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  1. +1 sure you could do /cc or /ct in base, but outside of base you have to wait for an admin and admins aren't perfect so sometimes it takes a while for them to respond
  2. RP Name: TR CG MED SFC Blue Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:103978857 VIP (Y/N): No. Age: 16 Timezone: EST Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): My end goal is to become a GM. I really like most of the events on the server but I feel like a lot of them don't have enough RP aspects in them or aren't RP-friendly enough. I also want to be able to host better training (making my sim, etc). I'm also looking for more stuff to do all the time. I actually enjoy this server a lot and unlike several other servers I think the administration genuinely cares about the server and everyone in it and I want to be a part of that. I also think I could do pretty well as an admin. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm pretty laid back most of the time. I'll do what I'm told to do as long as I know how to do it (unless it's something stupid or unreasonable like a CT telling me to help him mass RDM the server). I try to stay nice to people even when they aren't nice to me. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: No. How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: TR CG MED SFC Blue has played for 96:53:32.
  3. Alright, sure, but whenever we wait to see if it's valid, people complain that we aren't doing anything. We aren't just smacking with no rhyme or reason. It's an AOS, we're told to arrest them on sight. We're supposed to assume that they've receive and ignored their warnings if they have an AOS. Also, senior officers and high command have been aware of this for a while. It's difficult to have anything change when there's rarely more than 3 CG online at one time. The reason why I'm complaining about "ded battayen" because this battalion is responsible for enforcing server rules. As far as I know, temple guard are the only other people who do what we do. But they have to worry as much because VIPs don't generally break the rules as much as non-VIPs. Sorry that I put this in the forums, but I feel like this needs more attention than it's getting.
  4. forgot to mention that our BCMD just resigned recently also, anyone with a god complex from what ive seen is either doing it in character or they've left CG by now
  5. As of right now there's only around 60 people that are a part of CG. More people are leaving than are getting recruited. I was really hoping that during the community meeting that happened recently something would've been said about this but all we got was a weapon stripper. We no longer have CG Jedi and our speed was nerfed. We're told to enforce server rules and in return we don't get anything. In fact, when someone incorrectly calls an AOS and we arrest whoever the AOS was called on, people blame us instead of the person who called the AOS. A common complaint among CG is about all the hate we're getting. We don't even get more in game currency. Out of the 20 or so days I've been in CG, I was alone on the server for an hour or more on at least 6 of those days. CG is dying.
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