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Everything posted by Rohan

  1. Klop is god. Also, you referred me to it
  2. Rohan

    Add Delta -7

    WoAh iS tHaT a SPoiLeR
  3. I definitely do not recall this, if you go back far enough jn the medical channel you would've seen the pictures I used to post Truffle, Korps and Pan (?) as my MEDOs while having a few more medics on. From the top of my head there is a picture where we are doing a hallway shield formation in brig with more medics than the other branches combined, I feel like this is a false statement. At this time greenbean was on his long ass LOA till Christmas. This is the time me PKd Obama when I came back from 327th. I applied for ARCL immediately as no one was jn the position, if stuff still gets archived and not deleted you might be able to find that back. Greebean was out of the picture at this point untill he decided to return and then join ARC back. I still have old pictures with Jerome, Apple, Apexx and myself as ARCs during this time. Edit I'm just wondering if you had so much negative feedback why it comes out now and not on your initial vote. It seems to me a reaction with emotion in what happened earlier, granted stupid on my side, with just well.. any bad qualities you could find.
  4. Allright let me start off by saying that this might've been miss worded by me. What I mean with this is setting up that basic overview doc and the first tryouts etc. You know that's true and I can pull them up in an instant. I've seen the new tryouts before ran through them like twice and what not with the CQC dupe for SHB, hell I even made the first version of that with Trixx as I still have it in my files. As for this whole section: You can scroll back into our DMs (sadly your banned account otherwise I would've pulled the picture) there was an entire system I had put in place as there was no set standard you could give me, an entire doc was created by me during your term with explanation, set structure, evaluations and interview questions. I even redid the applications channel to what it (last time I saw) is. I'd love if you could elaborate "being an idiot" as your commander. As for the situation with Trixx: I loved Trixx, I was even his 2IC for Havoc Squad at the time. The issue there was rather small and taken care of by you in a professional way within 2 days, don't see how there was any major problem with me and Trixx.
  5. Rohan


    Item is gone from workshop @Forseen.
  6. +1, Marvel do be kinda cute
  7. Honestly don't know what to say. I just wanna thank you a lot for the experience you have brought me, being a great friend. I thank you for giving me the opportunity as commander under you and growing me to what I am today. Love ya, snapchat will probably be dead.
  8. Steam name Synr.gg | Rohan RP Name TC XO Dogma Battalion or Squad you are applying for 501st Legion | Commander Rex Experience (Partially copied from old app ; just adding new experience) Officer & Battalion achievements (Doom’s Unit) < COL [14/4/2019 - 6/9/2019] (DD/MM/YYYY) Set up the idea for Havoc Squad that Dennis suggested on the forums before I was on the server. Made tryouts for Havoc Squad and ran the first Brimstone through it to set it up the way they wanted it and make it great like it is right now due to him. Revived the medical branch and managed it for a while. Been MEDL x 1 and MEDO x 2. First Havoc Squad Gambit ever on the server under the only Brimstone ever at the time. Commander [6/9/2019 - 3/11/2019] (DD/MM/YYYY) Intel Deputy Director Regimental Lead Set a new system in place with interviews & guide for any new regimental officers to be in Doom’s Unit Made evaluations for each branch to keep quality in check. This was done every 2 weeks for support branches (MED, PLT & ENG) and 3-4 weeks for the recon branches (ARC & ARF). Second round (CPT-XO) [9/11/2019 - 26/1/2020] (DD/MM/YYYY) Regimental Officer Back doing interviews and managing the regimental part together with the other REGOs & REGL Achieved ARC Lead, REGO, ITM A full ARC team with members who are capable. Introducing the ARC Team specializations (Tech, EOD etc) to counteract the fighting over who is doing what. Officer & Battalion achievements (LT - XO) [28/2/2020 - Present] (DD/MM/YYYY) LT - CPT Passed the ARC exam and got into 501st ARC on day 2. Passed Torrent Company Tryouts and got the name “Coric” on day 3 Got ARCO after approximately 2 - 3 weeks within the ARC Team. MAJ - XO Gained the position of ARCL. Gained the position of REGL. Acquired the position of ARC trooper Jesse within Torrent Company and 501st. Achieved the position of Executive Officer. Acquired the position of TC trooper Dogma within Torrent Company Jedi Order Knight Sentinel Manager x 3 Temple Guard Manager Lightsaber Instructor (When Ben/Kaiser was Cin) Etain Tur-Mukan Other Intel Manager Staff V1 Achieved Head Administrator after roughly 12 weeks of being in the staff team under Marvel and Sanchez as Directors. Achieved Game Master Manager in the GM program under Joe as GMC. Lasted 4 months as Head Administrator/GMM. Staff V2 Became SA through re-app Game Master Officer within 2 weeks. Game Master Manager within ~2 months. Why should you become a Battalion Commander Dedication I have been incredibly dedicated to this server during my time here. I joined the server a little over a year ago on April 14th and became a DU. I have climbed the ranks there under Dennis and became Commander. After I resigned, I eventually came back and became the new Executive Officer under Trixx. During this time, I had taken 1 LOA for a week, and another because of being burnt out. After this, I resigned from Doom’s Unit and shifted between battalions until I got fished into the 501st. When I became 501st and actually stayed, I started making myself known. After the first 3 days, I became a TCT and ARC within the 501st and climbed my way up in the ranks. At the rank of LTC, our High Command got banned. This resulted in myself