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KnightVR last won the day on November 23 2023

KnightVR had the most liked content!

About KnightVR

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  1. KnightVR

    Mando attack

    5/5/5 Had a good time. Something to do early morning.
  2. +1 Would be nice to see some brig rp with these staffs
  3. +1 this guys will change things for the better like he did as his Marshal Commander term. He also saved my family from a fire and saved 3 orphan baby’s. His got to get this position.
  4. I'm giving this a +1 but I like to see CG's image stay good within the server. If a person talks down on CG don't respond back nor cause drama. Deal with it responsibly by talking to CG High Command. If things get worse talk to a VA+ and make sure it gets handled. I love the server and CG, so I only wish for the best for new people leading the battalion after me.
  5. I don't want to have to come back again and straighten things out.
  6. +1 CG needs more staff members but this guy wants the server to be in a better place
  7. 5/4/5 Liked the event, pretty good even tho things didnt go as plan I really enjoyed it
  8. +1 Search and Destroy bomb site on Chancellor's office!
  9. provides more rp lets give it a shot +1
  10. Battalion: Coruscant Guard RP Name: Knight Date: 08/02/2023 Reason: My three terms have come to an end. A life that I need to pursue, which sucks, but that's how the world works. Goodbyes: My term as Fox was a rollercoaster with amazing and upsetting moments. Although we did have some ups and downs, I had an amazing time on Synergy with the amazing people in the community. Synergy wasn't great when I came back, but that's okay because I helped as much as I could to bring back that rp and fun time within the server. I can say that the server is doing more amazing now than ever with bringing back the population and making good ass events. There are people from the past and present that I want to thank today for making my time here on the server a great time. There are so many people to tag, but I don't think I can tag everyone in this post. So know anyone that I had a chat with on this server, you made a big difference in my life and are a great friend. Keep the server pushing on and make sure the new generation within the server has an amazing time. I tried my best to make CG great and respected on the server. If you still have issues with them today, please use the feedback CG form lol I want them to have a great time on this server without being too serious and having fun. @TwoBitWill do great after my term so support him as much as you can because he'll need it. Good luck, my friend, and if you need help, dm me, and ill do my best to give advice. I'll miss you all in CG, you guys were a big part of my life and a family throughout my time on the server. Thank you to all the Fox's that came back to assist me or gave me advice throughout my term you all were incredible! If you wish to talk, hang out, or just play other games, hmu I'll jump in :). Farewell, Goodbye, or until next time see you later gamers Memories:
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