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Medal of Honor
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Everything posted by ISNIFFPROPANE

  1. Oh yeah, I remember you from that TR training, your a really awesome dude, Good Luck! +1
  2. +1 Great Guy! I'm sure you'll do really well, Good luck!
  3. Jk that never happened i'm heterosexual
  4. But low key look at this dude's set up, it looks badass.
  5. The comment was more to be taken as, everyone just has to chill, and not cause so much drama in the server/community because we're all playing for one reason, to have fun. At least I hope. But sure, we all find and make really good friends on this server, I have myself. I just think people should look at things with a less anal attitude, and try to be a little more relaxed, like I said, it's just garry's mod.
  6. +1. We can press our own buttons now.
  7. I’ll be the dog im gonna shit all over yalls floor and call it a day
  8. I'm just saying, most of the 41st that -1'd him don't have an actual reason, it's just because they don't want to lose their ranks... they don't care about what's better for their battalion, they just want to keep their virtual rank, there's proof of this FYI. Regarding him being inactive, he has a full time job, thus making him unable to attend a lot of the meetings, and he still manages to be more active than most of the people in 41st. And I don't know where you got that egg is disrespectful, the guy can't even say cuss words let alone insult someone, so that just mind boggles me that people think he's disrespectful.
  9. My dad actually made hummus today
  10. What's your RP Name? Like in game name?
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