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Medal of Honor
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Posts posted by ISNIFFPROPANE

  1. Ugh, agent, I fucking love you man. But the thing is, I feel like HA has taken over most of your time on synergy and you just don’t get on with us as much. I miss the days when you were sev my XO and you were suspended from staff and you didn’t give a care in the world about it. You spent all of your time with SOBDE runnin around the server doin shit with us, but I feel like it’s not the same anymore, and that you usually just get on to do staff stuff. You don’t really do that much with your delta boys, at least that’s what I hear from them all the time and I’ll take their word for it. Just pick up on activity or whatever and I might change it but for now I have to -1. Again I love you dude and this is nothing personal so please don’t take it like that. Also stop fuckin going in our channel when I’m sweating in cs before I bitch slap the fuck out you. 90% of the time were in kyrimorut is because were playing cs or we’re kissing each other so we’re probably too busy to help with tryouts or whatever you come in to ask for...

  2. The. Real. A'den. I do miss our a'den adventures, and our old days in 327th when you were my commander. You've been with 327th a lot recently, working really hard. I believe you would do really well, and be really successful in this spot, good luck brother! +1

  3. To be honest, I like didn't see you at all when Jayarr was Bly, other then your Jedi, and maybe promoting people like twice... . I still believe there needs to be some fresh blood in 327th, and if it's not jayarr, its gonna be someone else... Like I said on your last app, for "Where you want your battalion to be at the end of your term" you say,

    59 minutes ago, Rocksteady said:

    I aim to accomplish this by ensuring that the 327th gets a strong NCO base that can bring many new members in

    As well as 

    59 minutes ago, Rocksteady said:

    I also aim to have our combat tactics improved, far too often do we just mindlessly run into combat like fools, and get slaughtered as a result. I aim to improve this by having weekly training

    These are things that you don't have to be Bly for, and you could easily have been working on them during your time as a COL but you haven't. You don't need to be BCMD to host weekly training's, and I actually haven't seen you do a training in like 3 weeks... If you're gonna make promises for your term make them realistic at least.

    I'm gonna have to -1, sorry dude, it's nothing personal, your a good friend, I just want the best for the battalion...

  4. Ya glitching out a cell is a auto ban but he should of talked to you and at least tried to figure out if you did it on purpose lol, but if you look at it from the staff's side it looks fishy as fuck when you're just sitting there in a jail cell with the door open like "It was an accident" XDDD. But ya ill give you the benifit of the doubt and +1. But honestly this probs won't get accepted until after your ban is over...

  5. Ya... I +1'd at first because I thought Boutineer was power hungry because he got mad over reg but I could see  most people getting mad since every other yularen had reg powers. And honestly theres not much he could do to fix base ops like it's boring, it's for certain people and you can't fix what you can't fix. and then... then I saw this  

    13 hours ago, Dennis said:

    however i would be interested in the job but i am not a CPT yet to apply. 

    This is a yikes man lmao and like a ultra power play and for the reasons you put this up imma have to -1


  6. +1 Honestly just negative experiences so far when talking to you, and not to mention the things I heard about you getting mad over not having reg powers when people told you during the commander meeting just seems kind of power hungry to me. I feel like base ops hasn't really improved since the time you've been Yularen and it's still pretty dead, and I've also heard you made tryouts hard for some reason and I just don't really see how it's gonna make more people want to join...

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