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Everything posted by syntax

  1. Skylur, you are one of the most dedicated people I have met on this server and you work hard towards what you want. I feel like now its your time to step on the plate as Yoda and see what you can do. Fat +1 Finally we can have an active atin........jk
  2. -1 Splitting half the server population between Bounty Hunters, Clones and CIS just seems too cluttered. Either make a different server or delete BH.
  3. +1 Though my encounters with you are brief I know you are capable.
  4. +1 Active and competent. Enough said.
  5. You are fairly new to the server. Are you sure you don't want to remain a regular player for now? Staff has a lot of duties and responsibilities that sometimes overlap with playing the game and it is expected of you to tend to your staff duties above all else. Changing my vote upon answer.
  6. Bug Type (Server:): Clonewars Severity level (1-3): 1 Evidence (if you can): https://gyazo.com/52ac6f222cfec799ae466527482a96e9 Description of the bug: In the gyazo, we can see that a hololink is not present. However, in the changelog it states..."Added Hololink swep to Hunter" How can we recreate it: Go on Hunter job.
  7. -1 What if you can't afford to pay everybody who bought it back. People payed money for a product and having to sell it and contact you to see if you can give them the other half of the money is absurd. There is zero guarantee that you can pay everyone who bought it back.
  8. -1 I feel like Cloud would do an excellent job as he is currently in the regiment and knows what needs to be fixed within.
  9. -1 A lot of stuff to unpack...There are single ideas that I like but putting all in one just kind of kills it.
  10. +1 Not only would they need the approval from Clan Leaders but it minimizes favoritism within those groups. This is a slam dunk in my book.
  11. +1 Though I would say please make sure you are more formal.
  12. +1 One of the realest homies.
  13. Great Fox, Amazing person o7 Take care and be safe!
  14. I dont feel insulted Im just saying that I don't really care to bring up stuff that happened that has been resolved. Nothing but love homie. Regardless of opinions or emotions we fight together and we are team.
  15. Fair enough. But I think I have made it a point that Crosshair was and will always be the best time and best character I have been in SO BDE as not only was it my first but it launched me into knowing some wonderful people. I hold Crosshair near and dear to my heart and I was sad to have to let go. It is true though I did switch to Jaing from A'den which was my only switch as I am trying to find someone similar to the roleplay I was doing. I was looking at Kom'rk or Prudii but no null can ever compare to what got me here to begin with. And finally, I do want to stick to one squad. When this opportunity made itself apparent I wasted no time to ensure I put my name in the ring. I'm here to fight for what I believe in and I want to fight for Bad Batch.
  16. The reason I left has nothing to do with anyone but the people involved. I don't want to explain what happened because it has already been dealt with. I talked to all prospective parties involved and we all sorted it. That's where I would like to end that.
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