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Everything posted by Rohan

  1. Void, I left the community. @Sixta @Marvel
  2. Just like the thread title says ; I am leaving. I don't enjoy this server anymore in terms of playing, however I love the people, not all, but 4/5 people. I'm gonna go back to my old server, however you might see me pop in now and then as either 501st SGM or a CT PVT depending on the time. Just wanna say that I've had an amazing time here with you guys and appreacite the many hours of playing @Razen If you still exist, hmu sometime bud. First guy I met on the server, and made me stay due to first impression :) @Dennis The man who fished me himself into Doom's Unit. Thank you for all the opportunities you've given me under your lead of the battalions. I truly thank you for that & all the warcrimes, executions & just general memery. @Stormzyyy Yo imagine having a golden star for IR hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, couldn't be us B) @Cloves Scottish bastard, I love you. @Trixx Honestly, I love you man. You and I had some great times in Doom's Unit. Sorry for being the most inactive XO pepega @conrad I love you, honestly. I have only known you for around 3 weeks, but you have become a great friend & someone fun to hang around with. @Matt-Matthos Matt, you are one of the nicest people I have ever met on the internet. Being both fun & calm in everything. I consider you a good friend, although we don't hang out that much. I really appreaciate you as a person & a friend. Good luck on the server, and get up there one day ! :) @Neptune I. Love. You. Good times boyo, remember no-lifing battlefront 2 pog. @Forseen Sorry to leave you like this :(, however I do wish you the best on the future with the server. I really hope you get to implement the things we talked about in DMs and help better that aspect of the server. o7 @Enzyme Stinky man. Thank you for the opportunity in the 501st and guiding me through a lot of stuff. You were right when u said it feels more like a chore nowadays, rather than a game ! @Marvel @Sanchez Thank both of you, even tho I got removed after 3-4 months, of the opportunity of becoming a HA. Standards have changed since then, however I liked you guys. Also Marvel you are literally a pepe frog clone like bruh @Dragon If you read this, you like men ! But fr tho, goodluck with the Gamemaster Team and fixing it :), totally didn't make your job harder. @Skore lol retard, love you. @Everyone else who I didn't tag: If I had a nice experience with you, I will probably miss you.
  3. I can 100% agree with you on this, thank you for the sort of feedback anyways
  4. I believe that if an individual is better they can always rise up the ranks in the battalion. From there forward their ideas, implementations and voice their concerns, like they should be already doing. You don't have to be a BCMD to be recognized or make bigger changes. I see it in this way right now: Even as BCMD you shouldn't make every decision on your own. I.E. Forseen always refers back to the battalion HC for decisions, Enzyme did so too. Making use of your assets within your group/unit/"gang" (/me throws up gang sign) can build up a way better structure. Now I can feel the question "What if they don't utilize their assets within a battalion enough?". In this case it would come down to the evaluation, when people are honest, it will be adressed as an issue and taken into account by the party doing the evaluations. My explanation might be a little rough at this time, but I hope to have adressed this possible concern if this was ever put up.
  5. Discussion thread. Just wanna hear what you guys have to say about this. Recommended you read it all before you reply to this. So, I originally come from a server that never utilized the "After x amount of time your term will expire, and you will have to re-apply to keep your position"-system. Instead when someone applied for the equivalent of a BCMD they kept that position, if accepted, untill they resigned or stepped down. With that coming a 60 day period in which, if accepted, you resign, you would be blacklisted to apply for x amount of time. Now I was wondering "Why does Synergy have a term limit? It limits maybe a great commander to a set amount of time." So I asked a certain individual who has been with the community for a while and got the following response: "Sparks the guy that was a founder here was Wolffe for like 10 months and was inactive for 3 months but the battalion loved him so much and when he wasn't on the actual server. The battalion would never report him for inactivity" & "and then when someone external put up a CMD report, they would mass dumb it and tell people that he's active". So with this in mind, I am wondering how we could maybe improve it, and possibly have a suggestion. However, I know it'd get mass dumbed as either: 1. The community is used to this and doesn't want change, or 2. The argument of someone creating like a dictatorship can be brought up. How would this work as a concept? Allright, so first of all, application process would be the same, the interview process would be the same (maybe change some questions lol, kinda of been the same for a while now), however change the term limit to "None". Now, yes, this could end up in someone being in a BCMD spot for over a year, but it also brings their innovative behaviour and what not continiously to the battalion. Something I have noticed, and you can see back in my Rex application as I am not an exception of this, is the constant change. Every BCMD has one or two things in applications put up their predecessor also changed. Having a fluid system that will be perfected and used for a longer times would be one thing coming with this change, rather than having changes every single term on the same system that was implemented last term. How would a BCMD be moved down? 1. They step down, or resign 2. Evalutaion system done by a third party member, and the battalion. 2.1 Evaluations would be hosted once per 45 days, by an external member of the party. 2. 2 Questions would be asked about performance for said BCMD. 2.3 Evaluations would be based on well... the questions answered by the WO-XO of the battalion. Gives HC something extra to do ? ^ Don't be toxic, genuine question. Spoke to one RCMD about it who said he wouldn't mind. You know who you are :)
  6. Overall: [4/4] - [Look over other sections] Story: [4/4] - [Well thought out with backstory and everything. Made a lot of sense putting everything together in IR, the Senate Commando story & the general flow] Execution: [4/4] - [It was very well done, however, if you had an SA+ with you it would've been even more amazing with cover, maybe smaller objectives etc.] Game Mechanics: [4/4] - [Don't have any complaints on this] If this was your first event, it was really nice. The only experience that ruined it for me were some players (clones) during this event, but that is not on you. I wrote this on the thought of just the event, not the players.
  7. A lot of people might not know the posibilities when putting a -1. This is not just a tool to redo props, but also create stuff like ragdolls w/o it being a ragdoll, if that makes sense to you. It's a really nice tool, prior to becoming SA the first time I made a lot of stuff with this in singleplayer, but due to to addon not being in the server it went to waste obviously. It brings way more posibilities for GMs in events that can be utilized if you're creative enough. +1
  8. Rohan

