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Everything posted by OkamiHybrid

  1. +1 give us a welding event
  2. o7 gamer, didn't talk to you a whole lot but played BF2 with you and some of the retards(trixx and dennis) a few times and you were pretty epic, and you helped me when I asked for it in regards of DU.
  3. o7 gamer, though my gun still bigger bby.
  4. +1 holy fuck with the state the GM program is in I so VERY much want to get on the server and see a synyster event, he has made by far some of the BEST events i've had the privilege of participating in and hosted my favorite event Operation dark eclipse(kaminoans are fuckking weebs) give him gmm off the bat 100%
  5. Everyone talks about cat girls, but have we ever questioned the existence of, cat boys?
  6. +1 i hope ratio doesn't dumb me also, OwO
  7. I don't fully get alot of the comments regarding "not helping your regiments" as, atleast regarding DU (one of battalions dennis oversees) he's helped whenever I've needed it. Now some of the "war crime" things I can see, but any mass executions or saying dennis is constantly executing people is false, unless I'm just always missing the times he does them and I can only recall two executions he did, one was of naval on event server(he got perms from the GM from what I know) and than the execution of a jedi that was killing clones and even then, both parties have to consent to an execution to my knowledge. The village raids I can see getting irritating, but it creates some RP when there isn't anything gone on as there isn't many events, dennis atleast makes the attempt to create scenarios when the lack of events makes everyone bored. Thats what I gotta say in addition to my +1, I just kept reading the same points reiterated and thought I'd atleast give the viewpoint of someone that works under and with spec reg
  8. -1 sorry ur only allowed to be 5th fleet commander jk +1 who tf else would be better fit for the position smh
  9. +1 Gamer helped me regarding DU and he has made some interesting RP scenarios, I haven't seen much toxicity from him in-game any toxicity i've seen from him is when we are playing other games and he gets cucked(cough dies in minecraft and spazzes out)
  10. uh, everybody has the same stats, no special stats, DU no longer all have z6's(kinda cringe ngl) jedi got a HUGE update, trad left as director, joah banned me for 2 minutes for calling him a nerd, we have a rust server, ark server, TTT server, scribbles got banned, we switched maps like 17.24 times and than went back to anaxes.
  11. +1 play minecraft with us again i found the stronghold
  12. +1 You've helped me(and continue to help me) while in my position as doom, while as others mentioned there are moments you can make irrational decisions which everyone makes, and will always make you can always moves to remedy those. Some decisions as spec reg have been iffy, which I can see why people will find that as a negative, though I believe the problems found in your spec reg term are ones that you can work towards fixing and i believe you can do a good job as marshal, good luck cuck.
  13. i guess im a bigger boomer than you, whats the meme :(
  14. grrr u banned me 4 2 minutes after i called u a nerd very unepic >:( fricking nerd
  15. compromise: Enzyme deletes the entirety of the NCO's and SNCO's while keeping the channel
  16. Cant wait for CG to get me executed for bringing a water bottle on the LAAT
  17. +1 bring back the god tier dupe maker and weld man
  18. +1 only if ur an oxidoreductase
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