l High Staff RP Name: Grand Master of the Order Yoda l Foxtrot PVT Clutch Date: 10/17/2022 Reason: taking a break from PC to focus on life and synergy takes up all my free time Goodbyes: For anyone who tried reaching out to me, I've had Discord uninstalled and my computer has been off for awhile. Sorry to the entire Jedi Order, High staff and the people who knew me best. Thanks for the chance in these positions. (Won't let him sign into the Forums on his phone so he asked me to post this)
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