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Medal of Honor
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Posts posted by ISNIFFPROPANE

  1. 10/10 Super fun deploying with 212th as always, solid event, finally got to do what we were meant to without getting cucked, I love the whole black ops/Campaign themed type event and it was just awesome over all.

  2. RP Name: Null-6 Lieutenant Kom'rk Skirata | Sniff

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:188628909

    VIP (Y/N):  Y

    Age: 16

    Timezone: EST

    What was your previous staff rank?: VA

    Are you currently staff on a server?:(SCP or TTT): No


    Why did you leave the staff, team?: I was really burned out because of the amount of retarded work I was doing for no reason


    Why do you want to rejoin the staff, team?: There's honestly been a lack of staff no offence to all the current staff that are actually working hard, but there just honestly hasn't been that much staff on the server, like I'll find myself in situations where i'm waiting like 20+ minutes, and it's a simple ticket or whatever. But anyways, I just want to get back into helping the community, by just taking a crap ton of simple tickets, so that people don't have to wait so long, to start tryout, trial etc.. Just in general I want to be taking tickets, especially since im on pretty late, I used to just go around and take tickets that pop up. But yeah, mostly just help out the server by doing staff work is why I want to rejoin. And this time around, i'm gonna be less worried about my rank, and not focus on that as much, and not be worried about what other people are doing, and just focus on myself, and make sure i'm doing a solid job.


    Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes

  3. +1

    Awesome Kal during my time in SOBDE and Null especially. Super active, dedicates 100% of his time to SOBDE and constantly striving to make it better. If we fuck up, we get PT. And honestly, i'm not complaining. It just shows how much he's paying attention to his squad, because he wants to make it the best, and he wants his squad to be respected and I know from first hand experience. Tino as SOBDE Reg could make a big difference for us all. I believe if he can change all of SOBDE like he changed Null, he can make our regiment more respected, and put idiots in their place. Tino could make a really good picture for all of us, and could make a difference rather than just sitting on his butt doing nothing like what happened with the history of SOBDE Reg. 

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