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Everything posted by Rohan

  1. I thought the big boi CIA spy people asses. Lmao See you around and good luck out there ! o7
  2. Almost forgot this homo @Neptune ; ONE DAY I WILL COME TO NJ
  3. Pretty sweeeettt, loved when Ghost man got 2 tapped lmfao 4/4 - Thankyou Kojak :)
  4. @Gohn @Usefulgamer @Castarius All 3 of them are epic gamers that I've known for some time now, although all 3 are on a different continent from each other
  5. 3/4, good shit, diamond storm spam was gey
  6. Looks at ARF... literally has a sniper. -1 lmao
  7. Rohan

    Adding the 327th

    I gotta agree with Loopy, -1.
  8. Also, +1. I believe both of the applicants are suited for the position.
  9. Rohan

    100% Mobility

    Ye rn it makes no sense, I run 100% with the DLT 19 which is, I believe, the MG 43 in star wars while I run 90% with a blaster carbine. Kinda pepega +1 although maybe rocket launchers don't need an increase..
  10. @Dragon @Bananaberry
  11. I hope you got Rex's permission for this one. @Enzyme Also this is not even his armor lol, the real pack is out there.
  12. Pretty good my man, barely had any lag from my perspective. 3/4
  13. 4/4, if you don't deploy us again I might have to edit this to a 0/4 Really been enjoying your deployments.
  14. No one got it. Here it is Do me a favor and lock this or something idk
  15. Kinda stinky but sure +1
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