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Everything posted by Karma

  1. @Toxic Full rp name in game buddy
  2. i read through your app and its made very well you have the right idea in mind so you get.................................. GOLDEN +1 BEST OF LUCK
  3. -1 Sorry but you're a good kid but i don't think you would fit yoda
  4. About fucking time take the golden support +1
  5. * click on staff app first words out of my mouth "oh shit" * Dude if you make me say oh shit on first click you get the golden for a well made staff app +1
  6. -1 not to be rude or anything i kinda want to see you make a name for yourself.
  7. Best sharp shooter when i work with him before baster can hit a enemy from cross the map and plus he work hard has a tro +1
  8. show a lot of work for the sever sooo i ill +1
  9. Name: Karma Length of LOA: tue-thur will be back on friday Reason: Finals!!!!!!!! KILL ME. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yes
  10. you got my +1 heroix though we haven't click in the past you are still a great commander
  11. RP Name: TR 327th ARC Command Sergeant Major Karma Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:94769329 Age: 16 Gender: Male last time i check Timezone: Pacific Standard Time (PST) Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I could give you kiss ass reason why i want to be administrator, But i'm not. I'm going tell the truth i'll even say it in my interview if i get my interview. I been here for a long time i think now 5 or 6 months regardless I have almost been here for a half a year and at of all the CWRP severs I have played on this sever has the best staff team I have ever seen so props to the head administrator and directors for teaching a lot of the admins how to do there jobs. And NO i'm not ass kissing it's god dam compliment get it right. Plus the community has a whole pretty god dam good, From great NCO & Officers, to guy who never break god dam character even if he is talking out of character (talking about you smokes keep up the great work wish there more role-players out there like you probably is but hey doesn't hurt to have more) and i have made a lot of funny ass people which I call friends or even fucking family for Christ shakes. The time I have spend on this sever is the best i have ever had. I even trained a cc who end up has a officer in naval and a battalion and became staff to help out the community like I did ( love you esitt) What even better about this sever that it's only been up for 6, 7 mouth I don't know how long but hasn't even been up a year and amount of positive feed back it get from it players and from other sever is off the dam charts. But my stand point is that i love this community has if it was my family (even though sometimes it pushes my button a little but hey that a thing I love about) because all community should treat each other like family like this community does and that why I want to help out it again even more again (Plus I kinda can't leave this community it lurk on your back and says "play me!") And become a Administrator again . Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Like most people on this sever I like to play games but I like to play RPG the most and from the fact i love the star wars series. I have always enjoy role playing, I love taking on the role I am given and play the part has if was in it in real life. And me being in JROTC which train me to be leader I can use my some of my role play abilities for the game. As I said i'm in JROTC which teaches me leadership crap and how to act my age (sometimes, when I have my times or when someone push my buttons) But i'm kind person in real life and if anyone really met me they will say either "holy shit you're tall" or "Nice eyes" or something kind and i'll say something nice back because if someone respect me I respect them has they wish to be treated and if they want be a dick i'll be a dick right back that how i have always roll. through for my age has 16 year old I do not know more thing then a adult but can understand thing quickly then others but i choice not work on it right a way because they will want to over achieve me push me to my limit but from that I like work a lot and make sure everyone is happy plus i'm good person to rant to so fill free to do so. Do you have any previous staff experience? well beside already been a admin once before on the sever even getting to the admin rank ( I was not remove I just resigned from when I thought I was gonna be gone from the sever for good but life said hey you are bored without it) and there one other sever I was a part of can't remember the name but i was a head admin but the sever failed due to the lack of players to join i work on a lot doc on that sever but most of it are all gone now and work on a lot of area designs (not like map just part of the ship like DB,MedBay,and some bunks) So that my staff reapplication also i state now i agree to all terms about being part of staff! signed karma~ "love the cookies"
  12. -in coming transmission- its karma you crazy son of guns and coming back! @Esitt @Jackson @Arcantus @Bbstine _end transmission_
  13. hey you can't blame me @ccmonty
  14. sooooo i been on the sever for um hmm 5, 6 months and like most sever i play on i'm going to lose my spark to role play on the sever. Don't get me wrong the sever was fun in the beginning but that was when people didn't have stick up their asses in my opinion. and for the fuck of it ill say who i going miss working with. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Esitt yea you, Dude you make me a proud mother fucker due to the fact that you where best CC i ever trained. you becoming a officer in 41st,Naval, and becoming a hard working staff member so thank you @Arcantus Nice working with you keep being you @Freck i hate you, Nah jk but no you are a funny ass kid @Jenko fuck you @BlackMamba you are great leader but your hours on are kinda shit get on more @Forge not my dad i can leave if i want @Egg didn't get to work with you that long but your event are gold, your event are fun and not fucking boring like event are @Heroix hmmmmm GET ON MORE AND DO TRYOUT @HoneyBee your sweet @Jackson dude i love best staff and love working with you @Kirawrasaurus Rex love the cookies their a lot of people i love but this is it good bye love this sever i'll still be on goodbye love the cookies~karma
  15. -1 due to the fact of lack of information of theses components 1. No Role play name 2. No steam id (if you wish to find it go to a steam id finder) 3. Not enough info why you should be administrator 4. vague idea what you are like ( because you like CWRP doesn't give us a idea what you are like) 5. which DarkRP is the question ( there are load of DarkRP ) 6. Finally lack of effort into your staff application ( This look like someone threw up and last minute science project and hoping to get D+ but got a F- instead because it was a potato with pencil inside it)
  16. 41x5=205+890= 1095 - 1094 = +1 Then your answer is a nice +1
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