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Everything posted by BlueBeetle

  1. 5/5/5 Heart events are always great!
  2. 4/4/5 Standard event, fun. No lag.
  3. Massive +1 Conrad's done a fantastic job as Palpatine. He's done a lot of great work from what I've seen, and the ideas he wants to continue working on if made Chancellor again can only strengthen the server. Not to mention he's a kind, great, caring, hilarious guy. Best of luck, Conrad!
  4. 4/5/5 Negotiations were scuffed but all around very nicely done!
  5. 5/5/5 We love Empire events!!
  6. BlueBeetle

    no sir

    4/4/2 It was a great idea on paper. But the execution was a bit flawed. Still had fun!
  7. 4/5/4 Good event, especially for so late!
  8. I've been very quiet about this statement for a while, as I didn't really have that much modern experience dealing with the Z-6. However, after being HVYL for a week and having a lot of time to get accustomed to the Z-6 in that week, I feel like I can throw in my input. First off, the Z-6 isn't meant to be popular or very good. While it's supposed to be a heavy weapon, the Canon Wiki Page says enough. "It was extremely heavy and required its user to stand still to be used with precision. On top of its weight, troopers equipped with the Z-6 would also have to carry its energy cartridges. Replacing the weapon's cartridges took multiple minutes, and would force its user to leave the battlefield during that time. Merr-Son engineers attempted to find solutions to these problems, but none of them were satisfactory, which tainted the Z-6's popularity." Even in lore standards, the Z-6 was not the best. If that's not enough, the Legends Page only adds that it's supposed to not have good recoil. "Despite its impressive firepower, the weapon had several notable limitations, specifically the high rate of energy pack consumption, significant weight, and powerful recoil." After using the Z-6 for a bit, I can say that its spread it pretty trash, as well as a few other things. Though I have been able to mow down enemies with it. I'll admit that sometimes I wish it was better than weapons like the Clone Minigun, it's supposed to be less popular lore wise. Now granted, I do believe the Z-6 should be buffed. I feel that compared to the other class weapons, the Z-6 is the worst of them all. The recoil is lore accurate, but in game retrospect, miniguns tend to have better spread and accuracy when crouched.
  9. MAJOR +1 Freck has done some amazing things as Admiral. Needless to say his hard work and dedication of being an HA, GMO, and Yularen five times shows that he would make a perfect fit for the position. All of his ideas seem clear cut, and I can see them happening within his Marshal Commander term if accepted. Also he likes darts. Best of luck, Freck!
  10. 5/5/5 You were doing this alone, and you still found a way to make everyone's part enjoyable! Love your events as always, Heart!
  11. It was an absolute honor having you as my mentor to the medical branch on my return here. I could not have asked for a better MEDL and Dash-44. It sucks that you'll be gone, and it sucks even more that I can't be your immediate successor to 44. But mark my words, I promise you that one day will come that I'll fill the positions you had. Whether it's 44, Comet, or Captain in the 104th, I'll make you proud. Until then, Kabal. o7
  12. I appreciate the feedback! Having troops go to Geo was kinda unexpected, and I also didn't expect so many troopers to attend. I had to improvise with everything, and I didn't want to spawn in like so many droids that we created too much lag. Because of that, everyone kinda plowed through it. Hence why it was shorter that I planned it to be. That and troopers didn't even wait to interact with the Wookie and just... opened the gate.
  13. Name: Beetle Who helped (If applicable): XboxTchanka (Shadowing) Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Troopers were sent to Endor to gather intel from CIS who took control of the village. They then went to Geonosis to find the Tactical Droid who had all of the information they needed about future CIS Plans. Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Tennessee Kid Cooper Please rate using this scale
  14. BlueBeetle

    Big umbara

    4/4/3 Good shooter, lot to do, loved how you got to go from section to section. Lag, as usual, lowers the server performance.
  15. +1 I've seen Claw do a lot in his Blitz term as of lately. Rancor is very active, most members I see being officers. He's very strong, charismatic, and seems to have done a lot for the battalion. In addition, he has ideas for this new term that could definitely strengthen Rancor even more. Wishing you the best of luck, Claw!
  16. 9/10 Really fun, but super fucking chaotic. Not bad at times, but it became just a bit too much.
  17. Name: Beetle Who helped (If applicable): Roach, Edgar Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): A Naval Officer traitor came to base for an "inspection" of the base. Once he reached HMC, he exploded and revealed himself to be a suicide bomber. This allowed for CIS forces to attack the base Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: N/A
  18. 10/10 Great event, no planning at all, that was fantastic.
  19. 9/10 Not court accurate enough. Now I'm gonna fail my LSAT.
  20. 8/10 Love teaching Jawas to cuss
  21. +1 I've seen Bacta do a lot of great work both as Scorch and as GM. A big thing I think is important about this is Bacta wants to promote creativity and identification within SOBDE. I think this is an amazing idea. ^^ This is an amazing idea, and I feel like could be utilized so well within SOBDE. I also love the idea of inclusion outside of SOBDE. Not only would Bacta be giving SOBDE strong and very enjoyable trainings through his GM experience, but it also gives other players the ability to learn what it's like to be a part of SOBDE. It could open up the mindset for other people to have their interests in SOBDE piqued, possibly allowing for new people to want to join. The ideas for Jedi inclusion is also an amazing. As someone who has possible interest in SOBDE Jedi, I can tell that this idea would help the battalion greatly. Jedi are important in every battalion just like clones, and Bacta's shown that this idea can help prove that within SOBDE as well. I wish you best of luck in the interview process if you're accepted, Bacta!
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