    A Better Jetpack

    -1. It drops in death, current one is fine enough.
  9. -1, makes absolutely 0 sense to have this bodygrouper in 501st. Just pushes it more into the direction of CF99 than 501st. Wqs discussed previously when you asked, with no Rex present, and got negative feedback in the officer channel.
  10. RP Name: TC XO Rohan Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:155676106 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 17 Timezone: CEST Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Been it before, wanna help out. Wanna build again, if I get upto SA. Wanna spend my last 2.5 months on the server being helpful with something. Wanna do events again at some point. Utilize powers to assist people who need it in the EU timezone. Utilize it for battalion. This is what most apps say, just more compact. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I like bananas. I like black label mixed with cola as a drink. I like pandas. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: HA - 3-4 months. How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: | TC XO Rohan has played for 2777:26:27.
  11. Honestly, they are ugly, but if you want this it is up to you lol. +1 Time to bully these pumpkin looking asses again
  12. Same as all of us, wasting it on star wars roleplay
  13. Name: Rohan RP Rank: Executive Officer Suggestion: Add these maps to the event server. Implementation: Add them ; gives more posibilities for GMs as the current map pool has been used, a lot. More freedom. With the first map, fork, you have a big usage for vehicles etc. as the skybox is bigger than Anaxes' map. Lore: N/A Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=326332456&searchtext= - gm_fork https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=815782148&searchtext= - gm_bigcity_improved https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1443096823&searchtext= - gm_goldencity_day https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1572373847&searchtext= - gm_boreas https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=104483504&searchtext= - gm_valley https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=122421739&searchtext= - gm_Floatingworlds_3_v2 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=169600867&searchtext= - gm_bigisland https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=186587611&searchtext= - gm_arid_valley_v1 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1265182706&searchtext= - rp_trainstationdistrict_v2
  14. +1, this is my favourite Star Wars Princess
  15. Wait, you are not leaving the server are you ? @Matt-Matthos
  16. @Scarecrow ; here's your answer. @Bananaberry @Dragon
  17. Ahem, Buzz died on Geonosis in Phase I. Here you have some nice video reference to that. Go to 1:58 ; quoting Cody "Buzz is dead" Needless to say, -1. Improcco barely adds anything & you have Green Company as of now. If I were you I'd fill both the EC & GC up first or have stable numbers in them, rather than getting a new unit.
  18. Name: Rohan RP Rank: Executive Officer Suggestion: Allow SA+ to set spawn on the event server. Implementation: So, in the GM program any SA+ can make events/deployments to entertain people. From the many events I have done myself, or participated in, it is always a hassle to do "Oogaboog type I in OOC for teleport" and with the tac insert respawn points. Enabling this command will reduce that, no need for TAC inserts on the ES and go way faster. The GM will always have to determain who he or she deploys to what map and where they want them to start. Usage examples - 104th gets deployed with the 21st. Continuation of storyline event ; 21st is on a prop built ship in last event and continue there while 104th has taken over a vehicle depot. This would allow the GM to set spawns for CCs in a secluded area while the 104th spawn near that vehicle depot, and the 21st on the ships. Lore: Nice ass. Workshop content if applicable: Requires development (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")
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