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Everything posted by Karma

  1. Name: karma in game name is TR 327th ENG ELTL 2ndLT Karma Length of LOA: 3 maybe 4 days Reason: im working in a play and its taking my gaming time Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yes Like this
  2. +1 He is a great guy. He works is ass off day after day. and i think he would be a great addition to the staff team
  3. Karma

    CG BCMD Fox

    -1 because call me bitch JK +1 hes a awesome dude
  4. 1+ he pretty good guy he like me but with out all the voices. i think he can do a good job at being staff ~love the cookies~
  5. +1 even you don't like my voice i still respect you and will follow your orders no matter what so anyway LOVE THE COOKIES
  6. RP Name: TR 212th SST SGM Karma Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:94769329 Age:16 Gender:Male Timezone: Pacific Standard Time Tell us why you wish to be an administrator: The reason why I want to be a administrator because I really enjoy the Community and how it runs. Im come from Zerpy RP, a starwars sever which shut down not to long ago and I was a Commander on there for my time spent on that sever. I was know has the most serious on that sever even though it was semi-serious. And I was very repectful to staff and player even sometimes helping out player late at night, training them so they can enjoy the roleplay and so the staff could take it easy and which they can work on important thing on the sever. People have told to try out for staff on that sever though it didn't really catch my eye. And when I came to this sever the people were so kind and nice I decided to make my home. And also the idea being part of this community, but has not only a player but a family, makes me very in lighten to join the staff team Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm 16 year old teenager who spend his time playing star wars RP and making friend on them. When I was a kid I enjoy the star war series and becoming a nerd over star wars. And i'm told i'm a very nice person that respect everyone listen to them very carefully so that I can understand different side of everyone stories. And i'm am a anime nerd too and i'm not afraid to admit it either because I was told people like you for who you are but not if you try to be someone else. Do you have staff on any other sever: yes a sever that shut down because it didn't get to many people on it. I was a super admin helping out the best I could even making custom DP Bunk and and etc. So that's my staff app, I hope you enjoy looking into and thank you for your time
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