being promoted to REGL and given more responsibilities. Ever since I was given that opportunity, I have successfully kept the battalion together. After Enzyme became Rex, he promoted me to Commander in the same debrief. Eventually, after redoing a few tryouts for TC, assigning people in positions etc I became XO and got the message of Enzyme resigning about five days before the day of that sad event :(. I have enjoyed my time so far and will continue enjoying my time within the 501st Legion. I am always trying to look for new ways to improve the battalion. Approachability I believe that any leader, BCMD or not, should be approachable by anyone at any point in time about a problem, complaint and what not. With this in mind, I stay unbiased in situations and instead try to look at the facts. I am approachable about any comments, questions or concerns that the other party wants to talk about. Leadership I believe that leadership is not a rank, not a position, but a decision. If I were to be accepted into the position of Rex, I would be using my best judgement to lead the battalion. Pulling in mistakes I have made, decisions that have had any effect and what not into this. I have formerly held a fair amount of leadership positions (refer to experience section). With this in mind I have the feeling I know the foundations of different types of leadership styles and systems. I’ve been in situations where it seems everything is fucked and where everything is fine af. I am certain I can lead the battalion, not alone, but with all my officers to a glorious status on the server. Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad Yes, I do Availability All the time due to Covid-19 As of rn 3h a week of work due to covid :( Estimate of how long you’ve played on Synergy Roleplay | TC XO Dogma has played for 2671:39:20. Do you have a microphone Yes, I do. Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term I will be dividing this into different categories and elaborating on each with as much info as I can give out. Torrent Company When people speak of Torrent Company they usually think of it as a more elite unit of the 501st. As of now I feel this has drifted away and anyone can get into it. Plans for Torrent Company would be to make it more exclusive. This would result in the quality > quantity. The plan for TC would be to switch the tryouts from an any point system to a selection process with limited slots. This would also result in removing a lot of our lore names (non-job attached) from our available names, instead only using the ones that would make sense. This would reduce the amount of current names (25) to a lower amount. This would be a step in the right direction. As of now we have the system as I said it was: Any TCO+ (Torrent Company Officer+) could host TCT (Torrent company trooper) tryouts at any point. Nine out of ten people would pass this thus filling up TC. The ARC positions required you to be ARC trained, 7 days TIB and SSG+, and the rest was 7+ days & SSG+. This would make it open to anyone without really working to it. The idea for the new TC system: Hierarchy & number changes TCC [1] TCO [3 -> 2] TCT [25 -> 14] Bringing it to a total of 17 individuals within TC. This would make it more unique and wanted. I have talked to Woeny about this before during Enzyme’s term. As for the tryouts, they would be replaced by a selection process where any SFC+ can be looked at and invited for a tryout if a TCO, TCC, XO or BCMD puts them up for the vote. If they are interested it would result in a scheduled private tryout followed by eval and what not to become a TCT. As for the lore jobs, which are highly sought after, they’d have to meet requirements set in place I.E. 7 days in TC + rec from external personnel. Battalion relations - Cookie cutter shit Improve relations with battalions that we are less connected with through the standard trainings, OOC fun, and maybe other games. I feel as if the 501st and 212th are really well connected with each other, whereas 501st and Doom’s Unit are not. I’d be willing to work with the SOs+ of the respective battalions to strengthen the relations in any way possible where it doesn’t have any and all negative outcomes. Vibe The vibe in the battalion. It should not feel like we are fighting the Nazis during World War II, instead, it should feel fun. Sure, RP can be hefty during combat, but that is the fun part. While we all like to fuck around a bit, this should be evenly divided. Knowing when to be more serious-fun and when to be fun-fun such as in downtime is incredibly important. To achieve this goal, I am planning on doing a lot more fun with the battalion as opposed to playing the standard breach and clear, cit runs & random attack sims. In the past, Gohn & Bleach have a lot of dupes for sports in the game which could be very well utilized into this idea. Outside perspective I have spoken with a few members of the community who actively play, but are not affiliated with the 501st Legion. From what I have gathered, I can say that the 501st is a representable battalion, but has its minor flaws; 1. Small groups emitting mingey behaviour during downtime 2. Specific individuals being toxic towards other battalion members and/or community members I plan on fixing this with the DCO team we currently have. Instead of being a harsh mfer and yelling at the top of my lungs, I will take the individuals into a private channel and work it out and restore the perspective from outside. Officer Corps Our current Officer Corps is extremely strong. With having at least 50% of our officers individually having traits well sought after (past BCMD, leaders, etc.). I want to work closely with the officer corps and utilize all our experiences to create a positive environment for non-officers to develop their leadership skills and improve their performance as battalion and individuals. This would be done through specific training. And individual improvements; refer to the “Individual improvement” section for elaboration. As for officer promotions: These will be handled by a few factors. The first is cooldowns. I am a firm believer that if you move too fast in anything, you may come across many complications. This is the same for your normal life. With cooldowns for JOs (21 -> 14 days) and SOs (31 -> 21 days) comes more factors. The cooldown would not just mean that they would be auto promoted after the x amount of the. Instead, this is an indication for 501st HC to have them up for discussion. For example, Officer A has been doing extremely well and he deserves it he would be moved up. In the same scenario, Officer B has 35 TIG and hasn’t done a lot so he would be spoken to by a member of 501st HC and so on. I am a firm believer that you should be rewarded for your achievements and effort put into whatever you are working on. As for another quality I really wish to have added, for certain individuals, is the “Praise in public, yell in private” quality. This is defined as praising an individual for their good work in the main ts channel etc and something regarding a mistake, disciplinary, etc is handled in private and never in a public area. Another annoying, but always useful, system is the monthly officer evals. Currently, we host officer evals every first Saturday of the month. I want to shift the evaluations to a random basis as opposed to a planned evaluation. This could be negative or positive for the individual doing the eval. The evals would go around key aspects of being an officer and certain scenarios. The evaluations would also include a self reflection portion to see where the individual thinks they stand. Individual improvement As stated earlier, the 501st has a fairly small but extremely capable Officer Corps. This experience can be used to train new people in the battalion or even an older member how to handle certain situations. With this in mind, officers would be focussing on individuals as opposed to the group. This would result in more and more capable personnel in the battalion who would possibly make a chain and keep teaching each other. For this, a leadership guide is to be created and be public for the battalion and it’s members. In this, I want to implement something I personally call “Uncharted territories”. What does this mean? This means that sims would be hosted cross-battalion and the individual leading would be working with people not familiar with our system, field conduct, and tactics. Making it a challenging approach for the individual improving. Failure is your best teacher. Management In Enzyme’s term, I have already introduced something to the 501st HC only. This is named Trello, it is a really nice management tool and handy for a to-do list. I have also recommended this to Truffle/Doom for usage. This was a test phase for me, and in my opinion, Trello has worked very well for management. I want to make Trello a public board where our progress and projects can be tracked. Any officer would become a board admin, able to make changes such as adding tasks, moving around, and labeling. Furthermore an officer database & documents hub with all public docs on it. Currently all officers & relevant HC have access to this. 332nd We already worked on a lot for this and Zim just revealed everything to us. I'll be handling a lot of 332nd stuff together with the Officer corps and Ahsoka Tano. Looking for a viable leadership within the company and getting it up & running asap. This is a more distant change, or not. As we are unsure when it will be fully implemented Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position? Yes, I do Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank: Yes, I do
  9. Loved it, hate the DC-17m shotgun against the EJs not gonna lie my man 3.8/4
  10. Imagine being a WO for 1 hour hahahaha nerd +1
  11. This was a solid 3.5 Positives - Usage of new content - Fucking amazing rules - Creativity - Good delegation of resources and what not - Great amount of objectives Negatives - Confusion with terminals ; might be me cuz I a smallbrained
  12. I don't want to create any kinda of argument about the suggestion however, as far as I am aware Cody has a jetpack ingame while we have never (maybe 1 idk) seen him use it or any mention of it. I went over the equipment section on both cannon and legends where it mentions it was part of his equipment as opposed to being something he used mission specifically thus us making this suggestion. As for the mention of him only being seen with it 2 times: In TCW it has been seen a few times, if you need proof of it I could go dig for the exact scenes. As for choosing pistols over a blaster rifle is something we could argue about. He used the DC-15S quite a bit.
  13. Name: Rohan | Dogma RP Rank: Executive Officer Suggestion: Adding a jetpack/rocket boots to Commander Rex Implementation: Add it as an equipment piece he uses on the job in the server Lore: Quoted from both legends and cannon “Towards the end of the war, Rex utilized a jetpack” “ “He used a JT-12 jetpack with his Phase II armor as required” https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Rex- CTRL F + JT-12 OR Jetpack https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/CT-7567/Legends - CTRL F + JT-12 OR Jetpack Workshop content if applicable: N/A (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: Change (Any job modification requires all this information) Job: Commander Rex (501st jobs) Slots: 1 Description: Whatever is says currently Model: models/player/gideon/501st/501st_rex/501st_rex.mdl Weapons: rw_sw_dual_dc17 rw_sw_westarm5 rw_sw_dp24 rw_sw_dc15s rw_sw_dc15a_o comlink_swep hololink_swep Weapons addition - wt_rocketboots Other: Yes this was approved by rex ; Also forgot to say Rex does have the bodygrouper, we checked.
  15. Made it before I became CT-6ix9ine "Dogma
  16. Idk anything about guitars so I'd choose that pretty pretty blue one.
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