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Posts posted by ISNIFFPROPANE

  1. 46 minutes ago, Agent said:

    +1, This would give an evolution to EOD rp as well as make new methods of tactics on and off the battlefield. Although I'd recommend only certain people have them and are watched upon heavily as it might cause server issues for events and etc. BUT if this so happens to crash the server it should be removed.


  2. 1 hour ago, Pythin said:

    however I don’t agree he should get a damn jet pack

    I never put that in this suggestion lmao 

  3. I've changed the suggestion a bit, if anybody wants to take a second look... Again if you want me to change anything about the suggestion to make it less OP or anything I can do that just put it in your reply

  4. 5 minutes ago, SmallJeff said:

    -1 buy it it’s a perma weapon not something to be given out

    They Can make it different than perma weapons just like when they gave Darman a bowcaster and just named it "Darman's bowcaster" But they buffed the bowcaster when in this case im asking them to nerf it..

  5. We're gonna rethink this, and Our squad lead will come out with a more refined suggestion for all of delta squad as a whole                                                                 

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