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Medal of Honor
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Posts posted by ISNIFFPROPANE

  1. This has been stuck in my head for a while and it’s eating me from the inside out. If you know what the hell this demonic tune is, spam poke me in ts

    Na na, na na na na, hey hey ey, goodbye 

    Ive heard this somewhere but I don’t remember HELPPP

  2. RP Name: Sniff/Iri Camas

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:188628909

    VIP (Y/N): Yes

    Age: 15

    Timezone: EDT

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I've mainly been influenced by SOBDE Since i joined them and therefor I am around staff a lot. The staff in SOBDE set an example for me, and teach me that with staff there is a responsibility. I need to put the needs of others before my own when playing in the server. I've received my fare share of play time and enjoyment in the server and I think I've come to the point where I have to start helping others, and try to better the experience of other players in the server. I've done some dumb things in the passed, but I feel like I've matured a bit and learned that those aren't things that I should be doing. This is why I think I would be able to take on the responsibility of staff. I would definitely go towards the Game helper / Game master route, because i want to give the troopers and everyone else something to do when the server is at a low. I feel like there should always be something going on, and not as many down times where people are bored, not that that's whats happening, its just that I want to assists In keeping the events consistent.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm 15 abouta be 16, I live in Massachusetts, I go to a public high school which i'm a sophomore in. I love playing clone wars and I get on almost every day after school, so I feel like I'd be able to contribute a lot as staff. I'm not always busy or tied up while I'm playing so I'd be able to be pulled out any time to help with a situation, or assist in some sort of event.

    Do you have any previous staff experience? Not really, But i'm willing to learn everything about it.

    Waived by Jags

  3. 1 hour ago, traditional said:

    Reading this application, not gonna lie. It seriously looks as if there was no effort placed at all. Also, the application does seem to sound repetitive, maybe give some examples on how you are gonna resolve situations. When giving examples, find necessary sources to backup those sentences. A amazing source would be from the Server Rules. 

    Thank you for the feedback, it was hard for me to think of things to say.


    RP Name: Sniff 

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:188628909

    VIP (Y/N):  Yes

    Age: 15 

    Timezone: Eastern Time

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I'm Mark from MA. I would be honored to become and admin because I find my self in a lot of situation where it would be more convenient if i had admin powers, such as trials, or setting health during certain SIMS etc. I would also love to get admin because I want to help the Game masters with events, like spawning droids or helping to set up the event. I'm very active so I feel like as an admin I would be able to contribute a lot to the server through helping with tickets, events etc. Getting admin would mean a lot to me due to the fact that I spend a lot of time playing this game and I think being part of the staff team would improve my experience in the synergy server and I would try my hardest to help other people's experience be better, as well whether they are new or have been playing for a while. Thank you for reading my Application!! :)

    Do you have any previous staff experience? Just TR training 

    How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? 345 hours 

    Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: The only kind of experience i have is TR training... on clone wars

  5. RP Name/Steam Name: Sniff
    Steam ID:N/A
    Date of Ban: 3/25/2019
    Length of Ban: 4000 minutes
    Offense: LTAP of AOS | being disrespectful
    Banned By: Carvis
    Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: The reason I should be unbanned is because first of all i dont even know why i got aos'd in the first place. I got aos'd for calling someone a fag, when i get called worse by officers so that makes no sense, I got arrested 5 minutes before that for opening west gate when im a knight so i have all the permissions i need to do so, yet i still got arrested. For the second time i got aos'd i got off before they even called out the aos so i shouldnt of even got banned for LTAP. i feel like shock etc. love to abuse their power to arrest. They arrest you for whatever they want but they feel like they can do whatever they want without any punishment. Not only did i get banned but i got my jedi demoted from Knight initiate to a youngling, for what calling someone a fag. I shouldnt even of gotten banned in the first place because i hear way worse stuff in the game and also i got off before i the AOS was even called. I dont only want to get unbanned but i want my original ranks in the game back. Thank you for reading my appeal.


    Edit - sorry i put someone elses name for banned by i just copied the format from the last ban appeal someone did and forgot to change the name. And also I did disconnect before they called the AOS. It takes time to load out of the game as much as it takes time to load into the game, it wont just instantly say that i disconnected in chat.

    Editx2 - I now understand the reason as to why I got arrested the first time because i dont have permissions and such but im still not sure as to why i got arrested the second time and banned because I left before they called an AOS and also the AOS makes no sense do to the fact that i hear way worse stuff in game from higher ups. And you guys are right shock dont abuse their power i was just venting at the time and stuff that i didnt mean came out of my mouth.

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