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Everything posted by Guac

  1. CG, Jetpacks, RC models, etc. If you think thats a better option than suggest it
  2. +1 /ct fucks up the original job slot, I did it on my BH to reset myself and the slot permanently changed to CT, giving me 2 clone lives ( @Xaze ). Unless a better remedy is found I think this will do.
  3. Little immersion for a large negative effect. Nah.
  4. Bio and PFP are opposites I keep the opps guessing
  5. +1, simple change, balanced, I like it
  6. Can’t for the Guild Cabinet to have 3 slots now!!! +1
  7. +1 idk who “the general” is but u should of gotten a staff sit.
  8. What I explained in the rest of the text. With staff taking over the duty of post-arrest activities in their entirety. As well as being the deciding factor in the investigation of an RAOS rather than a member of CG. Having a unified front in this matter, and making sure that the members involved can then be actively held accountable due to their position as staff.
  9. +1 When it comes to feasibility I wont pretend to understand if this will work. However, metagaming is a real issue, and as a GM who is meant to entertain the player base, if you are only trying to deploy a certain group and the whole server shows up due to the intercom; you are put into a sticky and uncomfortable situation. If this were to work, I hope that would mitigate the issues surrounding the deployment of troops as a GM / Staff member.
  10. I brought up a different system for arresting during my Spec Reg term, however I tabled it due to staff changes and other battalion issues. I personally have seen the animosity build against CG on multiple occasions due to their role as the arrest-er, and it is very concerning on not only a servers population's attitude, but also the enjoyment of the Courscant Guard. As a player, you should not be put into positions in which you receive verbal abuse on a regular / semi-regular occasion, nor did they sign up for that. Staff are volunteered members of this community who understand the rules, and have been assessed as to their maturity when dealing with situations like these. I think for CG to move away from dealing with arrests, means they can focus more on RP aspects of their job, whilst maintaining that security role. A full pullout of CGs player base when it comes to arresting people is unrealistic, I understand, so I am not suggesting that they get rid of the ability to be able to arrest people; but everything past the point of arresting the individual should be solely a staff's responsibility. TLDR; While CG should be able to arrest people, any issue regarding the validity or investigation of the arrest should be dealt with by staff.
  11. After a long LOA, and some convincing... @Sixta is back! Congrats!
  12. He meant work grind, not dick grind
  13. ong?! One of the best GMs that we have seen in a while. Massive amount of dedication this man has towards the playerbase. I'm better at building then you tho lol +1
  14. So you do admit, that my client, a Whata "Thomas" Anderson, can be indeed funny? Wouldn't that mean that he cannot hold a status of "unfunny"? With all due respect Mazen, you should not be the individual to call someone's humor into question. This is clearly a slander campaign against my client, and I move for this case to be dismissed.
  15. Shut the fuck up. Ahem. As Whataburgers official representative I move to submit article 34.A into evidence. This is merely one example of remorse as shown by a juror. Yes indeed, this Kingdom has treated Whataburger too harshly, and as a result, a unfunny spell occurred. The repeated abuse of my client within the: SOBDE, [IFN] The Earth Kingdom, and [SR] Training Hub; shows a clear pattern of abuse and defamation of character. On behalf of Georgie "Whata" Pornpus, we countersue the Earth Kingdom for 2 million credits and a Commander Doom application. Thank you for your time.
  16. -1, seems a bit excessive. Cox and Sixta and Bleach and Aaron and Comics and Hanz already dumb me enough at it is
  17. *straps kneepads on* Nothing against you Yekko, as it appears you haven't been here for very long to understand the frustration that comes along with threads like these, so majority of this message won't be directed at you. However I am disappointed that you didn't have a great experience on the server, and at one point come back. With that being said, it is perfectly reasonable to wish that the development process was faster, but that just isn't the case. These things take time, and to assume that Management+ have the ability to speed that process is equally as frustrating, especially members of it that feel as though no matter how they justify their actions, it will never be enough. Expecting non-bug related updates to be a regular occurance, especially from a development team of this size, in order to sustain player pop; is incredibly unfessible. Management+ have made multiple efforts to attempt to engage the player base in conversation regarding issues, one happening just last week. I want to ask an honest question. At what point to we begin to look inward? At what point, do when find ourselves: not engaging with the rest of the community, not even attempting roleplay outside of an event that force feeds it too you, try to fuck over other players in an attempt to further your own gain etc.; do we find ourselves part of the problem. I haven't been here as long as others, but I know for a fact these complaints, brought directly to a member of Server Leadership, do not fall on deaf ears. But when they are answered, it just seems like no one wants to listen. *unstraps kneepads* yEa, uMummM.... fOunDEr uHhH ....liKe dOnt WoRk?
  18. Fs my favorite one, I want to swim there
  19. Name: Guac RP Rank: Guac Suggestion: Add Buzz Droids to the server as a spawnable NPC for GMs. Their utility in space battles would be great, as well has just being a cool feature to add. Not sure how this would work in corrolation with the new NPC base, but hopefully it would. Implementation: Ctrl C - Ctrl V ??? Lore: An insidious weapon unveiled by the Separatist Alliance during the later stages of the Clone Wars, buzz droids are tenacious saboteurs launched onto enemy starfighters via specialized missiles. Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2813036673 (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")
  20. Really happy that you decided to come back for the time it was. Being able to experience your events again was a pleasure. Cya man!
  21. Regimental equivalent or not, you are an incredibly valuable asset to the senate. I hope you do well. +1
  22. Continue with what every other recon group on the server does. Have trainings and simulations discussing and demonstrating its importance, reach out to a GM or two (the guy running your regimental deployment) and attempt to get them to give you a reconnaissance portion, etc. You cannot expect every entertainment to fit and cater to your sub-units specific needs, however it is possible to attempt to contact a GM and help them support and entertain your troops. Your "solution" is that which would fix your problems, and create a plethora of other ones for people to deal with. I think a better utilization of your time would be ask the community, gather the recon groups, talk with GM leadership, and develop strategies to keep these unique game play aspects prospering within your sub-unit. It feels as though this is poor substitute to any real change.
  23. I do not see how these types of restrictions could be upheld. As it stands, there are many issues with the VERY lenient cloaking rules we have now. I understand your intentions, and your want for Ghost Company to serve as "Stealth Recon", but this justification could be used for a large population on the server on top of Ghost Company, all of which have stronger "lore" supporting their unit as stealth reconnaissance. Recon will always be an issue on GMOD due to its limitations. I just cannot justify catering to one specific sub-unit so their lives can become easier, while not doing the same for all else. -1
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