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Everything posted by Spaghetti

  1. man got more than 9 chances. I highly doubt that he had no knowledge about the fact that he would be banned for going on an alt, it is literally common sense. also he definitely got on the alt to minge more lol. his account got banned and he rejoined within the day you think he was gonna just play normally because he learned his lesson? EASY -1
  2. bro… you gotta go. If this shit happened to me I would become a fucking amish to escape the embarrassment
  3. what? you shit yourself to get out of school early? you know you can just say that you had a headache right?
  4. -1 absolute power gremlin and he called me mean names in german
  5. +1 I like that you explained your plan of action for each goal
  6. I honestly liked the actual base however, the outside parts were kinda ass. the base was pretty sick because it made sense (apart from HMC being outside). the BCC could be locked down meaning any infiltrators trying to get in couldn't just cloak and walk up to BCC. the vents added a good way for said intruders to get into the base and move around it. the base design was honestly pretty good but the map was ruined by its depressing atmosphere, tiny sky box, no outposts and other stuff that Conrad already mentioned.
  7. -1 My thoughts have already been stated
  8. 9/10 I like shooting things and fixing thing and blowing things up
  9. they should add a crip walk step and an animation for palpatine where he just spins in the air just like he does that one time he kills the Jedi. I think that would be pretty cool
  10. -1 brace has said it all he is very cool.
  11. idk you are kinda inactive. haven't seen you on in a bit. cringe
  12. Spaghetti

    New Swep

    +1 I must acquire
  13. -1 you are super toxic and you abuse your power. and even after you were given criticism on your marshal app, your spec reg app and the commander report you didn't even try to change. I can speak for myself and a lot of other people when I say that we are done with your bullshit. if you took criticism and changed I would be willing to hear you out but every time you apply for something you deny any responsibility for your fuckups. it would have literally taken you 5 minutes to find out what problems people have and then try to fix them but you decided to stay the exact same.
  14. -1 I have been bullied into saying "others have said what I want to say"
  15. +1 Robb please say it. you know what I want you to say please do it for me
  16. when was the last time you checked? also +1 this guy knows what he is doing
  17. anyone tryna reach Nunavut. maybe fight a polar bear or something idk
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