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Everything posted by Rohan

  1. +1, good luck on your application ! :)
  2. Because we are the pepe empire
  3. Fairly short application, but nonetheless straight to the point. +1 Also XO Commander do be looking kinda weird ngl chief
  4. Now do I remember this from 2018 haha you know what I mean, good luck on this application and most likely your interview bud :) +1
  5. can't quite find in your apllication if you were 212th at any point 🤔🤔 +1, love ya
  6. This is so unepic I'm about to say the nword, it better be april fools but 3 months late
  7. Wow, never seen these docs before +1.
  8. As far as I can tell from the application, you have identified a few problems in your application and with that a solution. You deserve the chance of Cody. You're also really passionate about the 212th. A few days, near a week or so, ago you were just talking how you loved the 212th etc. I truly wish you good luck. +1
  9. Rohan


    Bruh, that size alone bigger than Martin Lawrence in al Big Momma movies. -1
  10. Allright @Fyi, I want some answers to a few questions I have for you. Please do not go off track and just answer these questions to the best of your ability, I am currently giving you a -1. Majorly due to certain comments I have seen posted on here regarding your recent achievments, work ethic and influence within the 212th. If you're able to change my mind, then I'll change my vote. 1) In the comments, and after talking to a few 212th members JO+ mostly, there seems to be issues in their eyes. These issues iclude the following one: SOs not having any sort of responsibilities making the jump from JO (2ndLT-CPT) to SO (MAJ-COL). Do you have any type of solution or ideas to implement them, and if you do, how are you going to implement this? 2) You activity. Now people mentioning "Activity is not that important". I totally disagree with this, sure you can do some stuff behind the scenes. But how is it gonna look if you're not in game, y'know what I'm saying? Now I checked your activity, and to my surprise as of 6/26/2020 @1:48 PM CEST you have 27.0h [Link] in the past two weeks. I figured LOA/ROA, but to my surprise your latest one was from 18/5/2020 - 25/05/2020. [Link]. How can you guarantee you are going to have an active presence on the game server to interact, and play with your battalion members? 3) According to the comments, again, and some of the talks I've had, you have not been doing your job as 212th High Command. They believe you as REGL have not been able to distinguish the job between REGL and XO. How are you gonna tackle this as Battalion Commander if part of your battalion doesn't even believe you are doing your job as acting BCMD/XO? oki thx
  11. Nice idea, but has flaws to it in general. -1
  12. Keep it up fam, looks like you are going into the best direction. Congratulations on GMC
  13. +1, good luck on it Wolfro !
  14. -1. He has worded it well enough for me.
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