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Everything posted by Comics

  1. RIP I'll never forget ya staff days. ya great big Scottish cripple
  2. I can have 3 kids in the time it take to send 2 messages it's kinda ridiculous I get the idea but it's too long maybe 30-60 second but monty gets 1 day between each he already has enough posts +1
  3. Are any of you listening as XO he is inplace of the BCMD until they get one. I'm saying he basically already is BCMD and he runs RM quite well. All this shit thats he's done doesn't make him worse at his job He is best fit for the position There's a reason Keo made Bigzach his XO.
  4. Thats Not what I was saying at all are you OK in the head. No He I wasn't saying he needs to focus CMO he can do both easily because he already is Can you actually read
  5. Lets be real ladies, He is basically BCMD as he is XO which means he's already running the place also CMO in naval does shit its one of the most inactive branches unfortunately so it's not hard to run and even if it picks up having RM BCMD and CMO would be really helpful as it makes communication so much easier. +1
  6. I will miss the random chats we had o7
  7. +1 Again Great Man & Officer Destine to be a great BCMD Both Nate and Nade have an equal chance but don't put him down cause He's not RANCOR they need as much help as they can damn get with the recent losses
  8. +1 Great guy & great CMD destine to be a great BCMD
  9. +1 God damn Truth Bomb fuck bro. That is some martin luther king jr Shit. This is truth We need some damn respect and work going on too much shit is wrong or not worked on. The server I'm not gonna lie is going in a bad direction And if it continues I fear for an end of what used to be the server for the community. We need everyone to come together and reform what Used to be the one of the closest community ever. We let too much effect us, we form groups to feel superior or respect. It is ridiculous that you cannot post your opinion on these forums with a bombardment of hatred too many have fallen succumb to this fatal error. I hope we can change before its too late.
  10. Christ you are one of the if not the most active RC I never see you off the job Its damn brilliant what you do. I saw you myself, as a 212th NCO, the shear ability you have a s a leader, you can change to suit and mission or objective and are the best choice For Boss good luck I know you can do it Fours.
  11. +1 due to the fact you are pulling both director and reg very well. You are one of the few REGs (who we've ever had) who are active and do their damn job. It would be a pleasure to have you overseeing both ATK and REC One of the best REGs and soon to be one of the best SRs best of luck to you jackson.
  12. @CBlake That's Cause you're not my Cody Ecks dee You are a great guy And destine to become a great cody one day you'll be the best
  13. @Black Get a better mic then I can Say I had a good time with you back in 212th old days
  14. @Maymays Nah Boi you are the coolest Boi I eva seen so cool you turn the sun to ice also Good Luck in Naval You better get at least Ensign Soon
  15. And my Bois @Chop and @Ko-mo-bro13 I have joined the ranks of brits who cucked ourselves form staff
  16. All who i forgot: @Weevil Right get out of primary school and you can be my son @Bbstine Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Good jedi @shields1996 WTF is your name and why @Hood Good Boi Luv you no homo Not really @Medic Great guy Best Dad @Esitt Guess I have to put you up there with the great Irish men @NESH Ha CMD Yeet Luv ya known ya since the start @BigZach A great scottish buy but Jimbo is always best @Deadly Uh You will know be known as Doom to me now no more SSG shit @Todd Yo Damn whale boi never forget you @wicked Good job doing what ever you do and TRO @Baller Dude I ill never play police RP again Just tell me If I need to @ you if not, Heck off @Maymays Guess you're cool
  17. @Deadly your now always doom in my eyes @Bbstine who are you again?
  18. Nah I have big plans to stay here a while I am also not leaving until I see that damn planet side
  19. Nah I'm pulling a 360 and going to ifn cya nerds
  20. @Fours Damn forgot to at you so get to Ovs cause you better um Best Irish boi with nesh and um I will come back but I have freinds and spend time with them so It got in the way. Sorry but I would rather spend a week wid my bois then burn off my liking to the server sorry.
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